I thought about drawing a zipper. You'll notice those "staples" are all identical. Placing them closer to together, I could have made a zipper. This was far more efficient/lazy. Your story about it being a doll reminded me of the one I had to make in school when I was a kid. It had brown hair and the button eyes. Didn't even think of that until now. I must admit my mom did most of the work and I kept all the grades.
That sticker does sound out of place. When I was a kid, we were afraid of apples and would never eat them but I'd always make sure to keep the sticker. Those stickers on apples were "cool" when I was a kid.
This was the first Halloween both my kids are adults, on their own, did their own thing. That's what made this one special or different.
It has been awhile and I'm always happy to see you.
Sign of a good mom in my book. With all the kids that have parents that just don't care and help with nothing, I'm sure the teacher was happy to look the other way when she saw your project. I just recently started relinquishing any sort of control on projects. The kids are getting old enough to put something together that isn't total crap I guess. Ha. Maybe it is somewhat a pride thing for moms too - we can't send out kid among their peers with a poster board that looks like someone spilled orange juice on it...
Ah, years past, when people gave something out other than candy, even if you were scared to eat it. Now days its just gmo filled sugar and stickers not appropriate for children. Ha. That's cool you liked the apple stickers. Kids are funny like that - they will find joy in a gift. Kind of reminds me of the adult version of that, which in my case would be seeing a book has arrived in the mail, and I know what it is, but I get to open the package. The package is sort of exciting like that apple sticker.
How was Halloween without children? Fun or blah? My sister (whose kids take off on their own) gave away over a hundred hot dogs and a bunch of fireball shots as a kid-free Halloween in her front yard. And apparently it was great. That is another big change from when we were kids - nowadays a bunch of houses give adults alcohol. Maybe that's just an American thing, idk. Americans are finding ways to make it an adult holiday I guess. I had my first taste of Fireball (not at my sister's house - apparently Fireball is popular on Halloween night) and it was gross. Tasted like Robitussin. It was Robitussin flavored Jello in a little plastic cup which apparently you are supposed to drop into your mouth in one disgusting gob of congealed cough syrup, or otherwise hopelessly stab at it with your tongue, which feels almost as inappropriate to be doing in front of children as that sticker I found in my son's trick-or-treat candy. Frankly, Fireball Jello shots are a horrible invention. Anyway...
Nice to chat with you as well. That paragraph up there is massive and I'm compelled to condense it like any decent person would, but I'm not going to, because inappropriate stickers and cough syrup alcohol exists in this world, so clearly things are imperfect.
That fireball stuff. Tried it recently for the first (and last) time. It reminded me of those tiny red heart candies, cinnamon flavored thingamajigs. Next time I want that flavor I'll just go for those candies, since me and alcohol don't mix well. And if it's becoming popular to hand out tiny bottles at Halloween, I won't even need a costume. Would be cool if they handed out Keurig pods. Then maybe I could enjoy it again.
As for them growing up and moving on, it's just something you get used to. Blah isn't the right word. I'm sure they were out having fun, enjoying their lives. I didn't do anything special and I haven't been feeling well. Sat alone and tried to finish a scary Halloween mask/cartoon character in time but I guess that project will be late. I'll even show you but it's nowhere near being finished...
It can be discount decorations or whatever. Or perhaps I can repurpose it and slap on a Santa hat. Or maybe wait until next year so I don't ruin someones Christmas with imperfections.
And I'm fine with the rambles. Gives me a reason to ramble in return.
Alcohol and I do not mix also. I'm old. Apparently I've been old my entire life. Congrats, you are old now too. It really is a congratuations, because I sure as hell don't want to be a 20-year-old again. I just recently (at 37) started noticing some fine lines at the edges of my eyes. I thought people were closer to 50 before lines started setting in. Now I stare at everyone's skin and evaluate it. Apparently most of us around 40 do start to get something. And then you see the random 60-year-old with amazing skin. That will not be me. I'm going full crone by 65 I'm quite confident. You should too, whatever the male version of crone is. Crones have faces that are pieces of art. I'm talking wind-blown distant Mongolian mountain tribe wise woman (or man) heavy wrinkled face. It's going to be great.
Speaking of faces of art - you've got there forehead split-tail merman with a case of the creepy-crawlies in the bags under his eyes and the angry gnome faces in his cheekbones. That was my initial diagnosis - the guy needs a really heavy anti-creepy night creme to smooth that all out. But, I think really there is a strong ocean theme. I see a sea dragon on the edges of each cheek, blowing bubbles up toward the merman's domain. Some sea birds pointing their long beaks into the temples; and then there are the voluptuous mermaids in the bags kissing the backs of the dragons. Its kind of The Little Mermaid, only the adult version.
Those lines take some getting used to. I remember noticing them in the mirror the first time thinking, how did I not notice this? Don't even think about them now. They can go wild. It's all good.
I didn't even notice those angry gnome faces. The end result, if there is one, may or may not include them. The character on the forehead will be more pronounced. Still a lot of work to do on this one. That bumpy texture is taking awhile and there are still more layers of it to apply. Call it defective creme. Not sure what to do with the eyes yet. And yeah it was ocean or swamp kinda thing. Still plenty to do and that might be all we ever see of that one but, it's possible I might finish it, too.
I will keep an eye out for forehead merman ;)
Three months later, still not finished. lol
I feel you. I'm pretty sure I haven't finished much in the last three months either. Don't mind me, I think I will just use this free time to go to bed early and work on all that stuff tomorrow...