Wow, no sparks! That is a bit disappointing, but at the same time, I'd say that's a good thing. I wonder if it's built into the design that if such occurs, it shorts out. Of course, it was fast, so there's that also.
not one of the little piddly ones
😂I know the kind, toy type. I'd be very unhappy at losing a tool that way. If there's something I still have an attachment to, it's tools.
Oooo Electricity danger stories, I like!
LOL! Well, you'd think it would be welding that would have made me jumpy, but no, very comfy there. One of the worst was a home office, where I had an external hard drive plugged into power bar with computer, also charging an ipod on power bar. There was this inexpensive clip on lamp also plugged in, low wattage, so that wasn't the issue. I'd had the lamp too long and wiring must have gone. I'm sitting there at the desk with all this on.
All of a sudden, I smell melting plastic and then a large arc with the light cord and all I could think is FIRE going to happen, cut the circuit and karate chopped the cord of the light so it disconnected from the power bar. I melted the ipod partially, fried the external hard drive, fried the computer, and the power bar all in one fell swoop. Plus scared the crap out of myself. Took several years after that to stop being jumpy about any electrical snap, such as turning on a light switch, any electrical household flash. Welding never bothered me and still doesn't to this day, no of course not, it's always some common ordinary thing that nails me every time. Things that don't typically happen to other people. If it's dangerous, I don't get injured. Go figure.
Never apologise for a delay! NEVER!
Thanks for that!
Bamboo looks like it has an invasive quality in it's nature, so it likes to "take over". Does it propagate by rhizome? I liked the way it looked, have always wondered what it would be like to be in a bamboo forest. I'll probably go back and photograph it.
Ever see white asparagus growing? I swear asparagus has to be the weirdest looking vegetable in the way it grows.
That is a freaky electrical tale! I once touched a heater in an old workplace and there was a blue flash and I found myself slumped against a wall on the other side of the room going what happened. Elevtricity is bad shit!
Bamboo is rhizome'ous! Most of the strains do not invade quite so aggressively in cold countries but they still spread a fair bit. Everything spreads in my garden though so I don't mind the odd fight every summer. hehe.
I have never seen any asparagus growing. I have heard it can grow quite quickly>
I thought you'd find that tale odd. You sound like you had a much more slap zap from electricity, jeez! I've heard a couple stories from electricians along those lines. No thanks!
Ahhhh! I thought it was rhizome typish. It seems like that. Your garden must have quite the spread. It's enjoyable getting out into it, wish I had a back yard, but maybe that will change at some point.
Asparagus looks like some alien thing, especially the white variety. It spreads underground in a mass, then pops up through the earth. I would think rhizome again, but I haven't checked to confirm that.
It did give me a bit more of a healthy respect to electricity than I had previously had. Before that, it was just a word and a magical force that made the world warm and light :O)
I didn't have a garden for years and years and years. I do like having one now. I think my garden is amazing, but my neighbours think it is some kind of green riot. What they can see of it anyway, lol!
One of my neighbours is pissed off with me because we have a bees nest on the fence that separates us and when they told me, in a tone that suggested getting rid of it I was like, eh, fuck no. Bees man! We need them!
😂 Those kind of experiences leave a lasting imprint. I don't even trust myself with fire, never mind electricity. Things like to burn me, literally. Those are other fun stories. Very funny now though.
So wonderful to have a garden. I haven't always had one either. It's an amazing experience. Might get your neighbours going on their own. This seems to spread. Relaxing also. Here though, it's also performance art, since enough neighbours have mentioned my garden to me, LOL. I never thought about anyone watching.
Screw the guy with the issues about bees, you most definitely need them. He needs a wasp's nest, bet that would stop his complaining. Hornets would work as well. I have personal experience there. I wonder what type of bees and could you do your own small honey making operation...hmmmm...
Fire! I love fire! Never had a bad experience with it! Although that makes me sound like a nutty arsonist. hehe.
We only have wasps so far. None of those mad hornets yet. Thankfully! I do like the bees although they are my kryptonite and if one comes near me and catches me unawares I squeal like a six year old!
FIRE! Hahaha! I bet you handle it better than I do. Nutty arsonist, LOLOL! What visions that brings forth. I wonder if you could spin a story with that?
Wasps, ugh, I keep my distance from those, since they can be aggressive. I get hornets on my balcony, even without the garden. One year they built a nest in a bucket full of elk antler crowns (see how those always get me in trouble?). I didn't know why they were hanging around until finding the deserted nest the next year. Now I get aggressive if they come around. I swat them off the balcony. You could put that six year old squeal to a song, bet that'd be wild.
Found bees last week, huge, later checked and they are "ground bees" who nest in the ground, or decaying plant matter close to ground. I made sure not to sit on a nest and was a little jumpy at bees almost half the size of my thumb.
I bet there is a story in that!
I used to do entirely fictional stories in my earlier Steemit/Hive career. I kinda miss those but I don't have the time for the daily blogging anymore. A crazy arsonist would be a good one!
I like bees and go out of my way not to kill them but yeah. Wasps are fair game. They are drawn to me too. It must be that six year old squal that they want to hear!
I have seen ground bees. I didn't even know there was such a thing till a few years ago.