The Monkey was Incredibly Disappointed in Me
I deserved it though.
I was driving along the street in front of my old middle school. That's something I've done thousands of times in my life. I completed grades six through nine at that school, then later rented an apartment on the same street when I was in my twenties.
I knew the area, but why was I driving a van? I don't own a van. I don't even like vans unless it's a cool van that doubles as a house on wheels. This wasn't was of those vans.
I looked over at my old school as I drove by, and that's when I noticed the monkey.
It was one of those small monkeys that sometimes wears a hat and rides bikes. A macaque maybe? I don't really know my monkeys.
So there's this monkey, and I'm near my old school, driving a van. The monkey was wearing clothes and holding a lunchbox so naturally I thought it was my job to drop this monkey off at school.
I Pointed to the Door
Told the monkey to get out.
The monkey wasn't impressed with me. I could tell by the look on his face. I said, "get out," one more time. The monkey pouted, unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door, then exited the van. I drove away.
In the rear view mirror, all I could see was a pissed of little monkey. He was chasing the van. Fast little guy.
I started to feel guilty so I stopped. The monkey got back inside the van, buckled up his seat belt, and without words, he told me to never leave him behind again. I guess I wasn't supposed to drop him off there.
Then I awoke.
I've been thinking about this goddamn monkey ever since.
About the Art:
It is what it is.
I don't really want to say much about what it could mean. It means whatever you want it to mean. It goes along with this one I produced yesterday:

And those two tie in with a few others I've produced in the past that share the same style.
Eventually, I'll be doing some creative writing to go along with these images, and from there, everything should come together nicely; I'll be able to tell the story. There is a method to my madness.
These projects take time. If you look at my old and now defunct Haffanower series, you'll see why it's important to work slowly, bit by bit. The art in that series is sloppy; a rush job. Even though it was meant to be crude as part of the humor there, I don't think many got the joke. Maybe the writing was good, but the images made me look like a shitty artist. That's my fault though because I was attempting to release a new episode every few days. Far too much corner cutting involved in attempting to meet such short deadlines. I'm my own boss so there's no point in setting myself up for failure.
Enough ramble out of me.
I hope you've enjoyed the art, and I'll see you in the comments section.
Have a nice day.

I always enjoy your art, humor, writing and rambles. The shadowy profiles are dreamlike and just skewed enough to wonder if it's a good dream or if it could turn bad.
Haven't seen you in a awhile. Was starting to think you were another one who bit the dust.
I don't think I'll ever truly leave Steemit. Work is keeping me busy and being on the computer all day for other people doesn't leave a lot of energy for my own stuff. I need to work on that! On the flip side, I'm glad to see you're still here :)
Still here and still coming up with something new nearly everyday. Many folks vanished or post and run. Sadly, it's not the same place it used to be. There's some curation out there, but I think I have to use their tags or they won't curate... and I'm not very good at following rules. Oh well.
A performing monkey that acts human, interesting. I am a big believer in dream meanings, but not the general ones on the internet. I can usually figure out the meaning if I dig around a bit in the storage area of the mind. I think I only remember the more meaningful dreams though - maybe they jerk me awake and force the issue. Yours seems like a meaningful one.
Unrelated, but I have some sort of mystery creature in my woods that resembles a monkey, but without tail. And there aren't really supposed to be monkeys here. And there is more than one. Creepy little things. I keep writing "and" at the beginning of my sentences tonight. It's like a stutter.
I'll See You in the Morning's background looks like a face. The eye is emitting light. Looks like the ape-man's future. I look forward to your series.
Good god this is a long comment. I got all my rambles out in one place. I'll close here.
It is a face. One eye, the cheek and a bit of the nose is showing. You have a good eye.
As for that dream, I'm not sure if it had meaning. Maybe it did, who knows. Something in life might happen in a few months or weeks, years, whatever, then maybe the dream would make sense. For now, it's just a monkey in a van.
Maybe some apes escaped from the zoo and now live in the woods? They don't have tails, I think?
It seems to me you know where this is headed, so I won’t clumsily offer an interpretation. Although, I did wonder what was in his lunchbox...
I have a strange feeling it would have been full of bananas.
My bets on candy...
Related, maybe, but not another pipe bowl, I don't think. It could be the Monkey God watching in shock and disbelief as you drop off a Monkey Angel at a school.
It might be the Monkey God monkeying around.
The art is cool and original as always! I like it! What was a strange dream haha! Oh I hope you got out this Saturday!!
I probably won't go far. Still sitting here hoping people are around to enjoy the blog. I should probably just start taking weekends off instead of working on this stuff. I'm glad you like it though! It's good to know at least some people are still looking. Thank you!
Many many people here really like your art and your writing also your sense of humor is so unique and you make so many laugh so you should be glad! :)
I'm glad.
Nice to hear it, you sounded a little down today.
Are you still dreaming about monkeys? I do that too, but its because I'm a prevert...
I'm dreaming about a lot of things...
Maybe it's time to wake up?
Where do you think you were actually supposed to take the monkey since he didn't want to go to school?
For all I know, that was his van, and they just don't let monkeys drive.
Based on my experience, I have a suspicion your dream wasn’t about the monkey. Last night I had a dream about my minivan as well. I lend it to my friend and he drove so fast with my minivan that it eventually flipped over when he tried to turn right very hard. The car completely felt apart. I wasn’t worried about him whether he got hurt or not, I was woried about my car. I think your dream was about that van as well. I think you didn’t want this pissed off monkey 🐒 in your van, because you were worried. I hope it makes sense. 🤔 or was it actually about that monkey? I’m not that good at dream interpretation anyway.
Those dream interpreters are much like astrologers. Simple generalizations and a bit of trickery. I just sit back and enjoy the brain movies.
Oh, wow, I think I would be wondering about that dream too. You know how you can have a tune stuck in your head and it can get stuck in someone else's when you mention it? Well, thanks for the monkey dream! lol
It was quite vivid. The little monkey was wearing a red shirt and blue pants. The day was cloudy/overcast. So strange.
You're welcome!
I had a dream one night with a cast of thousands and it was in technicolor. It had everything; danger, intrigue, comic relief, a rescue by the cavalry in their deep blue uniforms down by the river on their horses on an overcast day, and at the end, boat people. I will never forget it.
This art has a meaning for sure, but such a meaning that can’t be easily (it might be impossible) put into words. This what art is about.
It's more fun when people find their own meanings. If I say, "This is what it is, that's what it means," there's nothing left to talk about.
Exactly! every one is free how to relate to art.
True! Heard it said great from an Indian guru. Talk is just a conspiracy between two people. You make up the meanings yourself..
I'm starting to think maybe I should just shut up and share the art. But then again, I tried that and people started grumbling about post quality and how I don't deserve rewards...
You are doing fine keep posting :D
The beauty of life is that it has no meaning! Do what you want! :D
Beauty is a meaning.😜
This place would be boring without Beauty I agree with that!
Is there another place?
Nope! Only flat Earth as far as we know :P
We have to take care not to cross its edges :) :p
Wow. New characters! The first looks like a pre-historic monkey :D I read this after a beer but I'm pretty sure that's a monkey! Love the new switch up!
It's not really a new style. Just something I've been slowly building up, along with the other styles. I get bored if I work on one style at a time. There's another project that goes along with the red stuff you'll see from time to time. Each image is actually a small part of a much larger image I'm building up like a puzzle.
Will you make a map eventually? :D
That all depends on if I need a map, I guess.
woo,this things is really amazing.Stength to see that.Creative one
I think your translator is playing tricks on you, but I'll say thanks anyway. That seems like a suitable response.
Your comment was very amazing. Strength in this bot. World class creativity!
I guess, you needed a company for that you dreamed a monkey!!! :)))
have a nice evening...
The level of imagination is too damn high here, wonderful writing style though
There is no doubt at all that humorous writing is one of the most tough writing style but you're so blessed with it naturally man. So glad to see your blog & off course I enjoyed it too.
Stay Blessed <3
The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!Hello @nonameslefttouse, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine.
I thought about attempting to interpret your dream...and then I remembered that I think dream interpretation is bullshit, haha. All of my dreams are strange, at one point it used to disturb me but now I choose to find the humor in it. In fact ever since I stopped worrying about what my subconscious might be telling me my dreams took on a different flavor. They didn't get any less weird, but instead of feeling scared when freaky shit is happening I feel like I'm in some bizarre action adventure movie for example--Being chased by a psychopath? Bring it on bitch, I look forward to the adrenaline rush, ha!
Actually, maybe that's one of the reasons your art appeals to me so much, it does a better job of explaining my dreams then words could do.