@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself here again and today
I didn't do much!
(Isn't that exciting!)
A Lot of Not A Lot
I Did That Though
The music sounds good today.
I love Saturday afternoons.
Have a nice day.
Disclaimer: hundreds of works of art I've produced and released exclusively on Steemit for you people? Do you even realize how long that would take! I'd have to sit here, and work, again. Twice! Twice, on a Saturday! As if producing yet another one of the hundreds of works of art I've produced and released exclusively on Steemit for you people isn't enough! Cut me some slack here! It's Saturday! Come on! I don't see you working! It's Saturday! Just let me make some art, leave it here, then have a beer! Simple! Thanks! Have a nice day! Jeez.Yes, yours truly, @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself, realizes this post was quite short. I just really like Saturday afternoons though. I mean, how much more do I need to say? Do I need to write an entire essay about how I'm just sitting here, on my ass, doing nothing but enjoying a nice day; having a beer, listening to music, and feeling good about finishing yet another one of the Credits: All images seen here were produced digitally, by me. "I just really like Saturday afternoons."
© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse. All rights reserved.Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
Title full upvote, once again :D
I had a feeling you'd like that one. Honest. As I was writing it out I thought, "Yup. @kayclarity is going to like this one." LOL!
I hope you're doing well!
Haha I don't know if you're being serious or not! Either way it's funny :).
Honestly, a little burned out on here. I'm just not really cut out for the demands of social media, I think: I get so overwhelmed. And it's hard to do well or get/keep traction unless you're constantly at it. Between that and constant original content.. I'm tired!
I'm jokingly being serious. It's a thing I do.
I'm tired, too. We're allowed to take breaks though. I've taken several now. The best way is to just go. Announcing it doesn't work, it adds pressure. Even if you plan a vacation and promise your followers pictures when you get back, you'll be constantly working, looking for those shots, thinking about those things to say; not getting away.
Maybe I'm lucky, but my experience tells me I will not be forgotten or become irrelevant if I vanish. I'm good at going poof. If you decide to take a break, I'll notice and I'm sure others will as well. Don't worry about the worrywarts. All it takes is a simple heads-up comment. "I'm back." Myself and I'm sure many others will step up to ensure you can pick up where you left off.
A perfect song to go with a beer on a lazy, sunny, Saturday afternoon:
It turned out to be: lazy, then beer, then way too much lazy, nap... and now, quite suddenly, it's already dark outside.
And here I am trying to sell art on a Saturday:
When ants crawl on them and someone comes by to look; do you say, "Yes, I made that and look! It's animated," then point at the ants?
Ahhhh no. But that is a great idea. Will do from now on.
I think that would increase sales.
When I look at your work ... and the visual ..
This song always comes to my mind. And there may be other songs of this group
WoW I loved it so much!
Homeopathic activity has many faces.
Isn't that shit just water?
Depends on how often they not-a-lot-of-not-a-lotted it. Mostly, yes, just water. Water is good for you.
Saturdays are too busy for me to enjoy. Sundays are more for me. Sunday Fundays with the wifes funbags.
I didn't say that. Not that I am saying a lot, but to admint that I'm not saying alot to not say a lot says a lot. Here's a whole lot of not a lot to go with your lot of not alot. Hope you liked it a lot.
Hahaha the title caught me and then the disclaimer struck me. Wonderfully put.
I like Saturdays of not a lots. We did that ourselves, a lot of not a lots.
I see 4 faces! That's not a lot...
You can see all four, and some didn't even notice one! I like this game!
An x-ray of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde's thoughts. Scary stuff.
Yeah, pretty much. It's some kind of multiple personalities thing with a glimpse of the evil controller inside.
lol! You didn’t do much? Jeez!
Personally I'm particular to Sunday mornings. I can almost see the Saturday afternoon allure though, almost.
I like those too! Which is why I need to be really careful and make sure my Saturday afternoon activitivties do not extend into Sunday, or I'll be dreading that Sunday morning.
Yes, Saturday shenanigans can easily destroy a peaceful Sunday morning. No one wants a headache and sour stomach with their sweet tea and pancakes, at least no one I know of any way.
I use week days as people classifications. "Eh. He's a Saturday night (party person), I'm a Sunday morning (chill and comfy)." "I like what a 2:00p.m. Wednesday (hard worker) he is." "Oh she's a total Tuesday afternoon (pintrest mom)." This is an actual thing I do.
I also make up back stories for just about every stranger I see on the street including animals, but that's irrelevant and my nephew is currently tickling my feet to annoy me so I won't give examples. XD
Happy on a Monday; it must be the meds.
I play the story game, too. That's what benches are for.
and street side cafe patios! Because food.
Patios and decks are the shit. There's food there. There's beer there. There's people who bring this stuff to you. There's people walking by. Some of them hold bags. Ever play guess what's in the bag? That one's fun.
Yaaaas. It is not appropriate for children how I play it though XD
I also like to play guess why they're going to break up whenever I see couples, which I feel like is kind of awful, but the self generated entertainment outweighs that.
That one actually sounds like a lot of fun. Even being wrong is a win because they still get to live happily ever after. Most likely just going to watch some Netflix though.
I got so confused by your title that I lost track after a while and then just started skimming for different word shapes. They all seem to be the same though, wonder if it's a brain trick like
and I missed it. I was about to go back and check but then I started looking at the pic instead, not sure if the face in the centre is mad at me for not looking there first or just in general.
Sometimes not doing much is the best XD
That one in the middle is all like, "Hello! Hello! I'm right here! Why can't you see me!" That happens to him all the time.
I used to love my Saturdays. That's when I putter around and do stuff. Now I have someone who wants me to do stuff but it's their stuff not my stuff. And things. I like to do my stuff and my things. Alone. Do people still putter around?
I'm good at doing things alone. I don't putter around though. I prefer a pitching wedge.
Are you listening to Metallica?
Here’s another ONE:
I like that one.
My first impression was that it was a white human skeleton. Then I saw the demon at the centre. It can also all just be smoke... There is a face at the right side he seems to be laughing and having a fun time. The centre demon seems to scream and be a little more desperate. The left face seems to be more calm and accept reality for what it is. Also looks like he has a bit lower intelligence. But also he seems to be enjoying the ride a lot. The right face looks like he is on something, maybe even something illegal. And he has a very big nose.
Here's the part where I tell you it's just one big letter 'E'.
Is that the father, the son and the holy ghost or a ultra sound of a pregnant woman with three adult babies inside?
It might be both!
Man you just need to go outside. ok go outside! get go GET!!!! That right leave us the beer.
Hey! Those trees look like my trees!
is this a three dimensional art?
Nope. This is just me messing around on a flat surface. Two separate layers merged into one, a bit of virtual spray paint, some sculpting, some blending and done.
Saturday afternoons are made for doing a lot of not a lot.
I concur.
Oh dear friend... you just keep it up... someone liking your art work.... D:-)
Upvoted dear
Thanks dear.
upvote done.Why you like Saturday afternoons??
Because I can do whatever the hell I want! :)
Saturday afternoons that is when it's happening? Lol
I observed this photo and I think I can see three faces.
faulous one, have a nice day...
what a creativity!!
Holey macaroni!
Let your art speak for you and enjoy another beer. Hell have one for me too
That's pretty cool..
I looked at this and it truly spoke to me...
It said.....
"It's definitely Yanny"
The music today sounds potato to me :)
Jajaja, bueno amigo también debes de tener tus descanso no puedes hacer post largos siempre xd
Friend! You did not need to give so many explanations.
Although in the end you ended up giving them ... hahaha ...
Greetings happy Saturday, that you keep enjoying your beer!
This article made my Saturday.
Thank you.
its really a great queto
I like A Lot of Not A Lot!!!!!! And I like Saturdays too!!!!
You just took those Greek comedy/tragedy masks to a whole new level. Super interesting piece!
I didn't do much neither these days, a part the usual.
A lot of not a lot shows in its simplicity the duality that the human being suffers, the internal conflict between rational and emotional.
Much much appreciated.