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RE: Don't Cross Oceans For People Who Wouldn't Jump A Puddle For You

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I actually agree with this @shihabieee! But it is also OK to protect yourself from people who are truly toxic, which sounds like what you're talking about @sauravrungta . Like you said, when you don't get appreciation back ever, the thoughts crop up in your mind.

Because toxic people can slowly poison you to the point that you have nothing left to give to anyone anymore.

I have watched my mom give an give and give and give, no strings attached. It has physically affected her health.

She gave so much, that now everyone has used her up. They don't even show appreciation for her, and it is sad. It kills her soul. It kills her spirit.

She has gotten physically sick from giving SO much that she exhausted herself and couldn't get out of bed for a couple of days. The stress of trying to support too many toxic people, who just kept taking, made her get stomach ulcers.

She gives to the point that the people she gives to don't even try to help themselves anymore.

So this is where I've learned that SOME boundaries are okay, and if you can balance it with giving with no strings attached, while also protecting yourself from toxic people, THAT is the key.

Balance. It's always the thing.


"Because toxic people can slowly poison you to the point that you have nothing left to give to anyone anymore." <----- THIS!!! This is what I was trying to say throughout the post. Thanks for doing it for me! haha

I agree whole heartedly with your point of maintaining balance and will look to implement the same in my life as well :)

haha well I understood what you were saying! It makes total sense