I Quit: Can't Take It Anymore

in #life7 years ago

There comes a time in every person's life when a hard decision has to be made.
It's time to be realistic. Time to stop living a fantasy. Time to wake up from this dream.


I Quit!

Straight up, honestly, I'm just not feeling rewarded anymore. What I put in, I'm not getting out. It makes me feel sick. So many people share the same struggles. We're all fucking stupid! It's a waste of time! Waste of energy! Waste of money!


Cigarettes! You can kiss my ass!

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"...and I'd like my thousands of dollars back!"

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


You kick that nasty stick hard. YOU can do it :)

I'm already working on day two. I'll be fine.

Of course you will, I have faith :)

I thought this was about Steemit while reading at first, but when you mentioned quitting cigarettes I say

Party on Wayne!

Good luck! I quit 3 years ago with an e-cigarette and haven't looked back. I vaped for one year, slowly lowering my nicotine amount, then quit the e-cig after using it for one year down 0mg nicotine use. I've been smoke and vape free for almost 3 years now. Good luck! YOU CAN DO IT!

Cold turkey. It's only bad for a few days. I'll live. Made up my mind. Done.

Good choice and good luck!

I can't possibly agree more, and thank you. I'll be creating my own luck this time around.

Good for you for kicking the habit! Nice job working in the clickbaity title as well to draw in readers haha!

Part of me knew it was clickbait ISH, the other part knew I was just being honest. It's funny, I agree, but then the next post views were low, and it didn't attract any new followers. I shouldn't have to say I quit just to get some views. The lack of nicotine symptoms are messing with me. I'm angry about it, irritated, doing my best to bite my tongue.

Massage your ears, man. It's weird, but it would definitely help curb the symptoms. Hang tough. You'll make it :D

Try licking them instead of smoking them. That will put you off right quick. Or instead of a lighter or matches only carry around a big ass stick and some tinder. Try to make it so that yes you can smoke em but only if you can light em up old school style :O)

I chain smoked my last pack in under an hour intentionally. I got sick twice, gave myself a nice headache. Got good and angry at everything and that was that. Done. No need to trick myself, no games, it's over.

No games but the end game eh!

I murdered it and fed the remains to the pigs, gave over.

boom, good for you @nonameslefttouse.

You're going to be a ball of laughs for a few days, LOL. Good for you though, you should definitely kick something you hate down the road. I've done that before...with other things like meat ;)
As far as the few who didn't read...I'd say for the most part that is an irresistible title, more likely to pull people in. I knew you were going somewhere else with it, you wouldn't make a post that you shake your head at others for making ;)
Who knows, maybe this will inspire me...someday if it gets in my head and I think back on it I'm sure it will.

Yeah. I honestly wanted to just tell people. I like to stick to my guns, I like to prove people wrong. If they think I'll fail, watch me, I won't. If I keep it all to myself, there's a strong chance I'll cave in, because what nobody knows won't hurt them. Does that make sense? I'm an oddball. I like to make my intentions known to the world. Seems to help things.

Accountability is a good way to handle it, makes perfect sense. Harder for the firestick to make excuses for you to pick it up :0)

Still going strong. Slightly irritable though. Someone sent me a strange message on here. Apparently :) that means smug? I got a good chuckle.

Good for you, and if you weren't irritable I would think you might be inhuman, lol. A smug message? Or they called you smug? Where, in your comments?

It's there somewhere. I think I'll just stick to grammar, though people will still find ways to add their own meanings to my words as well. Good times!

I just remembered to vote on the comments, gotta make a habit of it, especially now that I'm up to two cents, which means you are too. :)

I'm already in rip someones face off mode, but don't worry, I get it. One face at a time. I got this.

I quit... Then one day when I was in my late 60's I decided to pick them back up. I enjoy smoking and what are they going to do...Kill me???

We all die. I don't care if people smoke. I just can't do it anymore. I quit watching the news as well, so my future looks like it's worth living again. I used to have a lot of energy, used to feel good. I don't want to feel like I'm 60 twenty years too soon.

That's why I quit in my early 50's. By the time I was almost 70, I figured- what the hell, I made it! I stopped watching TV some time ago. I watch a movie on Netflix or Y-Tube. I thought I'd miss football, but I don't. The only thing I really miss is hockey!

I've been watching hockey. I love hockey. So far, I missed three OT game winning goals because I was outside relaxing with a fucking cig. Went out dirtbiking the other day, had to stop to enjoy a cig... then my bike wouldn't start and I had to stand around for a half hour in the middle of nowhere waiting for it to be less of an asshole. Do you realize I'm lucky to have fingers? In winter I'm out there in -40... SMOKING! Durp!

At least I was spared the humiliation of my Bruins... Ottawa I don't believe it!!! Why are you dirtbiking in -40???

It's not winter... Suppose I didn't word that very well.

These were all separate occasions where cigs have caused you unworthy anguish...the bike wouldn't start after stopping to have a cig, you missed key points to some games, during winter you're out there smoking in -40 degrees...I could add to that list for a mile probably, maybe if I start thinking about it I'll find myself wondering....

Fuck cigarettes!!!

Fuck cigarettes is right!! ...and I'm starting to feel like my decision to put it out there and just get it off my chest was a good one.

I was gonna suggest the #steemicide hotline, but cigarettes is a good thing to quit.
I know I haven't regretted it.
The first year is the hardest.
The second year isn't so bad.
Each time you smoke another one your year starts over.

I've quit before. It's only bad for a couple days, then annoying for a couple weeks, then whatever. It's a simple decision. I'm just sick of it.

Less money for the globalists,...
I had on opportunity that I wouldn't get again, and took advantage.

I'm sure the Canadian government makes millions putting those warning labels on. My last pack cost $14.00. You're probably right.

I got out when they were 2.25usd a pack, I couldn't imagine almost 6usd, and my state is talking about adding a 1.5usd tax to pay for hospitals and nursing homes.

Better to buy some edibles, if you ask me,...

I've been reluctantly spending at least $3500 per year on this. Maybe I should have bought a nice house and lit that on fire instead? Same thing really.

I bought motorcycles and rode them like a madman,....

lol you had me fooled as well. Best of luck, you can do it....

I'm starting to wonder why I bother writing entertainment and showing off my art! Seems like more people get excited about me quitting! Strange times we live in! Thanks though. I'm certain I'll be fine. It's everyone around me I'm worried about :)

My pick is that it's not so much excitement as worry. Noooo! We can't lose NoNames again!

I guess I can look forward to people saying, "I thought you quit," when I write up another post since some don't like to read. The other title I had in mind was *Fuck you: Cigarettes" but I don't often use those words in the title.

Good call on the title you didn't use! I wouldn't worry about the people who don't like to read - their loss.

Yeah... I'm in snap mode today. Time to go outside I think....

Yep, some fresh air sounds like the bomb.

I understand exactly what your saying. Have a great day

Glad to hear man. I'm on day 3. Fuck cigarettes!

You're about a day and a half ahead me. Make sure it stays that way. Fuck cigarettes! #fuckcigarettes

Quitting is good, cigarettes are bad. Health is worth so much more to us in the long run! Nice job dude!

Yup, call me a quitter all you want. I certainly don't feel very healthy at the moment, but I know it's just my brain fighting to go back to normal and make friends with my body again.

They'll reconcile and be best buds again! Good luck on your quest @nonameslefttouse.

Thank you.

Your welcome, I can't imagine how difficult it could be to quit smoking, but nothing is impossible.

It all boils down to a simple decision. Nearly every smoker fears what happens to the body and mind when you stop. Hard to describe in words. It's like feeling really hungry, but food won't help. Everything feels tense, sounds make me irritable. Laying down feels safe, but then it's hard to find the motivation to get up. Just have to keep saying no.

Imagine if your arm suddenly started moving around and the only ways to stop it was to say no, or grab a cig. The cig makes your arm stop moving instantly, while saying no means it's still going to move for a few days and probably start slapping you in the face soon. Quitting smoking is never about right now but the shit you have to deal with right now can be brutal.

Oh man, that is intense, but quitting and enduring that are well worth the results after all those effects have finally subsided.