I don't know why I'm still so passionate about this place. And by "place" I mean, Hive.
I've retired from quite a few things and writing about Hive was one of them, quite awhile ago.
This one will be a little different because it's coming straight from my heart.

A History Lesson
First, I must admit I'm not much of an art connoisseur but like many, I enjoy entertainment.
Comedy, music, games, movies. It's all art. All that creative shit I used to do; art as well. And I taught myself.
You're all out there writing articles. I think the word "art" is in that word, for a reason.
Creatives in general. They invented this world we all share. Many of you reading this probably created something today. It's even in the food you eat.
Creative people are important.
Eight years ago, on this platform, we were all noobs. Feeling our way around in the dark. No clue what we were doing but now it's eight years later and here we are.
I admit, I don't make a good "Hive community member" or whatever. I'd enjoy mingling with people attending Hive Fest right now. Always wanted to do those things but at the same time, I'd probably just be outside, smoking, and looking at the world while everything else is going on.
Creating my own experience.
That's my natural method of being. In life, I'm often polite, can be quite social at times. Can do the meet and greet but probably won't say much since it's better if I give others the floor. I don't like to be center of attention.
It just happens, so I need to do things to avoid it, like standing off to the side, having a smoke.
These days, I spend most of my time alone. My life and health are not 100% but I insist I'll be fine, so don't ask, because you won't get an answer. Don't like to focus on problems so instead, living through them is all I need right now.
I can also be quiet.
I didn't intend to break the internet.
That was just a silly joke I always wanted to perform. I seriously thought it would fly under the radar. And I was not aware people get downvoted for stuff like that these days. I had no clue it was frowned upon here.
I come from a different time and would say that's not how it is.
And I wouldn't be here today had I not been given those opportunities.
Maybe "given" is the wrong word, since we're in charge of ourselves here.
The opportunities were not taken from me.
I come from a time when I wrote a joke, all these people I didn't know showed up, and had a good time. Plus some rare support rolled in, upvote style.
The next day I woke up and my reputation score seemed a lot lower than normal.
My posts were downvoted.
Then all those people I didn't know came back again and fixed it. So I carried on, and made a promise to myself I'd always stand up for the arts here. They had my back, so it's only fair.
I thought the only way for me to find any measure of success here was to stand out from the crowd.
So, for years I combined the shittiest digital art with the corniest jokes I could think of. Strangely enough, some people liked the art and enjoyed the humor. So I tried to get better at both, daily.
I'm quite fond of those memories.
I come from a time.
When it came to legitimate artists and creativity, there was no reason to be afraid. Could do whatever you want, or, at least that's what I thought, because that's what I did, and the response encouraged me to continue, every time.
Everything I did was for myself, and the people interested in it. That was never a problem.
I'm not going to apologize for writing a joke. Instead I'm going to encourage everyone here to stop living in fear of downvotes.
If you're truly creative, funny, and driven to succeed, just go for it. Live by your own rules. Impress yourself then share it with the world. Give them a reason to smile.
This is my final "Hive post" and those are my final wishes for this place.
I tried. I don't have it in me anymore, but I'd still like to see others enjoy the same opportunities I had.
Enjoy yourselves.
And thank you, everyone. I mean that, so much. Thank you.
I want to build this place up. Not burn it down.
An aging man walks into a pub. Smashes with his fist on the bar and loudly grumps: "Quickly, one beer, before the trouble starts...!"
He pours it down the hatch in one go and says: "Another one, before the shit hits the fan...!"
Same thing happens, drinks the whole pint at once. After which he shouts: "Come on, one more, before the nagging starts...!"
It goes on like that for six times, after which the bartender starts to smell a rat.
"Hang on there old man, how are you going to pay for all them drinks now, aye!?"
And while the greyish guy quickly gets off the barstool and heads for the exit, he shouts: "_See, there you have it already, told you this would happen...!"
Thanks for all the entertainment!
Have a great one!
Thanks for all the support and talks over the years. And thanks for this joke today. Wasn't expecting to come here and be offered a smile.
Glad to know I could offer you a smile.
And I enjoyed our interaction, your writing and your artwork. Where I absolutely can state that both are art. Like freedom of expression can be art in and by itself.
Things you write I can relate to. The personal health challenges, going through changes, dealing with life its inevitable events.
While wondering inbetween how A.I. might make the digital realm a no place to go for human beings. On the other hand, it might open a renewed path for real human being creativity and interaction. The future's still unwritten.
And the most important that matters are those closest to home. Where the heart is.
Until next time, who knows.
Good luck on your journey. 🍀
Hehehe :OD
One day I will be that grumpy man! 😁
A fine achievement to strive for! :OD
Greetings @nonameslefttouse ,
Yes...as an artist myself....I know the challenge it is to be here. Seriously...as an artist it is a challenge to be anywhere.
Bleujay left for nearly five years and is back.....hopefully you will be as well.
All the best to you and your endeavours.
Cheers, Bleujay
I didn't find much success elsewhere. Crafted something specific for this setting and had quite a few good days but I still wouldn't be able to teach anyone how.
Totally retired from all things art now. Every last drop.
Sure, there's still a future but I see other things in it.
Good to see you.
I sometimes forget people heard and listened to my vision. It's hard to look away and yeah I can't fully explain why, beyond sounding like that.
At least I got to learn a new song today.
You'll be back eventually, this place has weird strings on the mind even in frustration. You'll be missed while you think you quit. I wish you the best of luck in your better things to do in life. xox
This place can't be pleased, there will be downvotes and whiners for no reason. Judge everyone's content but not their own. Oh wait, that's what we do here. Too bad you are taking flack for jokes tho. Take the downvote feature away then we get the unending spammy circle jerky stuff. The cause? HUMANNNNSSS. Not sure what happened in this context. I get it tho. Somethings are hard on the brain.
It's not frustration. In general, what I'm trying to take care of and overcome makes doing things like this impossible.
I know dude, I may not be in the same boat but at least the same river. Prioritize energy where it is best distributed. It doesn't always have to be here contrary to popular belief.
This isn't for me. Like I said in the post, I'll never be able to be part of this Hive community stuff. I'm always naturally on the outside so the tighter that community stuff gets, the further I'll drift.
As for health, there is no energy. Have to deal with it alone as well. It's difficult to talk about, so I don't. It's something I couldn't comprehend until I gained experience, so I know trying to explain to others will lead nowhere, as it does when I try.
It's nothing personal. It's not as easy as I wanted it to be. And endless thought stream. But if I stick around I'll just make things worse. So I need to go, take care of myself and other things before that's gone too.
I get it about community alienation and clicks both online and daily life, the results on the brain and the drift. I feel a lot like that too around here, part of why I don't really bother posting anymore. Don't care enough to wine about it either. I get it. Thanks for clarifying further into into it. Obviously taking care of your health and mental health and whatever else should be a priority and anything that goes against that...well it is what it is...bye Felicia, self-care purpose...nothing wrong with that even if people don't understand.
I also know that people never get it, even when it's explained so clearly at times. Forgive them. People only comprehend on their own level of things. Sometimes trying to explain yourself over and over to nowhere can make one feel more alone. Talk about what you are comfortable with, find a way to mentally cope/digest in a healthy way for the things you can't change. Hardship = strength even if it doesn't always feel like it. I hope you find yourself on brighter days, keep yourself committed to that, whatever it is.
This was really good advice.
I wrote about a series of great mental health tool written by Don Miguel Ruiz and his sons, they are easy to find and read but full of solid advice to sort thru head bullshit you don't feel comfortable about or how to handle certain societal mental hurdles. They have a whole series between the 3 of them. 4 agreements is one, there is another about attachments, mastery of love is to learn about self love, enough to see ourselves thru. Might be too much light for you...just thought I would throw it out there...never know.
It's not frowned upon and I dont think people do get downvoted for comedy/joke posts. There have always been downvotes here and sometimes they are applied rationally and other times not. Its the nature of the beast.
But I have rarely seen posts get downvoted for telling a massive joke in whatever style.
As I always say, never say never with regard to leaving. It's there if you want it or not and you can never tell how you will feel in future.
Stay in touch chupachup! :O)
Exactly. Eight years and several jokes later, no downvotes. That's my experience.
So why are people acting all timid? Wrote a joke. Total shitpost. And people are acting shocked and confused there are no downvotes.
So, yeah. Like the post says. If you're a legit creative, don't be afraid of downvotes.
*Edited the post to be more clear with that section.
I think those who asked about that were the ones who don't know the history of users, i.e you and take everything in a single post context.
Should've downvoted them 😉
For the hard of reading, that last bits a joke too :O)
Still, when I do it, those votes roll in, and that alienates people. Takes the fun element away on this end if people are just going to glare at rewards rather than enjoy the content.
That's how it's frowned upon by new and old members alike.
I'm seriously okay with finishing up though. It's an easy choice to make at this point in my life. Has very little to do with what's happening here. My health is more important.
I have had ........... A very bad year...........and your posts always bring a smile to my face and many others.
Now you can keep saying you are retired but your last post proves how MUCH you are needed around here.
I too did it my way and it always feels good knowing that.
The secret it in being you and no one else and following what makes you happy. Others feel that in your posts and it is very good!!
I would be here too :D
I am a wallflower at heart so make room beside you for another smoker :D
I don't have the energy for it anymore.
I understand. My last post was months ago.
I keep thinking I will have the energy to write a post, but as we can see, it has been months.
BUT Hive is Hive and we are both watching. It is in my Blood too much not to care
Totally finished, snook. I'll still try to be around but most likely just in the background. No art, writing, jokes, nothing. It's not for me anymore. That's been confirmed. This isn't a productive use of my life. Of course it still can be for others. I know when it's my time. It was good to me. I hope it can be good for others. And if not there's nothing I can do to help anyway. I need to do the selfish thing and take care of myself, so I'm able to take care of others. That's my goal.
VERY wise words. Words I need to follow, too.
Being a content creator allows us to leave our essence here, as an indelible imprint on the blockchain. Living with passion is the right way to do it, living in fear paralyzes you, prevents you from developing your potential.
Negative votes will always be there as an option to adjust rewards, also to send a message that there is something not to like in your content or that you violate some rule. Of course, some people use them unfairly, even for no apparent reason.
Bringing smiles is a great way to contribute to the platform and to the world. Regards.
I wouldn't think this is just the right time to retire, this ship still needs many hands to sail it through. Hoping you have a reconsideration.
No, for me, sitting around posting isn't fun. Far more important things to take care of.
You wouldn't be doing it all day long for sure, that's worth considering also.
Showing up here shouldn't be boring at spare times
I love your post cover, by the way.
Simply a “I don't care” about some opinions.
It's just me shutting off the lights. Closing up shop. Heading out.
Check out this idea from @elmirabear
That's a 7 hour video. Which part?
I posted the video just at the time @elmirabear started talking.
Starts from the beginning for me.
Always enjoyed sharing sound with you. Will always be a good memory.
Damn it! :( Damn Youtube.. It starts at 5:17:58
Thanks. I'll follow her account and see how things take shape. Sounds interesting.
It has been a very bumpy road for her and I am happy she decided to go to Hivefest. I think her idea for a DAO is very interesting and I hope it will work out :)
You are most welcome to give feedback on her articles. Feedback is very important for us to know that we are on the right track.
This is like the deep web. I found the light switch!
I'm just saying something because I don't smoke anymore, if I did I'd keep quiet too. 🙃
Get well soon.
It's a difficult situation to navigate, so I'll do what I can. Stay happy over there.
Some art is welcome here, by some authors. I see a lot of underrewarded posts by really creative people, which is a shame.
It's all welcome in my view. Lack of support doesn't indicate they're not welcome.
It's tough to get eyes on the work first here, then support naturally along with that. Myself, I'm only one consumer with a dollar vote. Doesn't go far. I've been talking about people reaching outside for support for several years. Attracting people actually interested in content rather than creating would help a lot. That's typically what's needed anywhere else and could help here. For now the actual consumer base is very small and spread thin. You're not wrong but in general there isn't enough interest. I think a well run art community reaching outside for support and bringing that in would help. Can't expect people that don't like art to support it, for example. People who do are welcome here, too.
Yeah, totally agree with that. I guess what I'm saying is people who have a bit of HP need to make more of an effort to do so. People tend to chuck their votes where they know they'll get good curation rewards, which you can't blame either, or to upvote their mates, which you also can't blame either (guilty). Even your 'measly' vote is quite a bit for some.
REaching for outside support is where it's at, as always.
Curation reward is mostly balanced out now. There's no added reward unless votes come after 24 hours. Votes before 24 hours at any point always give you the same reward, regardless if others vote after or not.
Voting for what you like consistently is normal. If you find a good artist you like, supporting them often is natural. Same with Youtubers for example. If you find an interesting channel, you'll watch often. Music, same thing. People buy everything their favorite act puts out. It's natural I guess. People wouldn't seek out videos on Youtube and watch them just because the views are low, so they could support them.
Surprisingly, I don't see many reach out. Voting is a good deal for the supporter, especially if the creator is going daily. A community of several creators means there's a lot for those paying types to support with votes, consistently. Not much different than buying subscription, except one still has their tokens and actually earns while being in support. Without doing something like that, everyone here is stuck with what's available.
You as hiver can never retire. True hivers just evolve. Whatever u evolve into, the people whom u made smile will support u forever.
I was never a "Hiver". Just a regular dude.
I won't forget the good times either.
so very true!!
No retirement! This place is addictive I must say.
Addictions are known to be unhealthy. Blog in moderation.
Not all the Arts. I’ve been downvoted to zero for 12 months now. No reason.
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Dude my feed feels stale.
Where are you?