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RE: Trouble Not The Trousers Be

in #life3 years ago

Aren't cat whiskers the most amazing things?

Yes, they are, what a good story, lol! I didn't know they shed whiskers until I found one, then more. I saved them. Here's where I admit that I recently fanned them out and sealed the ends together in a strip of folded black leather (being placed into the sheepskin tunic I'm finishing off for an extra special memory. Post to arrive some point, sadly I will have to model for the pics, paper bag time).

Decrease cost of production, increase revenue, voila! I've sewn forever, my lucky ex had custom whatever he wanted made, including buttons. Yes, I spoiled him. He's never forgotten, LOL.


A sheepskin tunic? That sounds blummin magic. He was a lucky man to have someone wise in the ways of the sewing! My family rely on me and I can barely sew two bits together.

I am sure you will boss level that tunic modelling :OD

In days of yonder
I could not falter
Young and tender fingered
With needle well threaded
I sewed up a storm
Nimble not forlorn
Taught well and true
Learned and patience grew.

I couldn't resist. I daresay you're quite finely talented in areas I'm not aware of, nor will I enquire, best I read instead.

I'll wait upon your assessment once I get the durn thing done and visually presented. The modelling, ugh, ugh, and triple ugh. That says it all, lol.

He was a lucky man

I have a tendency to spoil those I care about. Never a waste of time. 😁

My talents are of course boundless... Well, it would be churlish to say less of myself!

I shall keep an eye out for this presenting and mentally prepare for some poetry to accompany it! :0D

I have visions of kilted boundlessness bouncing about with fake pocket socks.

Okay, I'll stop being silly now, lol.

I shall keep an eye out for this presenting and mentally prepare for some poetry to accompany it! :0D

LOL! I have never shown or published poetry I've written anywhere. I cite the Hive influence for that happening. Thanks for the encouragement, had not thought to include that in the post, but since you bring it up, I'm going to run with that. 😂

It's funny. It really until I started blogging that I actually published about poetry on the webz. It was fun though and I am glad I did! So revel in it!

I find that connecting with other creative people, or people with different perspectives that share them, provides that fuel to get going.

I'm all new to this, so yes, I'll enjoy it, although I like your word "revel" better, think I'll use that word in something I write, thanks again. See how it works? 😂

Always a pleasure to chat with you, thanks!

Revels, not just an out of date type of sweet!! :0D