2018 Wake Up Call

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I would like to start out today by thanking all of you who have read my posts this year! I truly appreciate all of the emails and PM's with words of support and thanks. I typically do not respond because I am not on FB or LI with any regularity. I post through https://steemit.com and link to these sites.

We are all the same and connected with different skin suits on! When you cause harm to others you are hurting yourself as well. Please try and remember this. ; )

*Fear (stops us from our full potential) - Whenever you feel afraid of something stop and consider it. Think about why you are afraid. Consider the source of that fear and what is their motivation to cause you fear.

*Chaos (energy looking for a new path)- begets change and we need to get uncomfortable before things can get better for us.

So many people are waking up these days that there is nothing to fear. Nothing can stop the evolution of consciousness that is growing exponentially.

*Self Doubt - We are in a society that has been made to profit, from our self doubt, by our cultural engineers.

Best way to overcome 'Self Doubt' is through:

** Courage

Share your Truths -
We are at a point in Time/Humanity that it is so important that we be courageous and share our truths (experiences). We all need to pick up the ball and run with it. Everyone wakes up in their own time, so be patient with the sleepers.

Making the Jump -
Dreams - Go travel if that is what you have always wanted to do. Follow your dreams.
Business - Start a business, or get out of that corporate job, or bring your own passion to 'your' business, or create your own non-job.
Relationships - get out of a bad relationship, or ask out your dream girl/boy.

What stops us from 'Making the Jump' to follow our dreams?


Do the damn thing... -
'To have the power' ` ~ Emerson
' We must do' ~ Bruce Lee

Typically, we have a honeymoon period with motivation. We start a new project but in time the wind that had initially filled our sails fades and the project gets mothballed.
This is where Discipline comes into the picture. As soon as we can realize that motivation fades discipline can carry us over the hump. Again Discipline continues when motivation fades.

We need to be steadfast and strong in the coming days, weeks , months and years.

Life as you know it is a lie, society is a cage, your jobs are voluntary slavery. The television you watch is designed to keep you incapable of critical thought and the very freedom and democracy your leaders claim to stand for is nothing but an illusion.

What exactly has the human experience become? From a young age we are told to go to school, get a job, and fit into society like everybody else. As we grow older, we lose our childlike innocence, experience depression, and question the meaning of life. We get used to this type of routine, to the point where we don’t even question it and, in some cases, it becomes so ingrained into us that anybody who speaks up about creating something new is completely vilified by society.

While we are trying to put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads, the world is run by the “one percent.” This is precisely why it’s in the shape that it’s in.

Our planet is going through a massive change, on multiple levels, but most importantly, within. People are starting to question what is really going on here. In doing so, answers appear, and new information is constantly emerging that challenges the long held belief systems of today. Perhaps the world isn’t everything we’ve been told it is, and perhaps the human race and all its individuals are capable and meant for something far greater than to keep repeating an experience that does not nourish the human soul.

In the process, we’ve allowed ourselves to be deceived, but ultimately, we are in control.

The very freedom and democracy your leaders claim to stand for is nothing more than an illusion.

Does democracy even exist? It’s clear, more so than it has ever been, that governments do not really represent the people, but rather put on a show that makes it seem like they do. Voting doesn’t really make a difference, and never really has. The same agendas continue to be played out, and every single presidency since Truman has been heavily controlled by the Deep State Institutions that control America.

As difficult as it was for me, I’ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing conclusion. I believe that an elite group of people and beings through the governments and corporations they run have gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by controlling the world of finance. Not by creating more value, but by actually controlling the source of money. Perhaps the (666) mark of the beast refers to debt laden money.
*666 is also the Pantone Color Code for purple- https://www.pantone.com/color-finder?q=666

Under the guise of morality, your government sells weapons to the very countries they claim to protect you from, lining their pockets with the spoils of war, billions made by the death of millions.

We are experiencing a shift in consciousness.

As I do my own research, I am able to witness how many people seek alternative (free) news and it is unbelievable. A lot of information with solid sources made its way onto the web, information the global elite did not want people to see. This is all part of the mass awakening that’s currently happening; minds are opening to new possibilities about the nature of our reality and the truths about our human experience that have been swept under the rug.

A lot of this information can actually trigger a massive perceptual paradigm shift. To completely lose your view of the world and how it works is not something easy to go through, but as a result of it, many changes within the individual are sparked, which is important because as we begin to change within, we start changing without.

The important thing to remember is that we can change the game any time, and that although some revelations may trigger fear, they don’t have to. The human experience is just that, an experience, and it’s our job to change the things that do not resonate with us, on an individual and collective level.

We are constantly pointing toward the global elite, and rightfully so, but again, it’s on US as a people to SEE so we don’t allow ourselves to be deceived.

We’ve been trained to care about our own individual lives and focus on us, rather than the whole. The more we start caring about all life on this planet and the benefit of all who reside on it, the quicker we can get through this shift, this re-brith, this apocalypse which, by the way, means revealing the truth.

Hopefully this gives you something to think about.

'We Are One'


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