It's Just Some Art I Produced and Maybe a Few Words

in #life7 years ago

To my friends, fans and followers:

Yesterday I attempted to sneeze in the face of this nasty cold I have.

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Nasty Cold.jpeg
The Nasty Cold

The Nasty Cold Didn't Like That

Now it's trying to be even more evil.

So, Nasty Cold, you think you can defeat me, huh?

You think you can just waltz into my nose like some old man fart and attempt to destroy all that is @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself!

I shit in your face this time!

You like that!


Does that feel good! You son of bitch! Get out of my face! Now!

Side Note

No, I haven't lost my mind.

I'm just extremely bored. I have a few things on my mind. I don't have the energy to go for a walk or, anything. I'm just sitting here, then I fall asleep, then I have strange dreams and wake up. Then, I sit here wondering why I had to wake up when the brain movie was just starting to get good.

I'm going to make a solid attempt to do some curating soon. I hope to be able to respond to a few comments I missed. Just know, I'm reading them and many of them have put a smile on my face. So what if my smile is covered in snot. I realize you didn't need to hear that part. Maybe these bugs are starting to chew on my brain after all. Little fricking zombie cold bugs from hell. Hungry little bastards.


I thought that was funny.

That's why I'm laughing right now. I didn't even take any pills today.

I'm still laughing. Why? I don't know...

Awesome post, right?

Have a nice day!

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I apologize if those words and the art sucked today. I'm trying."

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


Welcome to the club of bored people.
I was so bored that I got dressed as Queen of Dragons.
With my magic power I will fix all the snot.

I've voted you to the top just so people can see what a snot fixer looks like.
Thanks for the laugh!

Thanks, dear, call me the snot fixer, from now on.

Snot Fixer.jpeg

You're welcome!


She's a good sport... she won't kill me. LOL

'das some nosety shi'.
Honestly, this is my favorite artwork of yours so far! It's so detailed and filled with an intense expression of tiredness, despair and a sense of "when will this end?".
Great stuff man. Awesome post indeed. And get well soon!
Catch you later

You read image like a book. I'm impressed with this comment. I shouldn't be sitting here, but I am... and now I forgot what I was going to say.

Nooo I need those praises coming! How could you forget.
Haha thanks man, it depends on the art that I'm looking at - whether or not it's bringing out the same emotions in me that it itself is trying to portray. :D

Your art today appears to have jaundice. And maybe demonic possession. Now I'm reading about jaundice on Wikipedia. Bilirubin is fun to say. It's odd that bilirubin doesn't get spell checked on Steemit but "Steemit" and "cryptocurrency" do... Hope you're feeling better soon. I'm around 60% voting power now. I'm looking forward to getting back to being a bit more active on here, although I've been keeping up with a few people who create some pretty sick content (Sick content? See what I did there?)

I totally see what you did there. ...but yeah, this character needed to look sick and disturbed. Maybe his nickname can be Billy Rubin. As for activity here.. I'm surprised my eyes can see. I think I'm addicted to this thing. I doze off every few minutes, then wake up... and it's still fucking Wednesday...

Well you should try taking some random pills to see what happens. Taking random pills is what humanity is for.

Maybe I should. I could be one of those test dummies. Maybe it pays good?

today you really look very bad dear friend @nonameslefttouse
Another great work, very creative

LoL... thanks!

You made me remember a nightmare two nights ago. When I visited a church with abandoned and abandoned architecture I was filled with courage to enter and it turns out that there were graves inside, later a man pursued me and could not leave that place and finally wake up. Although I was scared I wanted to continue dreaming I felt like the protagonist of a horror movie.

I had one where I was trending on Steemit... then I woke up, checked my posts, went back to sleep... it was just a dream.

jajaja esa locura, el sueño es el máximo

hahaha that madness, dream is the maximum

Lol, that's what I was saying last night when I commented. Every time I take cold meds they actually make me feel worse the next day. You know those little buggers you are talking about are actually yours...they aren't invaders. Cold and flu viruses aren't what cause the side effects of having colds and flu, they are the cause which your immune system attacks, it's your immune system attacking that causes the side effects. I read that recently and was surprised to find that it's actually your bodies immune response that is usually the leading cause of death. The flu may have started it but the overwhelming immune response some have in fighting it is what actually causes death.

"Much of the systemic symptoms that any of us have with influenza -- the fever, the aches and pains, the sense of exhaustion -- all of those are part of (our body's) response to the virus," said Schaffner. The symptoms we experience are an inflammatory response to the immune system "soldiers" that our body sends to fight any pathogen, he said.

I don't if that'd be the same as saying one was hit with "friendly fire" but I'd imagine it comes close.

At least my little warriors still feel like fighting. ...I think I'll be passing out now though...eventually.

Evidently, you get some rest, see you on the rebound.

Pretty hilarious with today nasty cold @nonameslefttouse.
Today your feeling very bad cold. Omg......Crazy feelings indeed nasty artwork. Take pills today and get lough more. Nice thoughts.

Keep taking the meds, you'll be sane again in no time.....maybe!

I am rooting for you @nonameslefttouse that you the author will kick as and win the snot wars.

Like your fighting with the cold freezed inside you....the image you put looks like a MRI scans report .....
It is sometimes better to yourself some lone time....if you try to find it with some good perception , you will feel the energy of the lone time you give yourself....

That picture is priceless, I can see the sickness and congestion pouring off it in waves ;)
Zombie bugs, now why haven't they come out with that horror flick yet? Bugs lumbering towards you intent on eating you, yikes.

Because I haven't written it yet. ...and I honestly thought, because I'm in a mood, because of this illness, and a few other things, that people would say my art was shit today... LOL

God no, the opposite of shit. It tells a story, and makes me feel it's pain. It's awesome.

I'm already a fan of how you write..
With every post, I'm becoming more and more fascinated with your art.
I don't know why, but this one is the best for me

I often write in character just to make things a little more interesting. Today, I didn't really have the energy to do anything creative with my writing... so that's just me being a dork, trying to have fun.

As for the art, thanks for enjoying it. I never know if people will like what I do ahead of time. I just share it anyway though, nothing to lose. A lot of people seem to like this one, so that's cool. Thanks again.

That’s definitely a good sign that you didn’t have to take any pills today. I have already forgotten how it is to be sick, but I do remember I was bored as hell. You certainly killed some time creating this amazing art of”The nasty cold” with some funny writing.
Get better soon!

I slowly worked on this thing throughout the night while I couldn't sleep well. Now I'm fighting to stay awake...

Great and funny post of yours. This art is very nice too. Next time you can write about the other side, the healthy life side of yours, of course if you ever get well. You know, I mean that’s what I’m doing right now, drinking in each hand with Budweiser to keep my diet in balance at the bar with friend, watching strippers, taking on roller coaster..., just enjoy your life and not being bored and laying in bed, sitting on the couch, then laying in bed and sitting....

If I had a choice right now, I'd be outside, on skates, shooting a puck around.

I really like the art today. It looks so alive. Thank you!

Sometimes I enjoy being sick in a weird sort of way. I have those weird sick dreams, and everything just feels like it has a.... difference... to it, that I can't quite describe. Like someone changed the wallpaper in my brain. I'm half asleep most of the time, so I think of things that don't make any sense but they do at the time, and it's a sort of enjoyable groggy sort of feeling.

Is that fucked up? Am I.... sick in the head?

You're welcome. I made it from scratch, used the mirror tool because that's just how you do it in digital art.. and yeah, done deal. Thank you for enjoying it.

Nah, you're not sick in the head. I'm experiencing an altered sense of reality as I type this. Just going with the flow. I was getting bored of regular me anyway.

Nah! The Nasty cold can't defeat you this time, you've to get over it.
@NoNamesLeftTUse, The Writer/Artist himself, pls get well soon as there are still lots to be done.
Keep being funny, keep being you

Thank you for the encouragement. I'll bounce back soon enough...

My Pleasure! Really excited you're...because you don't belong there

They say talking to yourself is first sign you went batshit crazy. Perhaps it’s too late. You are already talking to a cat. No it’s not those herbs you enjoyed doing that.

I also don’t know how to tell you this. But umm there a demon on your face. You look like your looking up at it but I don’t think you actually see it. I think your just doing this strange human thing of looking at the sky. Which is just strange because that’s just an illusion.

Psst. I’m glad you enjoyed the vodka I can see it clear as day in your eyes. Get well soon!

Meow meow meow meow meow? Meow, meow meow meow meow, meow meow meow.

I think the man in that painting needs to have his liver functions tested.

That's probably true. Looking a little bit hepped up.

Were they the laughing pills or medicine from the cold, lol? :D
Hey it's a forehead angel, that guards you from evil flu, nice one :d

Laughing pills would kill me right now. That damn forehead angel called in sick too.

That's one of your best (from the ones I have seen), mate ;)

And I hope I am included in the "friends" category!

I'm surprised. Maybe it's because I'm not feeling well, but I didn't think people would enjoy this freaky looking mess of a face. Thanks for the encouragement and yeah dude, I consider you a friend.

Join the Club!

There's a club? Does this mean I finally get to eat one of those sandwiches?

Nasty Cold looks really nasty!!!!

I agree. Certainly wouldn't want to meet up with that in a back alley somewhere. Not even in a front alley or a side alley. No alleys. ... what am I rambling about now...

I wouldn't want to meet in any alley with Nasty Cold, you shouldnt either. A crazy thought came by my mind, what if Nasty cold would meet up with the Two Faced Cat Lady, your neighbor hahaha!

They'd make a lovely couple! LOL

Lol lol totally true!

I'm going to make a solid attempt to do some curating soon. I hope to be able to respond to a few comments I missed. Just know, I'm reading them and many of them have put a smile on my face. So what if my smile is covered in snot. I realize you didn't need to hear that part.

No, I didn't...

I'll know better for next time. The snot got worse and it's really flowing now, but I'll keep that to myself. I think I did in an entire box of tissues... wow! So much snot. It's everywhere, but you're right. Nobody needs to know that. You hear that faucet dripping? Yeah, that's not water.




Wow, what a Nasty Cold you have...

Is that before or after you sneezed in it's face? And how did it look after you defecated in its face?

That's before and after, because I did it more than once. ...and dammit. Just pretend I had the energy to produce a quick version of that image with crap all over it, then shared it here with this comment; because that's what I would have done if I was feeling normal.

I swear your painting is a portrait of me with a head cold. Are you my long lost twin? Get well soon because being sick sucks.

I'd say that's a splitting image of a head cold. I don't think I have a twin but they say if you're one in a million, there's still about 7000 others out there just like you. As for getting better, things got worse, so yeah, getting better should be next.

Have some chocolate to feel better. I know you can't taste it, but they are heart-shaped, the power of love will heal you... or just give more sugar to the zombie germs to feed on!

I tried to eat them, I really did. First, I found it difficult to get hand my through this strange force field thing. I mean, I can see them, they're right there, I can reach them, I try, but my hand hits something and stops. So I tried licking my screen. All that did was make a mess and now the chocolates are blurry and they don't look too appetizing. I scrolled down a bit. They look good again, but I'm all out of ideas. They say, it's the thought that counts, but for some reason, I can't even think. Quite the dilemma. I'll be okay though. Tomorrow is a new day. Thank you.

Yes, Scarlett! Tomorrow is another day!

Just rest and let the drugs do their job :) are funny...just saying where you are right now! That image is really potent---I can feel the torture. That same gunk seems to be going around. No thanks. I'll just enjoy your art!

Just blogging about being a sick blogger. Just one of those days...
Thanks for stopping in today to bear witness to this mess of mine... LOL

Nothing like a an ooey gooey post. Happy to witness it from afar. Your art tells it all!

About two weeks ago, I put all the art I worked on over the two previous months together and published this post. Less rambling, more art. Have a look if you have a moment. Might see something you like.

That was freakin' AWESOME! What a post!! What a collection of art!!! What a master compilation of works @nonamesleftouse! oooOoooOoOOoOOoOOOOOO--loved it! Thanks for inviting me over to your place--it was well worth the visit.

I love your blog bro, don't get sick. Or I'll be sad :((

Thanks. I should have a new post, eventually. I'm already sick, it got worse, but it should be going away soon. I'll survive, don't worry.. LOL

I loved the art and at the same time the way to describe it, what is that you are talking about, that is on your nose?

Pretty hilarious.. Try taking your drugs though.

Such skillful and outstanding digital art works. Amazing talent used for creating those works. Totally wanna be awesome.

Amazing designing arts.
More attractive figures, looking live reaction.
Deeply meaningful once.

very nice artwork my friend @nonameslefttouse

your artwork is amazing, I really like it. actually i also play a genre like you, if you are not busy you can comment on my blog.

Nice work @nonameslefttouse

A creepy artwork, I like it and it almost looks like there is a person between the eyes. Very interesting work.

You have earned my up vote :)
you are talented

Thanks! ...but was this massive billboard necessary? LOL! I feel like I won something...

Edit: Oh no! You upvoted yourself to the top.... that's unfortunate! I have to remove my vote now. ...and to think... you would have earned more had you not upvoted your own comment....
Better luck next time!

hahahah well probably not but hey your art deserves billboards :)

Just so you know, I added some valuable information to my comment after you read it.

haha that's what happens then you are on the comments tab and thought you up voting the post lol :)

So, I checked your comments. You self voted your comment here, as well as your comment on another post before this and the comment after. Honesty goes a long way with me my friend. I won't forget what you said here today. Have a good one!

Might I just ask from an artist to another. If I like an artwork such as this one you made and up vote my comment so you can see my comment among-st all the other and the coin I made for people who's art I appreciate myself. Why is that a bad thing ?

wonderful funny Art , this is really beautiful.

Really like it! Looks interesting! <3

Great post with awesome art @nonameslefttouse. The art explains it all mehn.

So I take it the extra pills from the other day didn't work?