No, that's not a clickbait title. No more Hive posts for me. After this, I'm done.
It's been one hell of a ride. I'll miss the easy money, endless views, and the constant swarm of incoming messages that seem to agree with all things said when one writes Hive posts. I'll miss everything, especially appearing to be impressively intelligent in front of all the noobs that don't really know any better and look up to me like I'm some kind of a god.

It's time.
Time to let go. Time to free myself and begin a new life of never writing about this goddamn platform ever again.
Majority of my content mainly revolves around my own personal take on life, my creative ways, rambles that seem to go on for days, and my own highly recognizable but mostly underground style of outsider art that won't be worth full value or be appreciated until I'm dead and gone (which is all part of the plan).
However, mixed in with all that were the moments I actually cared about something other than myself.
If I write one more post talking about the lack of consumers on this platform, the benefits of having them around, or the missed opportunities...
You must shoot me in the head right there on the spot.
So what if staking tokens in order to support your favorite content or personality is the best deal in the history of arts, entertainment, and information distribution. It's been established content creators with large followings outside of Hive are not interested in creating solid, consistent, sustainable, and decentralized revenue streams for themselves and consumer base.
Who cares if having an actual audience for all this content leads to things like organic link shares on social media that help content spread or go "viral" and also double as free advertising for the platform without even having to mention or explain Hive.
And so what if billions of people already hit like buttons and leave comments for free while this platform pays a little bit here and there for that exact same behavior, rewarding the people rather than providing them with only a device addiction and unsettling mood swings brought on by algorithms designed to think they know what's best for everyone.
Seriously, I can take a hint. There's no point in onboarding consumers. Content is designed to generate income, not be viewed by actual people, and especially if you're in the alternative news business, since that industry doesn't require views.
I've studied the behavioral patterns for years, I get it, and I'll shut up now.
I'm a slow learner anyway. It took me almost seven years to finally realize why every product on this chain is specifically designed to annoy and confuse the average human.
It's because I was only meant to perform in front of patient geniuses.
I think every artist should force people to jump through a million flaming hoops before they can reach the stage to say hello. All street buskers should have a forcefield around them and every time someone tries to throw a dollar down, it gets zapped!
Then only intelligent people who can do fancy tricks and solve puzzles get to pay and enjoy the show.
I'm shocked we discovered this business model before the big corporate mainstream hustlers figured it out. I'm even considering making people go through a maze as part of their job interviews now.
Make it out alive, you're hired!
Get lost on your way to my desk, that's your problem!
Fucking with people and testing their ability to deal with mountains of bullshit before having to deal with the actual bullshit like getting one of those games to work or figuring out why hundreds of people are drawing pictures of lions nonstop, is genius. It's a tolerance building exercise.
Then they're in, smiling ear to ear, happy to be burned by some random shitcoin airdrop promotion that seemed legit while hoping the next time ain't as bad as the first three.
No shortage of hardened professionals.
These days, everyone in crypto - from influencers and grifters to famous billionaires and even our bona fide, trusted superiors in government - is doing their best to fuck people over, creating the individuals ready and willing to put up with our shit here on Hive.
Never a better time in history to put seventeen locks on the door and let these people fight to figure stuff out on their own.
New Hive slogan: "We hope you know what you're doing!"
Unfortunately for you and me, clearly I'm not the best at promoting this blockchain and should be nowhere near the welcoming committee or any post talking about the benefits of this platform.
I'm just an artist/entertainer and people like me are only good at selling out things like theaters and stadiums. Sure, the word platform is synonymous with stage and this might be one of the most viewed posts of the day but like everyone else here, I firmly believe investors and developers along with all those fancy words they use will be the driving force behind bringing in the next generation of bullshit handlers ready and willing to take on all the challenges web3 has to deliberately offer in order to be uniquely annoying in this space.
I'm just being sarcastic, offering up a bit of a satirical take on life again because I can be that way. Nothing I wrote is worth taking too seriously and I'm roasting myself as well since I'm the one getting all the dirty looks now.
This is a challenging space to operate in but I have nearly seven years of experience. It's been good to me. I made it good for me since it's not really up to anyone else.
Could be better.
General public thinks crypto is junk.
They think NFT is a scam. In some ways I'm happy I never got involved in that scene. Always had a gut feeling it would somehow lead to tarnishing my brand, yet I'm confident if I did take the plunge on this platform and for this particular market, I wouldn't be labelled as some kind of scummy sellout scammer since this crowd is a little more educated and experienced.
Still, I'm uncomfortable putting a price on my work and potentially selling myself short just to have a chance at some archaic measure of success. For me, simply putting it on display, allowing people to support it voluntarily at no cost, all while sharing the revenue my work generates with the actual people willing to support it, as I do, is far more up my alley. It's the exact opposite of becoming a sellout, but I don't expect anyone else in arts and entertainment or even those smart people in news and information to be able to catch on. If I contribute to blazing a trail that only grows back in, so be it.
I'll be fine and continue to demonstrate but I feel like now is the time to shut up about it, keep it to myself, and see if anyone else catches on naturally. In my view, after pounding the pavement for so long, that's the only way it'll ever make sense to anyone else. Trying to show people and explain with evidence has been one of the most draining experiences of my life.
Established content creators and artists are approached constantly by crypto enthusiasts knocking on their inboxes offering the next great opportunity.
People need to know that shit goes straight to the spam folder now. If you only know crypto and nothing about the business those people are in, you should not be approaching them with your big ideas, since you are now viewed no differently than a door-to-door vacuum dealer or telemarketer.
Crypto in general seems like it has a difficult road ahead, but that's par for the course to someone involved for nearly a decade. The shady fucks who act in ways that eventually ruin things for everyone will never be out of the equation. Same with the suckers consistently falling for bunk and getting burned, since there's a new one of those born every minute. Then, when it comes time to place blame and point a finger, they always forget about the three fingers that point back at themselves.
And sure, the value of the local tokens here fluctuate, but as a content creator and artist using Hive the way I do, I haven't felt the ripples caused by any of the crypto shit storms over the years. All the chaos in crypto and general disgust has not impacted me personally or my own brand. The shop is still lit up, art in the windows, stage remains and the mic is still on.
I feel confident, but I truly do hate writing posts about Hive, and yes I'm aware having a positive outlook or showing signs of success only generates more haters, but that's something I seem to be good at collecting anyway, so why stop now.
Working in a decentralized environment is tough and it becomes even more difficult when one must juggle multiple roles. Hard to focus on my own brand when I have a vested interest in everything else as well, rooting for its success as a whole.
I've actually witnessed the inherent challenges break people (though they'll typically conclude it's everyone else who's broken).
Moving on.
I do find it fascinating I can work at my artist and writing gig, then convert that into a vote that could potentially lead to paying a developer to do their job, which in turn helps me succeed at my job, at no cost to my personal business.
Nearly seven years ago when I started this "web3" shit, I had no way of knowing something like that could even exist. It's a big deal but I think in general, most people wouldn't see how. Or they'll think it's straight up bullshit with a catch.
I'm fine with it.
Spent a lot of years studying this space, learning to adjust on the fly, making calculated decisions and errors.
Never been easy but I feel like I have a firm handle on what's important to me. Plenty of products on chain only confuse me as well but that's their business, so they'll do it their way, which is fine and how it should be. Many can't seem to figure me out either so I guess it's only fair.
Decentralized. We're in charge of ourselves, and that's it.
If you can't manage yourself well, you'll have a hard time here. It's as simple as that.
Moving forward, the plan is to focus on my own thing and roll with the punches. Been thinking about my life a lot lately. Been thinking about retiring for good. Been thinking about vanishing forever.
The main source of my frustration is seeing what I consider wasted potential here, and then discussing how the vital role of the consumer is generally ignored. Some people even seem to reject the word “consumer” as if it were an insult, when in fact it is not a label but an action that every human online has in common. One cannot avoid consuming content while being on the internet.
The experience has been like trying to explain the color red to the blind.
For the benefit of myself and those around me in life, it's time for me to stop giving a fuck and just do my own thing rather than coming here, finding something that alienates me like how the world views crypto every time shit hits the fan, then burning out and going poof.
New Hive slogan: "You either get it, or you don't. Who cares. It doesn't matter. Good luck."
Moving forward, no more posts about Hive. It's a waste of my potential and I have far more to offer by focusing on my own work. Plus thinking about this platform too much only makes my left eyelid start twitching uncontrollably.
Oh, and before I forget, if you don't like reading, here's some new art:

Have a nice day.

As long as we get posts about everything but Hive, I'm fine with this decision. I've been saying it for years as well, the content creation side of Hive is full of creators with no consumers, and we fail time and time again to bring in consumers. Maybe we don't care, maybe we don't know how, or maybe we don't want to, but it's a fact, Hive needs 99% content consumers and a great 1% creating amazing content, not the other way around.
I hope we still see you from time to time on Threads, which by the way, have Twitter sign up in two clicks and 15 seconds, so that might solve the flaming hoops issue. Or it might not because only Leo promotes this option, and it
mightwill never be promote by others.Either way, I think it's a smart decision to not write about Hive, it can be mentally draining, been there.
I really want to get back to my roots, experimenting with whatever fucked up shit comes to mind. Entertaining and working the crowd when possible. I've had so much fun doing that. For that to work for me, I need consumers. Don't want to be posting into the void just to collect. That is a boring life.
And your numbers are accurate. I've exhausted myself both on platform and off attempting to bring that shift to light, hoping people see, because beyond that, what else can I do?
Prove it works, I guess...
It's been bothering me for a while on what's missing on Hive, and you've hit the nail in the head. People push out content, very often low or even shit content because it pays. But there is little or no reward for consuming it. Many can't be bothered to engage and that's a sad fact of life on Hive
Content can become quite lackluster when it's only being pushed out to collect rewards. People find themselves in a comfort zone. Even with thousands more dedicated consumers, there would still be dull content receiving very little to no engagement, while the good stuff would see far better results, which in turn has the effect of taking people out of the comfort zones, since the visible signs of a massive and active viewership lurking about would be motivating.
This is gonna sound worse than it is but it's official, I'm retired from consuming your Hive posts.
It's been a pleasure doing business with you, fellow wordsmith.
No more hive post but it means you post anything else except hive. Yes sometimes thinking about single thing is much frustrating
Enjoy your life , we respect your busy days ❣️
LOL yes. You get it. Even when there's a problem now, it's a relief not taking it as seriously.
I get it because this situation happening to me as well sometimes but it's better to do anything else and not thinking much about what give us stress
That's exactly what I needed.
Do it and stay happy 🥰
Working on it.
I will always love you
Thanks man! This isn't awkward at all!
It’s only awkward if you make it awkward
This should help alleviate any awkwardness some may be experiencing:
These guys were one of the first concerts I went to. It was a blast.
See. This was meant to be.
moment... I like this post far better than his by the way, because apparently I'm one of those cocksuckers or fangirls or whatever other demeaning thing he said - it wasn't that memorable.Hahaha well, I ended up here via @intrepidthinker who was having a bit of a
I am ok with you not posting about Hive and the system. One of your most enjoyable posts I've read was about you writing about how your post was literally about nothing. It worked at the time and appealed to my very dark, dry sense of humour.
Onward and upword, even if we have no consumers.
"Build it and they will come" apparently they didn't get the memo
Yeah, I've thought and posted about the same issue of having too many creators and not enough readers, or 'consumers' for anyone willing to use that dirty word haha
As far as I'm concerned, we should just wait patiently and keep things ticking over here, and then when the hype trains start, we spread across the internet, and snag some people. Maybe there should be a command centre where everyone can sign up and organise, like some tactical assault.
One thing I thought of in the past too, is we should try to mimic Reddit a bit; so many people go to Reddit and just read, I know a lot of people who don't post, but have certain subreddits they lurk in. I think we need communities catered to anonymous confessions, or Am I The Asshole, kind of stuff. I think having a place we could anonymously drop stories or whatever would be entertaining. It works for Reddit so why not try it here?
There have been attempts to create anonymous posts. They'll publish the key, anyone can use it, nobody knows who's using it. Spammers pick it up and start spamming, or people use it to harass others. It gets shut down since it's just being abused.
After all these years I'm concluded people should do whatever they want. Focus on their own stuff. No point in saying what the platform should be for everyone, since not everyone will agree, and it's decentralized.
I do know it's fact majority users on any site are mainly consumers. That's why you see one video on Youtube with 1 million views. That's one million consumers. Majority of people on twitter do have large followings. You'll often see them liking tweets and leaving comments. And it just goes on like that.
Everyone coming here thinks they need to stand on the stage in order to earn. That's a myth. Consumers earn as well.
Yeah, I had that feeling when I first joined, I didn't really know what to post about, and heard people saying to find a niche, but I wasn't too sure what mine would ever be, so just got on with it. It was about 4 months into being here that I started writing fiction, and since then that has been my main focus, it's the first time sharing stuff publicly and the feedback I've received in the last year and a half has been amazing and I feel like I've come a long way in my writing.
I've also gotten to meet some really cool people on here, I've never really been a big social media person, I have an Instagram, but rarely post on it. I like it here though, and to be fair, whether it becomes this big mainstream thing, or stays semi-underground, I'll still be here.
"Find a niche" was hard for me, and as time passed I think I just made my own. I see things differently than most here and do things my way. Not everyone likes it but that doesn't matter. It's for the people who do. My most recent post was fiction. This one wasn't. Before this post I did some rhymes that built up to be character development for some art. But I'm not the artist that puts their work in a gallery. It's all comic/cartoony stuff. My own style. Underground as fuck and I kind of like that.
The art looks like Groucho Marx turning into the Shaggy Dog :)
Hopefully you won't... I think Dreemport is doing a good thing with encouraging people to actually consume, and I also have a feeling that's just the beginning.
I can see Threads helping, once the spam stops...
As for not writing about Hive, it will be good to see more of your artwork, and I'm glad you won't be stressing yourself :)
Groucho Marx turning into the Shaggy Dog... lol that's an interesting one and that's not something that makes sense to me. I had to google to see what you're talking about. Yeah okay, I see it!
I don't plan to vanish forever. Simply placing way more focus on my own work and just going with the flow. Avoiding local issues that just turn out to be distractions in the end. If I say the word "consumers" one more time, my head will explode.
That's the only way you can hope to grow as an artist (and keep your sanity). Back when my forum team was fairly large and we gave newcomers a chance, it fell to me to sort things if people didn't agree. Sometimes I just wanted to disappear too 🤣 Of course I didn't and am glad, but if I wasn't in charge of it I would have!
I'm always outspoken when something is directly interfering with me or what's mine. One of those it's a gift and a curse deals.
Early on when I started I borrowed elements from wrestling and invented The Writer/Artist Himself. Meant to be performance art of course, and the plan was to stay in character the whole time. Unfortunately attempting that while maintaining my sanity was next to impossible LOL!
Not to mention pretty much impossible if you want to have a serious conversation???
Which wrestlers are your favorites?
That's what killed it was the fact I needed to be myself. I'll still write in that character though, for fun. I created a few over the years. One was called This Man, which again was borrowed elements from wrestling. That Guy was This Man's arch nemesis. I'm laughing just thinking about it.
And I don't really have favorite wrestlers these days. Thought Hogan and Sting were cool growing up. Enjoyed CM Punk for a while there but haven't watched much wrestling this past decade at all really.
Hogan and Sting were great - Hogan leading the nWo was just awesome :) ... Remember when they kept making bigger entrances each Monday, and the crowd legitimately hated them for being heels?
Maybe we need an efed on here...
C'est la vie, no? Or at least nihilism ho!
"Join HIVE, create content, get paid!" What could go wrong? A while back I tried to draw attention to the fact that we'd basically set ourselves up a content creator circlejerk, got exactly nowhere. Seems you've been bashing your head up against the same wall. For as much of a consumer culture as we have, nobody seems to want to be the consumer on here, which I find a bit curious.
Why 'rather than coming here'? Just come here and do that. It's a lot more fun once you turn the volume down.
Longform is dead, long live longform!
It is strange, dude. Can sit back and be paid to enjoy the things you like. Can support the things you like, which also pays you! Yet somehow the coolest feature of the platform doesn't seem to click.
But I'm over it.
And imagine telling someone like Joe Rogan longform is dead and he should be doing shorts...
It's so silly.
People can do whatever the fuck they want.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
Maybe we just showed up to the party a bit early. My brother, who works in tech and knows far more about computers than I at this point, was trying to sign up for hive last week and texted me asking why it was so complicated. If that was his impression of signing up, I suspect the bar for entry may still be a bit too high for your passive consumer types.
I don't know about Joe Rogan (I have consumed a grand total of zero podcasts) but that just seems like an invitation to do it anyway.
Amen. Also, people will do whatever the fuck they want, for better or worse. Usually worse. As long as you don't get personally invested in it too much it's usually pretty good entertainment though.
And I've heard stories from people I know personally saying signing up wasn't hard at all. Been a long time since I tried so not sure wth is going on there. Several different ways. Perhaps some are better than others. Anomadsoul brought up LEO's Twitter option which sounds easy. Unfortunately I don't use Twitter so I can't test it or even suggest it because I have no clue about what's involved.
Does need to be easy for people. Same with topping up their accounts with funds, but much of that is beyond our control. Many hoops to go through. Ideally, millions of consumers all with penny votes would make this one of the most thriving platforms on the net, in so many ways.
Me talking about it isn't helping me though. I like to be able to accomplish things. Far more reward in that and I'm not just talking about money.
And I tend to think most people are good, even in the worst neighborhoods. That's why the bad ones stand out so much.
I created an alt account a couple years back with ecency and it was quite easy but thought my familiarity with the platform probably made me a poor judge. My brother sent me a list of options but I didn't even recognize half of them, and quite a few were charging for an account.
Yeah, we can talk until we're blue in the face and it won't change a damn thing. I've still not settled on what it is I'm trying to accomplish on here but I know what you mean.
I was more alluding to the consequences of people's actions than people themselves. People are good, mostly, but we do an incredible amount of bad with the best of intentions.
Somewhere I knew that, when I started reading, there would be a great punchline near the end!
And then some art to finish it off.
It kind of resonates with my recent thoughts and struggles, maybe 7 years on this platform creates that as a side effect. Maybe it is best not to publish on this platform about this platform. But just do what you do best and prefer to do. Then at least, when you get to near the finishline, we're all bound to reach one day, you know you did what you wanted to do.
Never got that WEB3 as a marketing thing myself though. But that's probably because I'm a grumpy man, stuck somewhere in the 80s, when music still was an art form.
Give me your quintessential 80s-music-as-an-artform track and I'll take a listen. I'm partial to Everybody Wants To Rule The World every once in a while, loud as fuck. Curious to hear something else though. My first thought was to share a Venetian Snares track with you and say 'here's music as an artform not from the 80s!' But, that individual's work isn't everyone's cup of tea... lol
A song that defines the 80s music as art is, for a grumpy man like me, "Alive and Kicking" by the Simple Minds. Though I do appreciate music made by Tears for fears also. And many others from that era.
Did look up Venetian Snares, it is something else alright, and very unique artisticly. Can imagine this is dance until you trip.
One might wonder though if not any kind of music is to be considered art. 🤔
Most of the shit leading up to wanting to comment about the platform is often a distraction. Get more time to focus on my own stuff by avoiding those circuses as well. After nearly seven years dude, it's all noise at this point.
And this is just how the internet is for me. Doesn't need a fancy name like web3. Just another site with its own set of features. It was "different" seven years ago. Now it's just normal.
Most of it would be a distraction from what your real artistic drive is, I guess. Though it could be inspiring, like expressing the anger and frustration it might trigger. Like a (digital) painter throwing paint at the canvas. Picking up dirt from the ground and smearing it all over. Call it 'the Hive circus'. The result playing the Aaaaaargh opening of a RAMMSTEIN song in the mind of the observer.
The seven years cycle, from the chaotic noise pattern a new piece of art emerges. Cheers to another 7 years!
Plenty of inspiration littered around. Won't turn my back on it.
Cheers to seven more!!!!!!!
You will thank me later :D
Thanks! Great song to start the weekend with! 😎
I am happy you liked it!!
Happy Weekend!!
Absolutely like it, the 70s music rocks!
Have a great weekend!
One doesn't need much more of an invitation. Lol.
I took that from a comment you made in the comment thread of this post.
So...Nope it's not selfish, it's required. You is all you have, you can't be no man, you have to be you man. You know? It's not selfish to want (need) to focus on one's self, to find it inside oneself to care for oneself because if you don't...well, you know...what's the point. You're important, to you and others so selfcare is required and if anyone judges you as selfish because of it I say, they need shooting in the head.
I knew I could count on you to offer a few shots!
Some do view that as selfish though. Especially when they're digging deep to find ways to hate you and break you down. Get back on top of my game and that'll be happening a lot more dude. It's like one of those fucked up unwritten rules that hitched a ride when I was born. I build me, they try to break me. Doesn't usually work though. Just fires me up more. So fuck it. Hand me a match. Time to light this fire.
I'm reliable like that, always happy to provide some well-placed firepower.
I know man, people really are fucked I guess, people like to tear others down, take advantage or some warped sense of enjoyment. Fucken bonkers. I'll say this though, if you don't look out for yourself, you'll be in no shape to look out for others and besides, you're important, to you, others also I'm assuming.
Nah man, set that fire, take a stand for yourself, because of yourself, and don't feel guilty or selfish.
People are fucked, dude. Got sick of being fucked with. Then you go assert yourself and that somehow makes you the bad guy. Always twisted, warped; fuckenbonkers should be one word.
Oh yeah, I know what you mean. I literally just posted about scam callers and how I'll be dealing with them, and why. Those people are more fucked than most, and that's saying something!
I'm calling it. Consider it a word.
Please do not varnish, tho is important to prioritize our life, each and everyone of us knows what is more important in our daily life, but in all still remember that we are waiting for your interesting artworks .
I've been neglecting my own stuff for years, focusing on the wrong things and stressing out over problems I can't solve.
Not time to vanish. Time to change and do better. Focus more on me, so I have something worthwhile to share.
Most times in ones life it does happen, we focus on negative thought and things instead of the right thing we should do, it's also very important that immediately we notice such we take a positive step in our lives.
Yeah. Incredibly easy to focus on the 1% bad while completely forgetting about the 99% good, when in the moment.
Over the years I've seen quite a few with actual talent get sucked into the drama and completely destroy themselves. Spirals down. I've always kept that in mind. One learns from watching as well.
Algo así como "reiniciar el sistema"? eso es lo que me parece que hiciste, aclaro que sigo en pañales, este camino es complicado para la gente no inteligente, lo bueno es que ahora sé algo más acerca de tu trabajo, buen plan!
Nunca te subestimes. Si estás aprendiendo, eres inteligente, ya que no te saltas ninguno de los pasos necesarios para saber algo más. Y en cierto modo, sí, estoy hablando de ver lo que hay pero con una luz más productiva. Sin embargo, me he cansado de hablar de ello. Es hora de trabajar en mí mismo.
Intentaré verlo entonces, aunque tal vez tenga que explorar tus publicaciones anteriores. Por cierto, me parece bueno que trabajes en ti mismo, siento que te espera algo mucho más grande! en marcha!
The world has been spoiled since y2k with the advent of mass adoption of computers and the internet. Since then, the new generations don't have any patience or intention to do anything that takes time to learn. This world is spoiled with convenience and other people thinking for them. No need to think for yourself anymore when the elites took over that job. Until one of those so called Elites tell them to use Hive, they will continue to use platforms that exploit them.
My kids are that new generation and now both finished school as of this year. They'd disagree and most likely point out how everyone enjoys conveniences. I did my best to teach them to not take things for granted. They're not too concerned with elites and doom and gloom. They do a fine job of thinking for themselves. I've shown them Hive products and they're simply not interested and of course I'm not going to force them for if I did, that would push them away. However, my art can be considered a Hive product in a sense, and it is something they've genuinely shown an interest in. Perhaps it's up to people on Hive to provide something interesting to that generation.
You hit the nail on the head. The first people to adopt blockchain technology are the web 1.0 crowd from back in the 90s. These are the main creators of these products and the content reflects that. Until we have some content that speaks to this generation we would continue to get overlooked. But, it will happen eventually, we all were at the stage when we thought our parents interest wasn't really our own. We were into computers and they showed no interest, but now every grandma uses the internet without thinking about it. Same will happen with blockchain.
It's already happening. If you look closely you'll see all the age groups here. Slowly building up. Tough to get the ball rolling no matter your age. The youth need encouragement from time to time but respect will go a lot further.
You almost had me there. I thought about that art of yours that looked like a dragon and then something else and thought I'd never see excellent art like that again. I'm glad you're focusing on the things that make you happy. And you know I'm tempted to start talking about the so many things that last art looks like for me. But I won't. Hehe.
Words are fun and I like it when people are paying close attention. That makes responding to these comments so much easier.
I'm actually curious about what you're seeing there now.
Okay since you asked so nicely...😁
The giant nose is indisputable. It's pretty hard to miss that. But the top part looks like you were trying to draw someone. Probably Einstein with the crazy hair. But now I look again and I'm deciding to just take it as a whole. So crazy Einstein lookalike with a humongous nose wearing a fur minx coat and is about to issue some lethal degree on his unsuspecting subordinates.
HA! That was a good one. Made me laugh. I love hearing these stories. Maybe in that dimension Einstein worked at a bar downtown as a bouncer and E = mc² was the DJ.
Hah! That's also a good one. Probably be like "Yo it's your man Einstein, giving you the E with Speed."
Damn. I'd love it.😂
It's half a day later and I'm still chuckling over here...
Hahh! Glad I could contribute to that. Cracked me up fo a long time as well. Looking forward to the next art of yours.
Lmao. It’ll be nice to see this in action
Moves so fast, I can't even catch it in the act myself. It just feels like it's happening. LOL
So much here.
I've run myself out at last and you stole my motto yesterday:
Except it goes so far for me, these days, that I just lie on the grass rolling around like a dog staring at the sky and thinking they have it right and we are all wasting our lives on utter rubbish.
Nothing matters.
👆🏼 Which is actually true. (I reckon you know this part)
If you disappear ping me. I'll come and live next door and we can both not bother speaking or doing anything anymore.
It's actually very pleasant and very satisfying 😌 👍🏻
Except, as a creator, it'll build up until it overflows again. There's no way out, my friend :D
Great read.
I hope people stop all the busyness and striving to actually read it! I'd read it twice.
I've not been kind to myself becoming seriously distracted with things that I'll only joke about now.
Some would view this as selfish when I say, I really need to focus on myself more, because I can do so much better. I don't think it's selfish.
There's no plans to vanish.
No. I reckon you're totally correct.
It's not selfish to make sure you're on top form to provide the best content you can for your consumers! :D
Seriously though... I believe some of our best thinking and creatvity is born from extended periods of silence. I know this.
Totally with you.
I'm also decompressing here for a bit. Less head and more soul for a while. Bit of balance.
I went and stood with a troop of baboons yesterday to watch them interact. Fascinating! They are super organized. Wow!
It's nice to talk less and observe more at times too.
Glad you're not vanishing.
I do these things. It's a requirement. I can't be on all the time because when I'm on it's ON. Can't go on and on. Gotta have some off.
Christopher McCandless said, "Happiness only real when shared." Look that dude up and hear his story.
No baboons here. Worked on a fence to keep some horses though...
Copy copy.
Same same :)
I'll look him up. Thank you. Not sure I agree but open to being convinced.
Horses. Part of the dream...
Baboons are super cool! 😎
You'll see what made him say it. There's a movie as well but the name escapes me at the moment.
I'll dig it up. I'm in a learning phase again so more reading, watchin and listening (;) for the next while...
Sending warmth!
You wanna stop posting here? just when I started enjoying your jokes and you wanna stop? we are gonna miss you here or rather I am gonna miss you here but anyways just do you and be happy😃
I'll still be around posting jokes. I may have even stashed a bit of a play on words here. The results are making me happy.
Ohhh that's reliving, at least we'd get to still see you around here.
I'll be around. Might even be louder!
If there's anything that usually bores me on here, it's posts about Hive itself. Both that as well as posts about crypto ( most leofinance content ),
so I am glad you are retiring from this kind of content.
Although, what I've read of you in the past, was not necessarily about Hive. Or, to rephrase that, the stuff that stuck with me most was about creativity ( my favorite subject and the red thread through my life ).
Looking forward to your retirement ( content )!
Yeah, Hive posts came up a few times but for the most part, like the post says, I focused on my own thing. When I did Hive posts there was good advice and constructive criticism. Made sure to include some creativity in this one at least. The point though is stop focusing on things I can't change. Could be here in three years saying the same things. If it's worth it, people will figure it out on their own, eventually.
A wise way to approach life, in general.
And yeah, I have been guilty of posting about Hive - and even Finance - a couple of times, in the past. But, as soon as something is not creative enough for me, I lose the fun or make a change/ change my approach. If this isn't possible, I leave.
Finally, at the age of 41, I have unlocked the key to having a little more fun and enjoying life a little more - relaxing more, instead of, I guess, trying to change the world and fighting myself.
I'm done with overthinking everything, it hasn't served me well.
Yeah. Some stressful elements make this too much like a job when really the goal was to have some fun and make some money, more like busking. Show up, do whatever, hope people like it, move on, rinse and repeat. And it's been good to me.
Tell me about it, I have been addicted to this place for 6 years now.
It's like Hotel California:
You can check in anytine you want but you can never leave...
It has been good to me too though, otherwise I would have actually left.
The issue I always brought up boiled down to the fact consumers earn as well and it's really hard to screw that up. There is a push now to shed more light on that element, so my efforts were not a waste. Having more of them also helps motivate content creators. Then that issue of people leaving so often isn't as much of an issue.
But I'm done talking about this. lol
Never give a fuck, that's the motto to have.
You can't explain the same thing over and over without it draining the life out of you and yet no matter how often you explain it, up pops another Ahole to start kicking and shouting about how you are wrong.
Don't worry though, you are right!
I'm really good at not giving a fuck, where I can still care, but not allow shit to take from me, to the point of going nowhere.
I know I'm right.
So fuck the talking. Back to walking.
You better watch where you're walkin' or you and your homies might be lined in chalk.
No need to look where I go. People see me coming and they'll duck down low. Although some be like, "Whoa!" Gettin' lost in my glow. Like a deer in headlights then BOOM! There's my elbow.
The people don't even look, faces stuck in phones like they were books. At least in my day they'd stay well away lest I get all up in them and leave them be shook
Can someone on Hive please rap these stanzas on Hive open mic???
Hehe, that would be cool! 😀
Great morning read… so true in every way. Knew you wouldn’t disappear hehehe
Artists are unique and they should stay themselves… doing their own thing. Then you are being true to yourself. So focus more on YOU. Show us your art, and let us read some more, we are waiting for more 😉
Have a great Wednesday 👋🏻😎
There will be more. And hopefully better as well. Like to challenge myself. Plus stupid things. Let's not forget about that. I'm good at stupid things as well.
That’s what we as artists should do… challenge themselves 😉
No no… let’s not forget about the stupid things, how else do we learn.
A desire to spend less time talking about the platform and more time using it... Can definitely relate!
Pretty much, yeah. Stay out of the squabbles and ignore the riffraff kinda thing. The art takes a long time to produce. And I used to write a lot of humor as well but it's hard to do that while being pissed off about stupid things that don't matter.
I hear that. How much things that don't matter dominate our lives
They can, yes. Always a trap. Even the most prepared will still stumble into it. Suppose it's like the proverbial quicksand then. The more you struggle with it, the further down you'll go. Avoidable, but not always. Then it just boils down to one processes the events, especially internally. Can train yourself to let things slide.
There's too many people on Hive writing about Hive anyway. You're better off doing your own thing and drawing an audience.
It's something everyone has in common so I think that's why it happens. Becomes part of one's life. Majority of my work from the past wasn't about the platform. Some references might still appear when involving telling stories of my life experiences for instance but that's as far as I'll take it.
I’m glad you got that off your chest. Now time to go dirt biking riding!!
Some of the best dirt biking weather in years!
Looking forward to some riding fun!
For years I've been talking about getting a gopro, strapping it to my helmet, and doing motovlogs. That day might finally be coming closer, but I've been saying that for years.
That would be interesting. Why not give it a try.
Do it!
Interesting again and good to know you've been here for almost 7years if not more than. Yet, there's an impact you've created @nonameslefttouse
This post again seemed fictional to me but I can't say more or less. In anycase, your arts and works are incredible.
Don't forget prioritising your stuffs for others ardent consumption is paramount too. So, leaving if at all may seem somewhat unacceptable not even to me.
In all, sir you're a genuise in your way and all rounded too.
Weldon and many more
#Bravo! #Bravo!! #Bravo!!!
Perhaps I made it sound like I'm stopping but really, the goal is to stop posting and thinking about the platform. Focusing more on my own thing, since I will agree with you and admit I'm good at what I do. I don't like to boast but I think I am allowed to be confident when it's invited. It's a satisfying experience worth focusing on and enjoying more.
It's very good to be confident in oneself eve though many a times we are misunderstood to be showing pride.
Of course, we owe no one any explanations whatsoever about the go we do in as musc as its inner burn.
I must say I enjoyed your work and wishing I'd be able to also make some artistic beauty out of something. I lost my drawing skills since Secondary level in school.
However, I admire yours I follow and like.
Weldon sir @nonameslefttouse
I never enjoyed art much when I was young. In school they'd provide projects I never found to be very interesting. And when I'd draw a cartoon that was slightly offensive yet making my friends laugh, I'd get kicked out of class.
Became a huge relief for me when I finally found a proper outlet. I tried several times before coming to this platform as well. This one worked out for me, and rather quickly as well. Just seemed to come naturally.
That's great.
This reminds me of a cartoon my clasmate drew back then in the nursery where we all laughed so hard so much so that anytime he's not in class, we draw closer to his locker and bring out the drawing and begin to laugh about it.
Twas fun, trust me. Yet we got no meaning then. But growing up and seeing lots on art, I think it's more than I knew earlier
It's a great work you do @nonameslefttouse
Keep it on and on. Weldon sir
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Those weren't my fish.
Exactly. This.
All we can do is to try and rise above the crap and stay authentic. But its hard!
Take it easy. Don't be triggered. Do what makes YOU happy. PLEASE STAY AUTHENTIC :-)
I'm fine!
Admittedly the shit has been triggering for quite a few years. I suppose this is the only way to put it to rest, because I am stubborn when it comes to keeping my word.
But I wasn't saying alternative news doesn't require views. Just making a joke about how they'll come here and act like they don't, only complaining about money, while marketing things like being censored or deplatformed for attention, rather than seizing the opportunity to rid themselves of such things, while the option sits there on the table waiting to be picked up for several years, and everyone can see that, which makes their stories seem inauthentic to those paying attention to the entire picture, plus locked the behavior into a blockchain for future reference. So yeah, it's kind of silly. But whatever. They might not think it's funny, but I do.
I love the artwork. I don't know what to say about your thoughts. I've only been on Hive for a year and I love it, so I probably don't know what you're talking about. But I do believe that we need more consumers and I consider myself a consumer, because just votes don't mean much without comments.
I used to say the stage is full but the seats are empty. There is an audience of course. For many there's potential for it to me so much larger.
But I don't talk about this anymore. lol
I think it's as simple as the masses are brainwashed into thinking unless they get 100k+ followers it's impossible to make money.
If you were to tell them it's possible to make money with as little as 80 followers they'd just assume it's a scam.
Onboarding is too heavy handed to get people to join and more importantly, stay active.
I get this whenever I tell people that I write and get paid. They instantly want to know how. Then the second I tell them I get paid in crypto - they just shut down and get that dull, dead inside glazed look in their eyes.
At that point I just change the subject because I know that they will never believe me. Now with this SEC rubbish happening, people are even less inclined to trust anything crypto related. I've had to change the way I think and feel about people onboarding. They don't get it. They probably won't until influencers of Web2 move to Web3 and I doubt that is going to happen in earnest anytime soon.
We just have to shrug and keep doing what we enjoy here because we enjoy it - without them.
Wait until they find out you don't need any followers and can simply earn by being one.
Don't go, i just found you from your last post and I like reading your posts.
LoL, well then read closer. Not going anywhere. Just moving on.
Why not take a hive with you to your new and better life? :-P
I would like to say about this here is that this decision you have made will be better in your favor in the future because you have time for this thing in you. Will definitely support because as we have seen the original content creators here get a lot of respect. As we all know we are not prevented from posting anything here it is your own decision that you want to post such things here now. Best of luck for your new journey.
It's not really a new journey. Just taking a piece out.
I am not sure you are going to leave hive blockchain forever or you are just going to stop writing new post, it's depends on someone's own real life situation you may have more important things is life then hive but please reconsider it if it's possible
I quit writing Hive posts. I'll write my posts and work on my art.
Are you keep doing other activities on hive like Curating content or reading articles
I do try to keep busy with that element when I have the time. I enjoy it and for nearly seven years have never used an automated service to cast my votes for me.
Can you delegates some HP to me at least one month, it will help me a lot to grow my account by earning Curation rewards, I also against using Automatic upvotes, we need manual random or more diversify Curation on hive
No problem bro it's your choice
Nice swan song there friend, massive upvotes tp see you off. I also struggle with the years of producing Hive and Steem content yet having very few readers. And the fact that whales votes make or break you, and how you end up spewing out mediocre content with lots of photos just to attract the few whale upvotes.
Poor old Hive, it's such a brilliant concept that simply doesn't get the traction it should to really thrive and flourish. I have also lost the few whale upvotes that made up 90% of my payout and so post my art now regardless of upvotes or readership and more as my personal legacy, portfolio and record keeping gallery or visual and written content on my personal favorite subjects, which have very little readership at all.
I'm not leaving. I retired from writing Hive posts. Writing about Hive is something I rarely did anyway...
Striving to attract whale upvotes is a common mistake people make. It's up to authors to attract interest in their work, and nobody else.
The post states I'm done talking about this stuff, and moving on.
What's behind door number 2?
My thoughts on Hive and how it has devolved, and why I'm quitting after being here from day 1.
One of the biggest mistakes I've seen people make here over the years is when they get upset about something, they burn their bridges.
You're responsible for your own decisions. I read a bit of that but you appear to be at a stage where it's likely you will not be open to accepting advice. By spamming this message everywhere and linking everyone to what appears to be someone having a public meltdown, you're actually making yourself look worse than the problem you face. You could be professional as well which would most likely lead to productive results that would be more in your favor. I can't help you if you're unwillingly to help yourself.
Wow this is great news!
I always secretly hated you for being better at free-association.
haha damn it I guess this is the account I'm logged in with on
you probably know who I am anyway though
I could take a few guesses but I don't want to be wrong in this case.
Hello sir and friend @nonameslefttouse
Could this be true that its your final poating here?
'cos since this post i haven't seen another from you.
Is it really true you ain't posting again.?
My posts on Hive have been somewhat rare to begin with. I'm still here and plan to continue, focusing on my own thing, much like you do and several others.
I haven't been one to post daily for several years. There's always some time between posts.
My life has been busy. I don't speak much about my life behind the scenes or what keeps me busy. I've been working on material for my next post but also juggling other responsibilities that come first.
There will be more and I'm still around.
Now we'll relieved
Good to know this.
Weldon and more energy sir
Hey man. I need to tell you something. I know we both come from far places and lead different lives. Where I live, calling me "sir" is far too formal. I'm just a guy. Nothing special. I respect you. We're on the same level, dude. Where I live, the word "sir" places me higher. I don't belong there. I see you eye to eye.
Don't feel bad. I know English is weird. I feel it's necessary to share some of my language with you so we can communicate better, though I think we do okay. "Weldon and more energy." I really like how those words are said, and when said that way is also new to me, but I totally get it.
Thanks for giving a shit, dude.
I totally agree with you. Am a Nigerian and a typical African or Nigerian citizen ought to show respect to everyone no matter their status and again base on my early orientations till now, I just got to show that respect. And sometimes that word would just necessarily come out unconsciously even before you know it.
I didn't mean to disrespect with that anyways but bear with me anytime it appears. Just take it that it just came while we conversate here @nonameslefttouse
I really appreciate your response. It's bone strong💪
Stay safe always
I knew it was like that and I viewed it as a sign of respect because I'm familiar with your culture. Not fully immersed of course, but smart enough to know what you meant when saying it your way. I did not feel disrespected. When you say it, I'll accept your meaning. Just wanted to share mine and make it clear I don't see the word then feel more important, higher standing, or like I'm some kind of boss.
See you around.
O great you'd knew about it
Am safe then. Meanwhile, you're the boss.
And no doubt about it @nonameslefttouse
Take care, I gotta rest now
See you around too
I know the post is supposed to be satire and bit sarcastic, but you bring up a lot of great points about the divide between web2 and web3 social media. One of the reasons I've gotten much more bullish on web3 social media, and Hive specifically, is that a lot of the incentive structures are properly aligned. Well, at least better than in web2 in many ways.
Sure, let's make the base argument that people are here to make money. So I'm commenting and interacting with posts in the hopes of curating and being curated.
BUT - if I'm going to spend time, my most valuable resource, doing something like that I'm going to focus on areas and in communities I naturally find interesting otherwise it won't be sustainable. Even if I get zero traction, at least I would have enjoyed the content that I'm interacting with and maybe learned a thing or two.
The best part though? As you mentioned in your post, the people here are real and interactions lead to real world results. I do feel in many ways like I'm making real connections with many smart individuals that I am intellectually aligned with.
Will Hive be the one that wins out? Who knows, there are a lot of great projects out there. But Hive has a lot of great things going for it and if someone like me - a Bitcoin maxi - can work my way down the crypto rabbit hole to see the value of Hive I'm sure many others can too.
You're able to read between the lines. I'm always impressed when people do that.
It's really not bad and there's so much room to grow. Opportunities. Plenty of unrealized potential, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
I'm just so sick of talking about it... LOL!
You're a scam. You told me you'd shape up. You lied to me.