
I'd fully support the idea of pushing the planet away. Genius. Not sure why nobody has done this yet?

I don't know either. But I suppose getting all the humans to gather in one spot near the equator would be hard enough. Convincing them all to jump up and down for a few days just doesn't seem like something we would do, even though that's probably the only way, when I think about it scientifically.

I mean why couldn't we just make a really long stick and use it to push ourselves away? Surely there are enough trees left for that.

That's a stupid idea. Have you ever seen what happens when you put a tree close to fire?

We'll have to use metal.

I'm an idiot. And to think I was literally just putting trees close to fire last night. Metal it is.

That's what I'm saying the whole time though. Metal. Those people go to those concerts. They jump up and down. This is fucking genius man. One big fucking concert to save the planet!

fuck you two here. It's possible if you want to eat CCP dick