Just going through a phase. I feel like writing using this fancy glaze stuff that'll just make the world graze upon my word maze. You can't get out cuz there are no ways. Think I'll give myself a raise. These rhymes are like the mayonnaise on that sandwich you paid too much for on your holidays.
The one with the dry bun.
Without this sauce, you can't be your own boss. Quite a few eyes might come across this as it sits lossless forever. You can't toss this. Blockchains are clever like Elon Musk is, however, his endeavor still has the lever that can sever your freedom to just sit and do whatever.
Remember that time they sold free speech and many bought it like a fresh peach at the fruit stand? Took a bite, tasted like bleach but who cares, man. Needed to reach all those people. Teach them the valuable lessons like: How to leech crypto.
And now we got AI, as I sit wondering why more people don't realize an immutable decentralized public database has the potential to save the human race from becoming manipulated by one of those disgraced mind-bending corporations all so commonplace in the space of information interface.
How easy it would be to rewrite history then alter the future for an eternity. Control just one mind accessed by all, so easily, while keeping what goes in and therefore what comes out a mystery.
Society is blind if they can't see the trail of breadcrumbs left behind once politics, money, and AI become intertwined.
Evasion and persuasion are already a part of the AI equation as the world gets lured into becoming part of a single-minded nation. Tricking people into calling old thoughts a new creation.
What's the point of thinking when thoughts come just as easy as drinking?
How to solve Hive's problems:

That's right.
Welcome mats.
Everyone should get their own welcome mat and put it by their door. That will solve everything.
I put a lot of thought into this. People will be lined up around the block trying to get in if we put welcome mats everywhere.
I worked on this prototype for quite a few hours. It's even made out of real hair. Animal lovers can relax though. It's vegan friendly human hair grown by real vegans. And none were harmed in the making of this mat unless they forgot their sense of humor at home, or refuse to accept the fact it's only digital art and I'm full of shit.
Would you believe that someone actually inspired me to make that?

I then told him I'd go forward with the idea and create the no trespassing sign made out of welcome mats. Because hilarious.
Only got as far as the welcome mat.
I don't need to make it now. Simply telling everyone then allowing them to picture it in their minds is far more efficient. If they wanted to make their own, they could, but they won't because it's ridiculous. It's a joke.
Interestingly enough, great minds think alike so in the future another genius might come along and want to invent a no trespassing sign made out of welcome mats. They'll use AI to help them think and find out if the thoughts have been thought. That'll lead them straight to my sorry face.
Like a lot of people
I've been thinking about AI quite often. I feel like one of the most crucial missing elements is sitting right here under my nose as I write this.

So I'm looking at something like Twitter right now. Not accusing them of any wrongdoings of course. However, as an example, there are millions of people essentially working for free by providing data and thoughts which inevitably become part of what makes up an AI mind in some instances.
Content is tucked neatly inside of a mystery box people must pay to open. Others will pay for a status symbol, then continue working at a cost in order to create and provide essential thoughts converted into the data AI requires in order to remain relevant.
People are providing free labor and even paying for AI capabilities. Many people are completely oblivious to the notion that they are already working for AI, in a sense. The tech is relatively new and that line of thinking just hasn't kicked in yet. However, it's important to consider how it impacts everyone down the line and what their role is in all this.
Some content or thoughts converted into data are hidden from the people until they pay, while something like Twitter gets paid to receive free thoughts.
Then what? Possibly turn around and resell it to the highest bidder or put it towards their own version of an artificial mind, while being in full control of how it thinks and what ideas it spits out.
Many of the largest corporations in the world are already busy making artificial minds out of the brains of actual people.
Remember gold mines? Now we have gold minds. Heavily fortified.
With AI requiring many new thoughts converted into new data constantly, the value just skyrocketed, and I think that could be why centralized social media solutions are seemingly shifting towards collecting as much data as possible but also attempting to keep it locked behind closed doors, out of sight of the competition.
Paywalls might just be a fancy way of tricking the consumer into paying for data security all while helping ensure potential profit down the road?
Purely speculation.
It seems like every social network could become its own standardized form of groupthink. Though not everyone agrees or will ever agree at all times unless you're in a cult, AI seeks to be efficient and will view all angles then create one vision out of what it sees.
The science fiction elements inside of my mind that seem to give rise any time I think of the future see an old Alex Jones saying something like, "See! I told you there was a war on for your mind!"
But for some reason he's screaming at a vending machine...
To think, the first AI war could just be a corporate battle for territory. Someone will want to own and control all the thoughts. We're talking about people here. Having one in control of a mind as vast and capable as AI is a disaster in the making. Social media in general has already done a fine job of steering society over a cliff with all its hidden intricacies.
Now it wants to start taking steroids?
The artificial mind needs to be decentralized, accessible, easy to explore, and impossible to manipulate.
AI could in theory become quite advanced and therefore powerful, yet it can't do a damn thing about anything I published to this blockchain here, now, previously, and off into the future. Same for you. Corporate controlled thought masters and their army of bots might want to brush this aside though; wipe it from memory. Along with everything else they don't want inside their minds, that they own, for your consumption, as they fight for your brains.
Saving the artificial world stemming from an artificial mind from its thoughts is a decent use case for Hive though. So I guess that's why I wrote this.
Have a nice day.

It was slightly disconcerting both listening to the music I have playing at the moment and feeling some random backbeat while reading the leadinng freestyle.
This was one of those times where I simultaneously have no idea what I just read and yet feel like I understood everything perfectly.
I shall attribute the success(?) to the welcome mat.
The welcome mat is the solution to everything.
And yes, right off the bat I said it's a word maze. I'm glad you made it out alive.
Was thinking about rhyming the entire post but holy crap is that ever hard. Won't stop me from trying again though.
I remember you doing it at least once before, that was pretty epic.
If my brain is working and I still know how to remember stuff, there's at least two long ones, and a few medium.
Twitter is a gangbang posing as a tea party. Never trust the twits.
Hats off to improv for heavens to Betsy 😀😀
Maybe we won't notice the AI war till it's over. Maybe not even then!
Hats off to me for first comment!
I meant to tag @improv. Thanks for reminding me even though you didn't know you were reminding me. He might be disappointed though, since I didn't finish the job.
And I don't use Twitter but I am aware. Just using that platform as an example, knowing others will soon follow suit with the whole pay to play model.
Needed to at least make an attempt to save the day though. You know how it is.
Indeed I know how it is!!
I am on Twitter but not really hive'y on it. I used to share my posts there but attracted some attention from real life people I write about so had to go dark. Which was a pisser!
I don't have time for it. Gave threads a second chance but, blah. Not for me.
I tried to look at a threads comment but sort of couldn't. Then felt like a dick. An old dick, so thought nah 😀😀
One day there's ads, so I snap because I hate ads. Then they tamed them down so I thought okay at least now I don't look like a bunk peddler. Now there's even more ads than before and they crop images and fuck up my posts. I can take a hint. I don't need to be in a toxic relationship with a platform lol
Indeed, there are enough toxic relationships out there with throwing platforms into the mix!
Wow. Crickets are loud today...
Try posting on a Saturday, they are louder then!
Should have just used AI to make the stupid welcome mat lol.
This will be the last time I try to fix Hive!
Get the AI to fix it!!
And do a theme tune, that's what AI is for.
To the moon!!!
Thanks for coming and making this less awkward.
AI is a bottomless pit, man. And once you're in, you can never get out. I try to think about what it can do over time and my brain feels like it's going to explode lol.
It's fun to think about. AI generated content and images are just a toy in comparison to what it's truly capable of.
I just can't help but wonder though how long it's going to take for people to realize how valuable their thoughts are, and why it's incredibly important now to put them in safe storage like Hive. An AI "mind" could wipe someone off the internet in a fraction of a second.
Great, not just can I see in my minds eye an Elephant from Diablo iv I can now see welcome mats (matts, to welcome many Matthews) reminds me of Winnie the Pooh, heffalumps and woozles, the multiplying - great back to the Elephant.
However Welcome Mats are the solution, we have one with Darth Vader gurr arg
I'm surprised nobody has thought of this before.
I know, one's mind boggles - on an obsure tangeant What's your boggle, great film
Here's a useless fact:
Boggle is a game.
How can that be useless, and i do remember that strange Boggle box thing with buttons...i think i may have played it in the 80s
It's a game where you're made to feel impressed for spelling, "Cat".
1000% approval for using Cat out of every word in the world
Hey thanks for the welcome dude. I felt so invited. Like stopping at a randoms for and just going in making myself a sandwich along the way to sitting at their lounge doing at all their whisky bottles of they have some.
By the sounds of it, I think you tripped over the welcome mat. I forgot to put the watch your step mat down again. That's my bad. Enjoy the whiskey.
Yeya. Falling flat on the flat is all worth it with whisky!
That's a damn good version of that song.
Twitter is the most dramatic social media these days. Soon it will lose its true purpose for what it was created. Instead of solving the problems, it is creating more and more.
Drama sells. It's a form of entertainment for a lot of people and it would be next to impossible to have a mass of people that large stay calm.
I think I should have thrown a few other examples into this post though. It's not a Twitter bash. The issue presented isn't exclusive to Twitter.
Intentional word maze though.
Steemit and whaleshares also promised to be decentralized social media. How steemit went to zero after the Justin Sun takeover , I am really afraid if twitter is also following the same pattern.
Hive is a good position when it comes to decentralized media. Nearly all the clones failed but usually because someone is branching off to have control they felt they deserved. Recipe for disaster.
Twitter will be fine for awhile yet. It's designed to shackle users to the platform. Naturally conditioned to feel like there's a lot at stake or a lot to lose if they leave. Very difficult for them to put it down.
Yes hive is doing great and new features are always being implemented here.
Sure. Like anything though, there are a few issues. Decentralization is hard in general. If someone doesn't like something, sometimes they want to attempt changing everything, for everyone. Easier to build on rather than take off but some are wired that way and want more control than what comes naturally to everyone in a decentralized arena.
Bummed I missed this to upvote. Sawry. I'd give it a full bump and grind 👍🏻
Typo. Worth fixing. That's some good spoken word right there. And I'm into that shit 👀 Great rhyme and rhythm!
You like Sekou Sundiata? I saw him perform. Fell in love before he finished his first poem.
I'm gonna read the rest on the laptop. Can't see the screenshots on mobile. Eyes pretty tired right now. Brb.
It's funny. I could read this 1000 times and still miss a typo like that. Especially with rhymes, since I have it all memorized. Thanks for the heads-up.
And if you want to upvote something past seven days, simply leave a comment then upvote the response. Goes to the same place.
It it's a really old post and you don't get a response, that could be a sign the author is no longer around, and sending them a tip would just be throwing money into the void.
Aaaah... more learning. Thanks! I had no idea :)
Copy that. But I know you're around so... See ya 'round!
I appreciate the tip but just know it's not necessary. No need to spend your money on me.
And since you liked the rhymes. Here's another one.
I enjoy spending money on people. Prolly why I'm broke. But I had enough so please work on accepting. It's hard. I know!
Had a t-shirt job from a film company this week. I'm okay for a while. 🌼
Off for a walk and will save that rhyme for when I can give it my full attention.
Sew you soon
That front end you mentioned with no voting / earning whatever
May I have the link please? Curious to experience it :)
I didn't mention a frontend with no voting / earning whatever.
Oh. I thought you said someone tried one with no votes or earnings showing on the Great Debate with the two whales recently 🤔
And you said nobody ended up using it after they demanded it 😆
But I've been overworking and multi tasking...
Gonna game a bit and unwind. Eyes are!
aren't(see?) burnt out and sore now. Sucks getting oldBrb
Chirp Chirp!
How to keep AI from learning Mapette.
Sorry it took so long to get here, but I was out on a matting expedition. As you can see, the solution is there for us to follow! It's pretty simple, really.
You need to follow your own drummer. A drummer is a must if you go on a mapping/scouting/matting expedition. You need to be able to let those before you know you are coming so you can take them off guard.
You never want to be the one they look at and throw into the pot of rock soup. So always send the drummer first. Ensure that wild orange flying pigs only hear their voice, and you will be fine.
Feel free to follow my map but make it your own, or all is lost in Riverdale.
Canada and the USA are easy to find, but them and THEM can be more problematic. I am sure the tiny chirping things can come up with ways to help if you can communicate with them.
I will say watch out for the laundry Matte. You can lose a lot of time there if you open that door.
It's the best advice I can give.
If you survive, let me know how it goes!
Sorry for the shaky work. Making straight lines while riding on a flying winged centipede is hard.
Here's my response:
OMGosh How perfectly perfect!!!!!
The color, the scope, the doohickiness of it all is beyond anything .................
Is that an elephant waving hello to me? With you riding on top?
I should have known you would have it all figured out from the map.
I am printing it and it is going on my wall to be whined at when the sky becomes that scary shade of green we all are afraid of unless you are a 12 year old boy.
I'm good at maps.
it is a dying art, being able to read maps.
But then again so is being human just because sometimes its fun :D
Thank You for making me laugh!!!
the Map is coming :D
Is it a welcome map?
Close :D
What's your Twitter handle?
I don't use Twitter. Don't have one.
My mistake. Thought you were in the Twittersphere.
It's all good. I've visited the site numerous times but I just don't have the time to be hooked on something like that.
I'd rather earn something. For the same act.
Yeah this platform is kind of cool like that. Technically part owner as well so may as well enjoy it. It's all I use for stuff like this nowadays. Not even on discord or any of that. Just doing my own thing.