
I used to have a great pair of steelies - my steel toe capped rigger boots. Which I got solely because they were chainsaw proof. It's the simple things!

Oh yeah, you need those for a chainsaw! It is the simple things always. I'm assuming said chainsaw was used in cutting trees, not doing large sculptures.

That was exactly what they were! Kevlar lined rigger boots which could withstand a good chainsawing. I loved them things!

Haha, yes, those are beauties, nothing beats work boots like that. Even with them, I'd never trust myself with a chainsaw, the one tool I won't touch. 😂

Funnily enough, I am with you 100% on that. I nearly chopped into my leg with an enthusiastic hedge trimmer and have had enough close shaves with that yo not fancy having a close shave with anything that could actually remove a limb!

That's the only tool that's given me pause. The thought of missing limbs did it. I admired the way my father made it look so easy, but at the same time he was long skilled with that being a woodsman. Hedge trimmers I've left to others, although I've tried them out a bit. All those teeth and I'm no Edward Scissorhands!

I have a corded one and have cut through the cable three times. Needless to say, I have gotten a bit more careful now. You just have to be with whirly bladed madness!