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RE: Where Have My Thoughts Gone

in #life3 years ago

See, you're allowed to call it poetry. I think if I, as the writer, did such a thing, actual poets could come and blast me. To be 'safe', I just call it writing lol!

Actual singing makes me feel awkward. I'll do it when I'm under the influence of something though and people seem to have fun, so I dunno. They're probably just drunk too.

The leaders reflect the nation. We're on the same wavelength. I said something similar in a response here. Politics make it confusing though. If that 'leader' is on the 'wrong team', oftentimes people don't want to admit that's still a reflection. Those divisions are an illusion. It's still humanity at the end of the day.


Ah poets and their ego....

We are all one. In the end when we throw stones in others we also hurt ourselves. We like to put a nasty tag like " enemy", "politician", "leader" so we could have the reason to blame: it is them, not us. We still have a lot to learn.

We're all flawed but I like to keep some things in mind while navigating this world and people. For instance, "If you point one finger, don't forget about the three pointing back at yourself." Silly things like that are good to keep in mind.