I Made This Along with a Few Other Things and Something Else

in #life2 years ago (edited)

Goodnight.  Today I thought I'd begin at the end of the post, then work my way up to the start.  The plan only lasted one word though.  It was an impossible task; I'm not sure why I even tried yet, still managed.

My name is temporarily Nobody Special and I've been busy working on a few things again.  For instance check This out:

NoNamesLeftToUse - This.png

This makes a good thumbnail.

However, it's time to move on to something else.

Some of you out there glued to your devices because of people like me might remember a time when you thought you knew and saw everything.  As if life, the world, and all the other things, were done.

You remember that time well because up until you saw This, you had no clue about a few other things and something else.

Soon, everything changes, as your world once again becomes alive with the unforeseen.

For instance.  Ever see one of these before?

NoNamesLeftToUse - Slop McGlob.png

At least one of you has.

That's Slop McGlob

Just something I slopped together real fast while talking to one of the only people I know from Florida.  That's how This started as well.  Except when I made This, I was talking to the one guy I know from Scotland.

Wait.  Hold On:

This Post Isn't Going Anywhere

Over the years I've released and shown off a lot of my creations here on my platform.

I also sit around shooting the shit with people from time to time and occasionally I'll go quiet for a few minutes, then plop a strange picture down into the comment thread; usually for no particular reason at all.  I just felt like it.

So there's all kinds of personalized little bits of my brain floating around that never actually reach my own blog until I do something like I did just there.  ~nods confidently~

I'm sure many of you who are no longer around probably noticed I haven't been posting much lately; and no new art in a long time.

I have quite a few reasons and even a few excuses.  Doesn't really matter now though because after all this time, I've finally decided to put a little more of me into this space.

Remember, back in the day, I'd produce some pieces in red; very simple, but they'd always pop?  Did another one the other day:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Went to the Market.png

The name might piss you off though.

I called that one: Went to the Market

Maybe I'm just having a vision.  Pretty sure several of these crypto kids have wanted to shoot me at least once in the past nearly six years because of some of the shit I do and say.

Oh well.

Moving on:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Did It Again.png

See what I did there?

That's taking the same style, going a little harder, but not as red.

I named that one: Did It Again

Keep in mind, these are all done by hand.  Of course it's a digital magic wand of sorts but you know what I mean.  I'm not the type to push a magic button and the art makes itself.  I actually sit here like a moron, doing it the hard way, knowing full well some troll might come along just to remind me about how much life I'm wasting and how I should probably just go die already instead of doing art.

I guess that's the life I signed up for though; so it's all good.

Next piece requires a certain kind of brain and a different set of eyes to truly enjoy:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Looking Around.png

Similar Style

This time around I've highlighted certain areas and darkened others.  There's a strong chance you're seeing things in that image that aren't actually there.  Went the extra mile with that one though.  For most people, viewing it from a distance and up close will provide different visuals.

I tested it myself and tripped right the fuck out.

When I create a piece like that all I'm doing is painting the tricks my eyes play on me.  So as the artist, I am applying subtle hints and suggestions for the eyes but for the most part, a piece like that heavily relies on pareidolia in order to be fully appreciated.

I called that one: Looking Around

Now prepare to have your mind blown:

NoNamesLeftToUse - Another Mind Gone.png

Another Mind Gone

That's the name.

Looking closely you might notice the top and bottom are quite different but if you flipped the piece over, nothing would change.

Pictures within pictures within pictures; mirrored.

I've done a few more pieces like that as well over the years.  With something like that I need to be careful because if I'm not, I could disrupt the entire space-time continuum.

So there we have it.

Four brand spanking new artworks and several days worth of work all crammed into one five minute read.  I hope you've enjoyed yourself.

Have a nice day.

Art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Not sure what I'll do next but, whatever it is, will be next, so stay tuned for that, because it might happen."
"And if you're interested in seeing another new one I made just today, check the comment section here."

© 2022 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Good to see you back and some new art popping out of your platform again. I can appreciate the fact that you still do it the "old school" way. I haven't been particularly creative for ages, but maybe this has inspired me to break out of my bullshit.

I hope you are keeping well otherwise.

Feels good to finally get back on track. There's more I worked on a few months ago and never released. I know you're aware of a few issues. Having it stolen, taken out of context. Having my name smeared for no good reason. The art being weaponized and used as a tool to make others look bad, again, for no good reason. All combined into a marketing effort seemingly embraced by an entire other social blockchain made up of cowards afraid to respect the rights of others if it means their property value might increase.

I'd like to say I'm well. That shit bothers me though, quite a bit.

Hey I totally get it. I read that shit and I got really angry about it for all those involved and the fact that your art was used like that even after your numerous requests to take it down, you were polite and had way more patience than most would. It was just wrong on a whole other level.

Well, I'm glad that you're back and found your artistic spark again 🔥.

Illegitimi non carborundum - Don't let the bastards grind you down 🙂

I'm a grinder. It's them that turns to dust.

Got me lookin like Gilbert Gottfried over here flippin my phone around and upside down in out in out in out in out. Good night!

You're doing it wrong. Make it full screen on a big screen, then stand on your head.

Hahaha lol
Hi @dandays 👋🏻

Well aylo leetobay! (My British impression) =}

Hahaha cute… I could hear it in my head! 😎
Have a great midweek @dandays 💃🏻💃🏻

You're back!!! Yay! That just totally made my day :D I actually got goosebumps from the froggy kaleidoscope at the bottom, I've missed your art almost as much as your humor my friend!

Those goosebumps were actually ripples in the space-time continuum. That's just how I roll.

Ever see one of these before?

Yes. Last night! It tried to fondle me.


I didn't know it could do that.

It can do that.... and more.

If it could pick any instrument, it would probably be a guitar. Ever notice that?

One day I'll learn your secret art techniques.

Then you will become me and experience what this actually feels like. Though I can't describe that either.

Thanks for sharing your artwork, you have a unique style to say the least. Indeed, some people may consider the time spent on artwork as a waste of time, but to creative people like yourself this is an important (magical?) moment when your brain unlocks those deep thoughts that you simply can't grasp at during pleb mode.

Been working on this style for awhile. Wouldn't say it's a magical moment. Even if it was. I'd say I spend most of my time there, shutting it off in order to blend in when needed.

Absolutely, it is a great Work Job done my good friend @nonameslefttouse , weldone sir. Happy new month 🎉🎈 to you 🎉. Much Love.

Thank you @mattsanthonyit. I've seen you around quite often. I hope you're having a wonderful time here.

Smile 😀. Thanks for checking on me. Hahahaha. Yes. It being a lovely great experiences all through. Being up and down with some DADLIFE WORK with our new baby girl close to 6 months old now. Its never an easy task but Gradually we getting there... I really appreciate sir. My regards to your family sir. You can also check on me too sir. Once in a while too. Its appreciated.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Those kids grow up fast. I'll follow along and check in when I can. For sure.

You crack me up @nonameslefttouse. Also, that hold on hand, did you make it completely from scratch, or was it a photo?? Cause dang, it's pretty good. Keep doing what you do.

I used a hand as a reference for that one. Most of us have a couple of those laying around. All the shading was from scratch. A lot of airbrush and blending. Was a speedy piece though. Turned out way better than my initial intention; a jokey response to a comment.

And that's cool you can detect the humor here. Just being a goof. Post is more about the images anyway.

I'm not trying to blow smoke up ya ass, seriously the hand(and other works) are good. But brother, please don't tell me you have a bunch of dismembered hands laying around???? 😜

No of course not. I sew them back on.

Disclaimer: Due to one nutcase, I must now indicate that was a joke, even though it should be obvious.

Haha! People will believe anything they read online... Promptly Calls RCMP back ah yes about that report I made earlier...😐😝😉

Not just that. They'll deliberately take things out of context and apply their own, then insist you're the problem, and not them. AKA: crazy

I like the red one and the last one the best…
The third one I see a lot of things in there, what is pretty cool.
Good to see you are creating more artworks again.
Yes, they take time when starting from scratch and doing it all by yourself. Worth it though!
Have an awesome day further 👋🏻😎

The red ones always seemed to work for people. So easy on the eyes. Then I went nuts. Only to find out it's an enjoyable nuts. Thanks!

Yes. The one colour artworks can do just that.
I did a few paintings in just one colour, but they were realistic, nothing like your art.

The red one is pleasing to the eye and would work so well on a wall in many interiors.
That kind of nuts is great 🤩😎 keep going… hehehe 😂

I've done a few, not always red, but still easy on the eyes.

Yes, very cool. Thanks for that.
Like this one even more than the red one. 🖤🤍

Yellow, for some strange reason, is the only color I can't stand when doing that style.

It is a strong colour… don’t think I would paint in it either.
I did blue colours… and greens. They are refreshing.

Thought I saw heads, lol.

Everybody will see something else in each one… pretty cool right? @boscohage

Fell in love with @nonamesplate since I read my first of his work tittles "Life", once upon a long time.

That’s cool 😎 I saw his work about 5 months ago… just after I joined Hive.
Have a great evening 👋🏻💃🏻

That first one after the red ones. Looks like a fallen angel from the rear perched astride on a wall.

I call revenue see the buttockery.

Be careful of the Scots. They are bastards

You're trippin out dude! But that's what it's there for.

Thanks for stopping in, you bastard.

It's your fault I'm trippin!! Damn images, what's wrong with a flower in a bowl?

Always a pleasure :0)

Nothing wrong with a flower in a bowl; I'm just not much of a bowler.

Been a long while since I last did a pointless art post; a pointless art post that technically isn't pointless. Did I fuck up well enough?

You fucked up beautifully. Poetically in fact.

This man would be proud of you!

I'm sitting here just as confused as everyone else! That's how you know I did a good job.

The sign of good craft when you are not sure what just happened!

Looking Around is amazing, I first thought is saw two people then had to look again, then Another Mind Gone took my mind. Just a the digital magic wand makes the magic that gets surreal. Welcome back to creating with one hand.

Faces, people, side profiles of people; our brains are all programmed to experience seeing things like that. It's in all my work except Looking Around I took a more deliberate approach.

Thanks for stopping in to have a look.

Always a pleasure to see what the great mind produces...
Always a work of art but it doesn't fit the description of your work, something greater.

Just a dude from Canada.

I enjoy reading your posts. The art you share with us is always amazing! Ty!

It's been awhile since I put something new out but I'm glad you saw it. I see you're new. I hope you're enjoying yourself here.

I'm still learning how navigate around. But I'm loving it so far. As a matter of fact, I ran across the post you made about apologizing for your face and after reading that, I knew I had to follow you. Your art has a darker side to it which definitely drew me in. Keep up the amazing work... Can't wait to see what you create next!!!

Twisted, bizarre, loopy. It's all in good fun.

I think my favorite is Did It Again, it just captures something in my eye. The one following Looking Around has a lot going on in it, elephants peace signs, naked bodies, and a lot of other things going on in it. Kind of looks like the republicans spying on the Clinton administration. So Did It Again is more laid back to my eyes and does not cause eye strain trying to find a million things in the picture, it just looks nice and simple.

Yeah. I get where you're coming from there. Went from overly simple to overly complex; which was the goal.

Another Mind Gone has a lot going on. Could take 30 minutes or more figuring that one out.

Did It Again did just enough. Look closely though and you'll start seeing things.

'm sure many of you who are no longer around probably noticed I haven't been posting much lately

Good one. Like the sound of falling trees in the forest. No one there to hear, yet we all notice the noise. Somehow.

This could possibly be the quietest day I've experienced on Hive. Had a feeling this post wasn't going anywhere. All good though.

Send there are lots of soul searching of late. The up and down are making people feel like they be drowning.

Tough to soul search when off hiding though. It probably is tough on people but those scars add character. Times like these are usually when I feel more comfortable being out here.

Did it again. I've been waiting for this. I was mildly entertained when I pushed my chair back a meter and found people bathing in the picture.

I like it.

Bob Wiley would love your art.

So fascinating how I don't even have to produce that image in order for people to see it. They just do.

Now you can call yourself an artist.

I sometimes wonder if Bill Murray would enjoy some of my stuff.

I think he is still a good guy to party with.

Yeah for sure. And at least the guy gets to have fun.

Another mind gone, is pretty damn cool, love it

Took a lot of work and concentration. Of course I'm using the mirror tool for a piece like that, with the canvas split in 4. But to make one picture look like something else while upside down, makes my head hurt just thinking about it.

Hence the name.

it must take hours to do, way beyond my skillset

Takes a fair amount of time. Could have kept going as well. So many finer details could be added but I sometimes wonder if it's worth putting it in or if it just gets overlooked.

always see different things the more you look, guess the brain doesn't take it all in at frst glance

Just like staring at the clouds. Same effect. Hard to explain. Even that black and white image I placed in a comment; look closely and you might start seeing the cave painting I stashed away in there.

Nice post.

Nice comment.

"Hold on"- nice.

It can be "Carry on" as well. Made that one awhile ago but never showed it off in my blog. Pretty cool piece...

Yeah, my favourite for sure!

Has a warped effect making it look like a photo that's slightly bent. Maybe you noticed. I've been having trouble duplicating that effect.

Just took a closer look and noticed that effect. I really like the colour splash on black and white in particular.

okay Dokey, I can go looking for the post you spoke of and waste a ton of my time or you can tell me where to look. I would like to go that route as it will save us both a lot of time :D

second... you reblogged my story. To your own blog... You NEVER do that. Ever. Thank YOU for that! That meant the world to me.

Oh, and everyone loves the story and that made me happy too so I don't have to worry anymore about disappointing you and the use of your artwork. That makes me very happy also!

So when do I find the post of the person that took your artwork?
Please and Thank You.

I reblogged, but removed it, because those nasty types like to smear people and I didn't want you to be dragged into it, like they did with others.

I don't want to show you who, what, and where. What they did was the most disrespectful thing you'll ever see and many Hive members were accused of disgusting things, for no reason other than the guy just being psycho.


I responded indirectly in that post and spoke a little bit about it in the comments.


I respect your choice!!!

so far, while waiting to see if you would reply, I have a feeling this has to do with yoga man? which is a cartoon I saw years ago that burned itself into my eyes....

thank you and I will go read the comments so I can understand.


And don't buy the bullshit line of fear some try to sell you either, in order to make you feel small. These humans, with money, are just humans, with money. They're not big evil monsters out to bite your ass and rip your wallet off. Most folks who could be out there flexing and being intimidating, are not. It's usually someone who's convinced themselves they're small out there flexing and being a menace. They always pick on what they perceive as, big.

These words are very true.

People were forgetting how to be human. Still are.

agree 1000%

I'll continue to defend freedom of the arts and expression on this chain. Anyone who knows me knows I've been doing that since the start. Why? Because it's worth it.

It IS!

this is as far as I got :D

and do not forget...when you least expect it, I am sure another artwork of yours will turn into a story someday. :D

Oh, and to anyone nosey enough to read this comment, @nonameslefttouse is the farthest from evil as you can find. He is Canadian and an artist who feels deeply like most creative people. Creativity gives us the power to tell tales and make stories in many forms of media.

How boring life would be without music, painting, books and so on...

Look to yourself first if you are so set on calling out evil.

Those in glass houses should never throw stones.

The End.

Thanks, @snook.

You are very welcome


I was right, by the way. About the nasties and their smearing. What's done is done though.


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