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RE: Satan's 'Art

in #life3 years ago

Oh My STARZZZ!!! Hot dawg dingity dangity danglers! I got so excited when I saw the title, I dropped everything to read this.

I have been wanting to ask how you made your devilishly delightful art for months, but I was afraid I'd be sacrificed in a satanic ritual. Btw, those fingerpulling attempts to suggest pointy nipples don't cut it like some of your other art, just an artistic point, since we're on the topic, lol. My word, that's a lot of apps, holy crapola!

I stopped using "snowflake", too weather dependent, and switched to "cupcake". I'd describe what said cupcake visualization is but it might be misconstrued as evil if I did. I've already been accused of witchcraft and voodoo (not online), but I think that's an association with my hair colour, carving materials and tools.

At this point in the proceedings take out your penis and draw the number 666 in the air with it, as if it were a magic wand.

If you are a lady. I can't help you with that step.

I slapped the desk roaring here. I was going to ask then you hit with the next line, then I had to come up with a suggestion not a question. I'm not really supposed to say the word "lady" in Canada, I think that's banned now and "person" is possibly acceptable, so I'll say "person" and suggest a strap-on attachment at this juncture. Velcro connections add extra sound spice.

This is freaking hilarious, you've outdone yourself!


Hehe, the finger pulling T-Shirt nonsense was quite an odd pic to find. I was originally going to keep his hair and put it in on my head but I forgot!

Witchcraft indeed. I mean for fuck sake! Some people just can't get over the fact that everyone is different and would like us all to be exactly the same fitting into their little moulds.

It's funny, sometimes I do pause for a moment before writing something even as innocuous as lady in these current times. I think your solution might just work and the added velcro... Lol!!

It's a cool pic, I was ribbing you because it made me think of the pointy 50's style the "ladies" used to sport. It's quite funny. Yes, oh yes, the hair! That would have been just the final touch, LOL!

You do know that all redheads are witches, vampires, evil to the core, etc, etc, etc? I think I've had a head start from the get go, unless you're sporting red hair also, lol. Gawd forbid we all be exactly the same, horrific vision.

You pause before writing "lady"? LOLOL, that's too funny. I'm always joking about strap-ons and various other more, um extreme things. This was just the right moment to say it, twisted creature that I am. I seem to offend enough ladies throughout my life. Oh well.

A funny little story about the voodoo thing...
A rather more upscale highrise I used to live in, they did these annual fire inspections. I had half of the living room divided into another room, soundproofed and the works as my studio, which opened onto a balcony. One of the guys that came in to inspect was Haitian. I had all these elk antler crowns out on the balcony cleaning them, some were drying, some soaking in hydrogen peroxide. I got them from a farmer, so they were, um fresh from the field, LOL and needed to be cleaned before carving. So there's around 60 or more of them all over the balcony. The Haitian guy sees them, gets completely freaked out. I mean, he was terrified. I didn't know what was going on until he asks me if I'm doing voodoo, all these bones, blah blah. I looked at him like he was crazy and thought, I don't want to explain any of this to him, so I told him it was my husband's and I have no idea what he does with this stuff, I'm just a dumb girl kind of thing. I swear I saw the whites of his eyes. All over something so benign. I don't think it was my red hair that time.

Sometimes a partner is a great excuse, when they aren't there in person and will never have to deal with it. Told him when he got home and he died laughing.

That's what I find funny. I say some awful things and never hesitate to write them and then the little innocuous ones in some circumstances make me hesitate. I don't actually not do it right enough. Lol!!

I can imagine the man's fear. He just have thought his skull would be up on a wall next 🤣

Partners are great to blame. I do it all the time!

Interesting how that is. I bet circumstances weigh in strongly with the hesitation. Doing it right enough, lol, is there such a thing?

Yeah, it was weird to me. Whatever visions he had must have been something out of this world.

Partners are great to blame. I do it all the time!

I think that works very well, hahaha, since both get to have fun with that.