Growing up some relatives had a pool; I'd go there, rarely. Still remember the sign. "This is our family swimming ool. What's that you say? No P in pool? That's right! So let's keep it that way."
Congrats on the pad. Glowing ceiling things are awesome. I always liked those.
Yeah you know balloons and sunshine and smiles so BIG cheek muscles are tired of flexing. SO happy.
Super busy man, thanks for asking. We got ourselves a roof for the first time since like 2016. Exciting stuff. I mean, exhausting stuff.
Nice to see you. You know what I mean.
Got walls to go with that roof or you all still saving up?
Walls too, with all 14k patch jobs I did yesterday. Access doors, glowing things in the ceiling and stuff.
No ool (that's pool without P in it) though so thanks for sharing yours. "Cannon ball!"
Growing up some relatives had a pool; I'd go there, rarely. Still remember the sign. "This is our family swimming ool. What's that you say? No P in pool? That's right! So let's keep it that way."
Congrats on the pad. Glowing ceiling things are awesome. I always liked those.