This is what I start with. Nothing. Like everyone in this world, born naked. That's how it begins.
It's truly quite empowering to come out of nowhere and start with nothing though. Plus I've escaped death several times this week alone so I'm certain I know a little bit about life, from start to finish.

Life intimidates art?
A common occurrence in this world. Something I've had to learn all on my own with no way to prepare. Learning the hard way. All guidance, in the past. No maps. Can feel like it's impossible to go anywhere or get anything done.
I think I'll finish the job. I could easily leave it there and call it a day. It's too bright though. I'm certain the people using dark mode on their device want to censor me so hard right now. I can feel it. So I'll throw some black in there and see what happens.

Now we're inside of a room. It's an empty room. Quite similar to a blank canvas. Are we moving in or are we moving out?
You're standing in the doorway. I know because I can feel it. Maybe I'll hang something on the wall for you to look at.

But something doesn't feel right. Perhaps you're thoroughly enjoying something right now. Unfortunately, I'm not. Something's gotta give.

Much better.
Now that I have something to work with and I have a good song looping nonstop so I can focus on one thing and be inside one moment rather than experiencing many distractions that only want to destroy me from the inside, it's time to smash this work and turn all the problems on their head. Don't need any of this and can do better.

As you can see, something is disappearing. What could it be? My sanity or yours? And why?
Or maybe someone flipped the switch and this is that moment in between darkness and light we're all familiar with; when something that never truly goes away can no longer be seen until the next day.
The eyes need to adjust. Time to do some sculpting.

I don't like it.
Nothing is popping out. This is where I'd typically allow my eyes to play tricks on me. I simply stare at this mess I've made and wait. I can see someone on the right side. Not sure if they want to be seen just yet or if they'd prefer to be hiding the entire time.
Of course, your eyes might not see them so fear not. I can change things. You can't so please remain calm.

Now you can see them, I'm sure of it. I used pareidolia rather than my imagination. I saw what could be a face in a mess of nothingness that started out as something on a wall in room, and wanted you to meet them. That character created itself but they needed my help and now we all know one another. Isn't this fun.
Of course.
Nowhere close to being finished. There's still a lot of work to do. And after all these years, you're learning some of my techniques. The image creates itself. I'm only along for the ride. No need for control. Going with the flow.
Time for some more rearranging at random, with my own hand, since I can't see anything else worth looking at right now. There's no real method to this madness. The art just gets pushed around.

I stopped at, "Yo."
Maybe you don't see it, but I picked up on something in red. Can see, yo.
This word can be considered a greeting where I come from. It's origin dates all the way back to 1958 according to my sources.
Perhaps this is a clue. I wonder who's sending this message and why. Looking around more, and more. Still nobody, yet the one on the right seems to be looking at and possibly saying something, to someone.
Is that a smile on the left? Yes. A nose as well. A chin. Can you see them in the image above? Seems like someone else would now like to make an appearance.
Give me a minute or ten...

Whoever that is, they created themselves. Seems happy to be here. Maybe a little bit camera shy. Or the photographer was trigger happy and shot too soon, or too late, so our newest friend nearly escaped the photo opportunity.
Looking back, I can now see he was there the entire time. Perhaps that's why they called out.
Moving right along...
Now we're left with a big mess in the middle and I have no clue where this is going. Could be a disaster. Been at this for a few hours on and off, over the span of a few days. Starting to regret doing all this narrating. Normally I'd produce the art and leave out the process while everyone else is left wondering where I get these "ideas."
And yes, I'm aware of how unusual this approach is, yet it comes naturally to everyone. Simply stare at the clouds and wait. You'll eventually see someone or something that isn't really there. It's just a cloud and when you try to explain to others what you see, they don't always see it, and need guidance. If you could reach up and fine tune a few details, then it would become clear to your friend.
The "ideas" are nothing more than a gift from the natural world. An illusion, fully embraced, then converted into reality.
With that said, the show must go on, I suppose. I'll take care of the unfinished business and see what I come up with. BRB.

Took longer than expected.
Shifted everything around for quite some time. Picked up the airbrush, started narrowing things down. Eventually noticed that man standing there so thought it would be a good idea to give him the floor. Wanted to say, "Hello," or, "Goodbye."
Not really sure what he's doing or why he's doing it. Just one of those things, I guess. Started out as something on the wall, grew legs, and stood tall.
Suppose there's beauty to be found in all things, including a mess.
But I think I'll scrap this one.
Time to start over.

To be continued... ?

What a genius, the blank page is a very powerful animal. I hope you are doing well. I have no idea why you say this about escaping death several times this week...but I think we all do it constantly...or I don't know. It all depends on how you look at it
Something tells me that your creativity got the better of that whitish animal.
Something helps, yes.
Glad you are back!
I'm working on it, slowly.
Blood John Travolta dances whist Hitler watches in despair.
I laughed at this!
😀 i can't not see blood Travolta!
But Göring is loving it!
Wahahaha, he is!! 🤣
You know I like to read meanings to slightest craft I find. And yeah, I won't disappoint this time. So, as each image kept forming, I don't know if those faces at the opposite ends were intentional. The one at the right corner was wide eyed and sceptical. "Who is this anomaly and what does he think he's doing?" And the other had a cynical smile perched on his face, like waiting for Something's downfall. Either way, Something has evolved and so, we start again.
Pardon my silence. Don't have many words of my own today but really enjoy listening. I appreciate you taking time to add so much depth.
Oh, they are still there, on the very last image, though it can seem just like a white sheet... I still see the art ;)
Starting over - I guess we all have to do it, every morning when we open our eyes and connect with the reality. But this sounds much more serious
That is starting over at a higher level.
Completely agree with finding beauty in all things ;))
So much more than just another day.
you just described how I write stories.
Everything starts with a thought or "splot" and then it takes on a life of its own. I love that because I think the things that come out of just letting go and going with the flow tell the real story of what wants to be made.
I have a hard time with contests keeping to all the rules people set up, but I will use a prompt from one as a place to start, and I am always amazed by where the story takes me and the wandering it does to get to where it always wanted to to go.
I think if we let our brain take over and we do not try and push things where we believe they should be, we get a better ..... everything!!! Because then the real problems/solutions come out to be seen.
If you are always trying to control everything in your life...I find life a tad boring. But when you let yourself dream, you take yourself to places and ideas you would never have thought of. Some ideas you might try and make a reality, and others can just make you smile, but in the end, dreams give HOPE, and Hope is what life is all about.
Keep being YOU. Your take on Something really made me smile!!!! Plus, I had the extra benefit of seeing faces smiling at me when I needed it most!
Okay, I'm off to catch up on long overdue sleep.
"Great post," my friend! Great post!!
It can work really well with stories. Comes out of nowhere and builds. Often prompts can then be found within what you've written yourself after starting from scratch, when you go back to proofread. When I'd add humor or sarcasm, that's how I'd do it. Start serious, then pick yourself apart.
Enjoy your rest. And thanks again for the help.
The birthing pangs of your art seem much the same as the birthing pangs of my thoughts. That one tiny sliver of information that won't go away and then morphs and morphs into something. I like the performance art aspect and the opportunity to come along for ride.
The mind sure is good at creating something. Unless I'm trying to respond to a comment early in the morning after very little sleep. If that's the case, my mind just makes creaking noises along with a few pops, and this is what we end up with.
This post gives meaning to the phrase, "There's a method to the madness"
Out of curiosity, what was the song you had on loop? I've never used the technique of listening to only one song while writing or working on stuff like that, but I heard Stephen King mention that he does it to help with distractions too.
As the post says, this was created over the span of a few days. I recall two songs on repeat. This one and this one. The process there is selecting a youtube playlist, several songs I've not heard play, one hits me in the head the right way in that moment, so I put it on loop. Become far more focused. The predictable sounds replace the unpredictable thoughts/distractions. It's comforting.
I didn't know Stephen King did it as well.
Oh right, I thought you might have had one song that is the go-to one for getting creative and working on art.
I have a similar process to you man. When I want to get some writing done - mainly for fiction - I throw some stuff on that isn't too lyrical, as when it's just music I find it easier to focus on what I'm thinking about. I mainly go for techno, as it's just a repetitive beat that just lets my mind wonder a bit. It works for sci-fi and can help to paint a bit of a picture to get started.
Yeah, his process is; every day at 6 or 7 he heads to his office and puts on a pair of headphones of a song on loop, and then he just gets writing. I took a bit of a leaf out of his book, especially when he was talking about writing with no idea, and just going for it regardless. He is a beast.
I used to really enjoy writing fiction and humor as well which is by far the most challenging; often misconstrued. Creativity in general seems to place one in a vulnerable position, making it increasingly difficult to just go for it. Having something productive to drown out the noise, like music, becomes a necessity. Much better than self medicating with powerful and destructive substances, for instance.
Couldn't agree more there, I used to smoke weed - well hash - but gave it up a few years ago. I've stayed off it so long because I noticed that my productivitey went through the roof especially as far as writing goes. Also, in general it wasn't doing me any favours anymore.
Yeah, when writing, I always try to sprinkle some humour in. It's tough to appeal to everyone so there isn't much point in trying. I tend to do what I like, and that's about it and is probably the best way to stay motivated to create.
I think the attitude of, "I'm doing this for me, not you," is important for anyone who's creating stuff.
It is true that when a person is sitting alone and thinking, then a hundred things are going on in the mind, as we have seen that you have turned a blank page into a beautiful map and that is exactly how human beings are. He keeps thinking about his life to improve things, to work hard and achieve success, and within all these things his life goes on, and then before you know it, one day he leaves the world.
Oddly enough, I didn't intend to create something here with such heavy profound meaning. Yet people are coming along and finding this. So once again I'll just go with the flow.
I received your other message as well. Thank you for that share on Twitter.
Most welcome dear.
A white blank canva looks quite less scarly than when something looks to be disappearing. But wait, this world is vanity. We are born naked and after everything, we will return back to the dust
Once dust, hopefully then it's no longer considered to be a mess.
Definitely not going to be a mess I believe
Nothing worse than a scary white canvas.. or not... maybe its amazing to being able to start over and over again.
Refreshingly daunting.
It's really cool to see this process, the change that happens to the image and how what we thought was something becomes something else and what we thought wasn't there was, or will be know what I mean right?
It's a bit like life I guess, it's all inside us but we don't really know what it looks like, or what it will be until it is.
I hope this makes sense mate, and I hope you're well.
For the most part, I'd say you sound more confused saying that than I feel confused when reading that. So perhaps I do know what you mean, or maybe I don't.
I'm often confused, but don't mind, it helps me seek a little more, to delve into things, and I find that's where results come from...or more confusion and the process begins over.
Direct questions come in handy.
True...getting to the heart of the matter helps greatly, often the sooner the better.
That's it, that's how all artists start everything, sometimes they get what they want and sometimes they don't. We all see what they get. Pure art, man!
Like the ones in the art gallery I shared today. You don't have to see everything, you can imagine some things.
I visited your post. I used to produce a similar style but never was truly happy with my results, yet others still found a way.
I don't think some of these works have made the authors completely happy, but in the end they are not afraid to share them. Luckily at least we have a digital artist in Hive haha.
@nonameslefttouse, thank you for supporting the HiveBuzz project by voting for our witness.
Click on the badge to view your board.
Once again, thanks for your support!
When person two popped onto the left, I scrolled back up to see if he had been there all along.
I really liked seeing and "hearing" the narrative. I have no idea what you sound like in real life (if there is such a thing), but in my head, you have a particular voice.
Describe this voice. I'm curious.
Slow, methodical, intentional.
A few days ago I was attempting to write about these inner voices we all hear when reading the words of others (scrapped it). How my words become your voice, yet it doesn't sound like you, but is your own creation. Wondering how often people believe that creation is not their own. How often people get it wrong (not saying you're wrong or right in this instance). All while having a lot of experience witnessing things like jokes and sarcasm being taken seriously, as a pristine example of the confusion and problems our own inner voices can create for ourselves and others.
Your response was slow, methodical, and intentional. 😀
How can I be wrong? I made it, it is mine, I know your voice like the back of my hand - until that pesky thing "reality" gets in the way.
A couple days ago I wrote the title and I am in the midst now, though it had nothing to do with voices. It is about how people put themselves into a piece, by taking out slices of it they connect with.
If I only it carried through to the bedroom.
Maybe I'll read it.
And thanks for that laugh.
I did the same and was quite surprised to see it was. I didn't notice until it smiled.
Sharing on Twitter.
Shhhhhhh............. You never saw this :D
:) Hello
How are you doing?
I am down to about one doctor visit with Mom a things are looking up for me having a life soon LOLL but not holding my breath!
I'm alive. "How am I doing," is a difficult question to answer honestly. But I am alive and living. Came back here to try and find things to care about, and it's working.
THIS made my day!!! Thank you for that!!!