@NoNamesLeftToUse: Genius or Insanity?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Walking the tightrope. A fine line. Stay in the middle.

A fall will end time.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Genius or Insanity.jpeg
Genius or Insanity

It Was 1992

I was twelve years old.

I came home from school and there it was.

My first real computer, all setup and ready to rock. Dad said he spent all day trying to get it to turn on and boot up Windows 3.1. I'm sure he was stressed out. I wasn't though. I knew exactly what to do. The first application I opened was MS Paint.

I made a few black lines, then I noticed I could change colors. After that, it was one big guessing game. What does this button do? Oh, okay, that's the eraser, neat. Then I wanted to print. Of course I was told, "Don't waste paper!"

Mom was right and dad had a better option anyway. He taught me how to save files and from there, not only was I becoming a digital artist but I was also learning how to actually operate Windows. That was a big step for a twelve year old in the early 90's, especially when we consider the fact that so many people today still don't know the basics when it comes to operating a PC. That's a story for another day though. I just felt like adding in a zinger.

Steady Improvement

By the time Windows 95 came onto the scene, I considered myself to be an MS Paint Expert. I knew there were people out there who could do a better job but it didn't matter to me because I was still proud of my work.

I have two vivid memories of a map I made of my farm and an image of Bart Simpson spray painting 'El Barto' on a wall. Unfortunately, those will remain memories. That computer died and I made sure to finish the job when I became interested in building computers. I pulled out all the wires and removed parts just to see what would happen if I did it. I broke it. Live and learn.

My focus eventually shifted. Sitting around on my butt in front of a computer producing images that will, as my junior high art teacher so elegantly stated, never get me anywhere, wasn't exactly the coolest thing for a teenager in the 90's to be doing.

Many years passed. I'd still mess around from time to time and enjoy a few quiet hours producing art, but I kept that to myself. In 2013 I picked up the hobby again after downloading a free art program. Even my two daughters were excited because they didn't even know their dad was an artist.

A woman who will no longer speak to me like an adult was, at first, my biggest fan. A true motivator. The first one to actually tell me my stuff was beyond just being good. I'd tell her, my kids, and everyone else, I'm going to be an artist. The world will see my work. It's not just a basement hobby anymore. This is real. This is what I want to do.

Of course, they all thought I was crazy. Just a dreamer.

Hi there!

Hello North America. Hello South America. Hello Europe. Hello Africa. Hello Asia. G'day Austrailia.

So, here I am, making waves.

Genius or Insanity. That's an interesting work of art up there. To the untrained eye, maybe you'll see two heads with two different, odd-looking beings standing in front of their faces. Ho-hum. How bland.

Some might be afraid of what they see. Only an insane man would make something like that! Run! Run for your lives!

Then, once you turn the image upside down and realize it's the same damn picture when flipped...

You might want to start running a little faster!

Have a nice day!

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Run to the hills, run for your lives! He's kuh-razy!"

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


Wow, not sure how you're going to take this, but I'm still stuck on the fact that you're under 40 (I thought you were a good decade, maybe 2, older!)

How exciting to still have your life, or the second, third, fourth act -however many you like and need - still ahead of you. Also, while I'm stuck on Time, surprised you've been creating art, in earnest, for only 5 years.

It takes a lifetime to find one's voice/style as an artist (yes, I know you started at 12 - your encounter sounded like love at first sight, or an epiphany, but still...)

Anyhow, I ramble, and diverge. I'll leave you with an apt quote that I'm quite fond of (since I think in quotes, and tend to drop one or two when speaking to you). This is by Baudelaire - a great, troubled, troubling poet:

"You have to be always drunk. That’s all there is to it—it’s the only way. So as not to feel the horrible burden of time that breaks your back and bends you to the earth, you have to be continually drunk.

But on what? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But be drunk."

Sweet dreams, @nonameslefttouse

You're turning into one of the most interesting people I've ever met. I'll give you that one.

I'm sure you can tell the title and theme here today was loosely based on a recent conversation we had. I thought I'd have some fun with it.

I've always been the creative type, but I spent too much time focusing on attempting to live a normal life, like everyone else. I'd still daydream though. I was taking in creativity in the form of entertainment, and not getting anything out it in return. I can't remember even one of the meme's I saw on Facebook today. Not one. If I went there to look again, it would be an entirely new set. I just thought it would be a good time to start being interesting. I can remember my post from yesterday, so that's a good start.

Maybe I do seem older than I am. That's fine. Speaking of being drunk... it was only few years ago a woman at the beer store asked me for ID.

Yeah, recognized title and smiled to see it 🤓

There’s a magic to timing, speaking up when you’re ready. Up until that moment all is research and apprenticeship... I’ve come to feel the same way about so-called ‘writer’s block’. I neither fight, nor question those arid periods, but view them as vital - when the soul is being readied for fresh utterance.

Good to hear you forget, easily. There’s wisdom, there, to always be beginning... ✨🧞‍♂️💫

That writer's block stuff... that's like calling an apple and wondering why it's not showing up. How can someone get an idea if the only thing they think about is getting an idea...

Forget about the idea you want and go for a walk. ... then run home before it's too late.

I'm the opposite. I always think he is in his early 20s- but he is 37!!

Haha, maybe our friend is like a Rorschach test & we project onto him our inner age — which makes me Ancient & you just outta your teens 🤣 @sandrina.life

not even old, "ancient"! :D @yahialababidi come on, you must be in your late 20s

Oh wow. It's so great being on Steemit in these early days. It's like the beginning of computers all over again. Everyone's a nerd here. Someday that will change, but not today. We must enjoy it while we can.

I, too, remember my first experience with MS Paint. We had just had a new computer delivered with Windows 95 on it and it was the first program the salesman opened up to show us. I was going absolutely crazy with all the tools. The spray-paint tool was always my favourite... but I used everything. I worked on my "painting" for hours on end. Painting over it multiple times. I always saved it as the same file: "mymasterpiece.bmp". It was never the same, and I never saved old versions or anything like that. It was always changing.

A not-so-favourite relative of mine once looked over my shoulder as I saved the image and made fun of me, saying I should have called it "my mess."

I'll never forget that. It hurt. Even though I know now it really sucked, at that age I really was trying my best. Maybe that was the day I became a future developer instead of a future artist? I don't know. I'll never know. Probably not-- I've dabbled in digital art since and never quite acquired any real talent. To some degree I think it's something you just have to have inside you waiting to get out.

I see you've been playing with symmetry again.... Bravo. I just love your artwork, man. Thank you for continuing to manipulate pixels for us.

Manipulating pixels. I don't think I've been bored a day in my life since I came here. This story here might shed a bit of light on how I end up handling those negative comments, over time. You damn right a few simple words can change the course of someones life. I don't feel like a cocky prick for taking a shot at that so-called teacher. Not one bit. Give me a chance to prove myself, I'll do it. Why not? What else is there to do? They were probably just having a bad day.... one of many. I try to avoid those. I don't always succeed at that either. Oh well. Hey look! I'm rambling.

I just hope you're succeeding today, @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself.

I'm having a pretty good day today, mostly. One of my posts got noticed by someone important or something. I took a few hours off Steemit to do the life thing for a while, and came back to find a crap ton of upvotes on my post. It's a pretty good feeling. I wish more people would comment, though. Oh well. I shouldn't complain.

Ramble on, my friend. Life is more interesting with your words in it.

Looks like you got picked up by Curie. They work together and look for up and coming talent in the form of minnows. They'll give you nice little boost if they like what they see. I like what they do. They found me too, when I started. It's encouraging. You deserve it and I certainly can't be the only one to keep upvoting your work. I noticed majority of what you earned in the form of votes has come from me so far, up until this point. I got a chuckle out of that. You're not the only minnow I've been supporting like that. Feels good to help, so yeah, I'm succeeding today.

Sure, I'm wondering where everyone is. Noticing my votes and views are quite low today. Oh well. There's always tomorrow. I thought a did a good job here and still do. Success x2.

that well). I had this feeling when I pressed the Post button like I'd created something worth something.Yeah, I've done a bit of looking around since and figured out what @curie is. I am glad you think I deserve it. That means a lot; thank you. I do, too-- I don't really want to sound entitled, but I was really hoping that post would do well (obviously didn't realise it would be

Yes, you spend entirely too much of your voting power on me. I really appreciate your support, not only with your upvotes, but you are one of a couple people who kinda got me started here, and my majority upvoter by far. I still remember your monster upvote after I made my first comment on your blog after meeting you in chat-- that made my night. I don't know if you realise how cool that was of you.

By the way, are you ever coming back to chat?

I actually spread my voting power around a lot. These comments, I rarely use more than 10% power. My goal in the comment section is to always give out more than my self vote on the post. I usually beat it, by far. I also enjoy maximizing curation rewards for those who actually come here and vote on my post. It's a bonus I feel everyone deserves, especially those who feel like voting is pointless since they think they don't get much. Of course, people must earn it. I don't like voting for those who are clearly here to compliment me because they think there's money in it. I tend to see through right through that. I just avoid voting on a comment or two and quickly notice how they don't return with their nice fancy words.

Rambling.... rambling in chat isn't really my thing but I do enjoy making rare appearances. It just gets annoying when people are being negative and complaining about how everything is "so unfair."

Reminds me of a new employee who after a week is already asking for a raise and threatening to quit. Blah!

Those swirly pictures just keep getting swirlyer.

Only the swirliest for you, my friend. Did you zoom in and have a closer look? I hope many people did. I went out all out on the details again. I looked around the internet and I'm not seeing anything else out there like this. I may have invented something. I'm enjoying rambling on this post. The hidden genius reveals itself when you google NoNamesLeftToUse and see what's near the top.

Hmm ok, I'll zoom in..

My god! The hidden genius is revealed!

Oh. Thanks for looking. Thanks for taking a shit on my art too. That was a funny little joke you played. The other day someone came along and started Micheal Boltoning my blog. Today, these bastards are Spongebobbing my blog. What's next? Bill Fucking Cosby? You worked hard. I have purchased you a coffee with that vote. Be careful. Don't burn yourself.

That title reminded me so much of Nikola Tesla, who was actually born near to where I live.

He has to be considered for one of the smartest people ever, and from what I heard about him is that he was cuckoo for a little bit.

I think that lots of the things he was doing repeatedly (OCD), and didn't ever want to have sexual intercourse or any kind of similar relationship with women.

He said something like that women are a distraction to him, so he chose not to have any relationship.

I didn't know that about Tesla. I thought he was only slightly crazy!

That's actually not so important.

The most important thing is that he was one of the most important people that ever lived on this planet, and I believe that living on this planet would've been a lot better if people listened to him more.

For example, he wanted to provide free electricity for the whole world, but some people saw only money in it.

I'm familiar with his story. I'm a fan of his accomplishments. He could be called an outsider engineer, easily. Much like I'm what's known as an outsider artist. I can say, in many ways, I can feel his pain. There are people out there who can only be big by attempting to make someone like me feel small. It's all in their heads though. Maybe Tesla went crazy because he was too busy demanding respect from people who don't know how to offer it.

Indeed a nice story. I got my first computer given to me as a gift from an old girlfriend in 2004. It was a large oversized heavy paper weight of a desktop PC. Since then I've had two laptops. But I'm unwilling to give up my love affair with the mouse. It feels wonderful in my hand and I feel so in control. What the hell did we do before computers. I miss the old girlfriend but at least she open my eyes to the Computer World.

Right now, as I write this, I'm using an old PC to set my coffee on. It was the old box that ran the surveillance cameras in a retail store. It was given to me for free because it did not work.... I took it home, got it running, watched some old video of shoplifters and people picking their asses... wiped it clean and used it for parts. I still have my old gaming rig from 2005 kicking around here somewhere too. If I wasn't so busy, I'm sure I could have it running again like new. When I built that, my ex's mom called me a moron and said I should just be like a normal person and buy one. So much kindness in this world! LOL

@ nonameslefttouse Your write up on your early beginnings of learning computer in 1992 is quite captivating. You're not just a painter but also a good story teller.

As for your painting, it is not insanity but genius. Let's face it, even if some think it's insanity, they need be told that in every work of genius there must be some form of insanity, otherwise it cannot be a product of a genius. If you dig deep you'll discover that there's pleasure in being mad which none but mad men know.

Well done, ma bro.

I teeter back and forth. I take useful things from the crazy side when I sway that way, and grab a few good things from the smart side when I bounce back. Then I put it all together, I guess... and just end up reading comments like yours. Thanks for that!

Afterall you became an amazing humorist, story writer, artist.
Your story as a kid reminded me this animated film. I don’t expect you to watch, but....

I'm thirty seconds into this video and already convinced it's one of the trippiest things I've ever seen. Thanks! For everything!

The kind of Insanity genius this cat admires –meow.

Falling in time I do that a lot. I really don’t know why people are so scared of doing so. Sometimes I get off that tight rope and have me a good time.

As far as this wonderful masterpiece. That depend which way you are holding the painting if you see genius or insanity. I like what you did there.
I had a computer when I was 5 or 6 I want to say. Sadly my memories are long gone of such a wonderful time.

Have a wonderful weekend. Please don’t turn into an ice cube over the weekend! You are like 1/3 of all the Canadians I know on this site!

See what I did there... huh. LOL Man... this was fun to put together. I had no idea it would turn into this story while I was producing the art though. Just going with the flow. And don't worry, this river won't freeze. I'll stay cool but I won't get cold. Have a good weekend!

Sounds like some of my poetry. I just rewrite till something sticks. Then I look and say “DAM” now I know what to title it! Before that its just a sloppy mess of meaning less words. I don't know how it turns out the way they do sometimes.

I'm just thankful something did lol

I had a very different experience. I had my first computer only at 24 years old. I grew up with the idea - rooted by my dad - that everything that was technology would kill creativity and that I should develop feelings towards nature and connection toward the energies around me.
It sounds hippy, isn't it? It is just a infinite love for the world.

I have a deep respect for the world and nature. My favorite place to sit is outside, somewhere. I spent more time outside than indoors, as a child. One of my favorite things to do now is hop on my dirtbike, find a trail or dirt road, go as fast as I want, get a rush, stop, shut everything off, and just sit. That breeze hits you on hot day, the leaves on the trees feel it too, you can see it... and feel it yourself. In that moment you notice how everything is connected. It's all touching. With this digital art stuff, I'm still connected. My brain is electrified. It's still energy. We just can't see it, until I produce an image. Then it's there. That was deep.

That was a genuine and felt reply. Thank you for that. Do you believe me if I tell you I feel that energy and I am so excited every time you share your stories and images come up? (ok, not all the times). I am so glad I connect on an upper level with a gang of intelligent individual here on steemit.

Vibes. I believe you(but not all the time...ha!). I get what you mean. There are some people who show up here and we end up connecting somehow right off the bat. I also sense those other vibes. Some people show up and seem friendly on the surface but something doesn't feel right. There are plenty of names for it but I just call it going with my gut. Sometimes the people feed you good energy and other times what they feed you only makes you want to puke. I'm also glad that, for the most part, people here aren't making me sick.

Haha, I don't know what to comment on first, MS Paint, which I freaking loved, but never got any good at, or the fact that Yahial thought you were in your fifties or sixties, I mean whattt???? LOL, is he kidding, because I've definitely heard the opposite, that people thought you were in your twenties hee.
Hm, how old is he then, I'm guessing very, super young. Like I am very, super buzzed right now, woot!

Well, woman who used to support you didn't know shit about the bad times and the hard times part of sticking with someone I'm guessing. Lucky for me I always got that, hence my awesome husband (who was, um difficult too, haha) and many of my friends... ;)

Remember that story I told you about the one that sent me a text out of the blue after I gave up looking? Yeah.. that's the one. HA! Oh well...

And yeah, I know people have a hard time figuring me out. I don't mind! It's fun watching people treat me as if I'm still young and dumb. I just smile. They probably want me to act my age! LOL!

Indeed I remember. I have been drinking pretty hard so i'm seriously tempted to get mushy, but I will resist, instead-- Did you say Act my age? LOL- I will not apologize, my daughter subjected me to all of their songs, but i happen to really like this one:

Oh wow, that was so weird, I read "That song sounds like chanting" while I was listening to Shakira:

To which I found myself nodding in wholehearted agreement, and then realized...oh shit, that song looks fun, Fuck Youth!

Maybe it's genius and insanity? Two sides of the same coin. A spitting image of itself. Most days, I feel simultaneously stable and crazy, but over the years I've learned to just embrace it and accept that life is weird. The meds help, too.

Anyway — congrats on pursuing your dreams, and for dreaming in the first place. That's really the only way to make waves.

It's a balancing act. Both sides must be embraced in order to reach full potential. Much like how someone can't be happy without the existence of sadness. How would you know you are happy if you didn't have something to compare it to? Everything is necessary and plays a crucial role. If you're hiding a part of yourself so that others only see what you think they want to see, you will become invisible.

You speak truth. I spent many years of my life being invisible. That is in the past, though.

Hello, old friend.

I think that, had I owned a computer at age 12, I would own the world by now... ;)

Meanwhile, you may be interested to know that I've had several successful (and safe) exchanges of Steem recently... :D Modest in size, and remote. The experiment is beginning to work. ;)



I'm happy to hear that's working out for you. At first, I thought you were going insane. I noticed how you're keeping your guard up. Smart man!

It's been working quite nicely thus far... not that I expect perfection always.

However, it has also been stimulating new ideas as to how to facilitate this, and so I've been spawning off spinoff articles... ;)

I've just been busy trying to find ways to get my stuff to the top of Google... Today, If you google NoNamesLeftToUse, this article is right near the top. Mission complete!

Congrats! :D

I'm writing this while I run as fast as I can.
All people are insane, they just try to hide it. You should be fine :d

Don't worry, you're not that insane. All people are crazy fucks.
At least you're not trying to hide it, haha))

Awesome, I can relate to a lot of that. I was 12 in 1992, I was into the Internet - and even BBS's before the internet. Making "art" with keyboard symbols lol This part too"A woman who will no longer speak to me like an adult was, at first, my biggest fan. " - at least we had no kids, so now that the divorce is done, no reason to speak to each other at all anymore... Thanks to art for being a way to get myself into a place where nothing else matters but the moment and the creation in front of me. Thanks for sharing your vibes.

The woman I mentioned there is not the mother of my kids. Just some chick... I didn't work on anything creative while with the mother of my kids. Not a thing. I don't think that one would have been much of a fan anyway. Oh well!

Thanks to art for being a way to get myself into a place where nothing else matters but the moment and the creation in front of me.

So much better than staring at a tv thats constantly feeding the brain with mind numbing nonsense. This digital art stuff makes screen time worthwhile and it does make me feel good. As for those vibes... You're welcome.

Since I started to paint in 2011, I've mostly cut TV out of my life, except for a few shows I can tune in and out of that I like, like American Pickers and Pawn Stars. And I have to admit I'm hooked on Curse of Oak Island on History channel lol

Advertisements ruin it for me. I need to be immersed in order to enjoy. No distractions. Those shows aren't bad. They're not going to find that treasure though, dude. As soon as they do, the show is over. I'm certain if they find something, they'll go bury it another hole and then go look for that hole for another season. I know how this entertainment business works... LOL!

I actually read the same Reader's Digest article about the MOney Pit that they did when I was a kid, my grandparents had a bunch of old Reader's Digests at the cottage when I was a kid and on rainy days with no TV and no Nintendo up there, I read them lol When I heard they were doing a show about it, I knew I;d be hooked before the first episode even aired lol My guess is they'll find SOMETHING, shows all end eventually right? lol

I dunno. The Simpsons is still going. I think? Saturday Night Live, still on. I'm not sure how long they can drag out the Oak Island thing. It's not much of a curse though. There's no way they're not making money. Show biz! Gotta love it.

What a ride and i must say that it was a gradually transition.
How i learnt to use the computer is, My dad brought in a (old) IBM 286 XT that the company he worked for at the time was replacing.

I learned by “playing” with it.
I was about 10 or 11 at the time i think.
It was our first computer, and computers weren`t a thing at school either, so non of us knew anything about it.
i learned about DOS from the included book.
Wrote a whole bunch of batch files.
Started messing around again with an old BASIC machine (Atari)

from then on, computers always intrested me,..
80386 -> Dos 4.2 with Windows 3.11
P1 166Mhz 32MB RAM -> Windows 95
P2 466Mhz 64Mb -> Windows 98, Windows 2000, Linux
And so on and so forth.
Nice one and i enjoyed it

I remember DOS. I still use an emulator version of it to play a few old games. cd..

I learned BASIC on an atari as well. That computer wasn't something I'd consider to be a real computer though. It was a gaming console, with a few added features. Ahead of it's time though!

Have you ever converted your godly paint skills to Photoshop? One would say it would be a correct move.

Well... I don't see the point. I'm not a graphic designer, I'm a digital artist. Just so you know, I'm not using MS paint to produce these images. This is some high quality software. I think one of the main reasons I avoid Photoshop is because that's what so many others are using. I see the similarities in their work and I like mine to be different.

I assumed so. Though I'd be more impressed if those images were from Paint! Have a great day, bud. Your blogs always light me up

You have a great day as well. Thanks for stopping in. I should be able to have time to start doing my rounds here shortly. Hopefully I'll be able to stop in at your place. You do a good job as well.

Glad to hear 🤘🏼

Boy, does that bring back memories!! I started in dos and remember the jump to windows, It was a whole new world!

I found a program, mandelbrot magic. I'd let it run at night to create designs I'd adapt to beadwork.

Thanks for the memories!!

It was my pleasure. Thanks for stopping in!

It sounds like that picture is a palindrome. I remember working with Windows 3.1 and loving Ms paint as well. I was never very good with paint but I'm much better with Photoshop...... or I should say with gimp which is free.

I think we've all got that woman that won't speak to us like an adult anymore. Not to mention quite a few that won't speak to us at all.

I've yet to take the plunge and try Photoshop or even Gimp for that matter. It took me long enough to learn what I'm using now. I'm still learning. Still quite a few features I haven't tried. I don't like things to be overly automated though. Can't stand those push button filters. It bugs me when people push a button on a photograph and call it a painting. That's not true digital art. I better shush before I start ranting.

As for those ladies, whatever. I got a good chuckle out of that comment. LOL!

Yay for image palindromes? XD Ahh I remember Windows 3.1 and MS Paint (and being frustrated with it as I'm a bit obsessive about smooth gradients and I wasn't smart enough to figure out how to do that with MS Paint at the time).


I just Googled image palindromes. Saw nothing out there like what I'm doing. Faaaantastic! And yeah, MS Paint was good for it's time. Not so much anymore. People still enjoy it though. That pixelated look is a style of it's own. I can appreciate it.