So you can vogue to top Madonna, minus those eye poking pointy cups, with much more style and glam?
I dare say I’d love to see a video clip of you dancing a jig. My Irish heart warms at the thought of that vision.
Do you know the deal about fake zippers and what that’s called?
I see many pointy teeth but only two claws in your sethropod. Trade you a couple claws for a couple of those teeth. I’d say something more about appendages and teeth in another jurisdiction, but I’m censoring myself for good reasons.
skipped from foot to foot like an Irishman drunkenly readying to box his missus after his horses failed to win that day.
You are aware, lol, that Irish women are the ones to be scared of, eh? 😏
(censors stories of Scottish men trying to tangle with me and losing badly)
Hawaii Five-O? 😂 Happy Birthday, it's all downhill now. Stiff upper lip and extra jigs will assist in reversing that, at least outwardly. Oh yes, also laughs, many of them, such as I had reading your entire post, you're too funny for your britches, well almost, the fake pocket provides extra space. 😉
Hahahah, I had clean forgotten about those pointy cups of hers. How could anyone forget that, that is what Madge in the nineties was known best for!
My jigs, whilst bringing all the girls to the yard are a deeply personal thing. Unless someone slips me a couple of Tequilas or a fiver. hell, maybe even both... Double jig!! :OD
I am always baffled by the fake zips. I mean, I am not sure I would want pockets in some of the places theyput them but I am the kind of guy that if I have a zip I want it to lead somewhere!
Oh that's right, Irish women can be doughty and fierce. My dear Mum was half Irish and she was the fiercest woman I knew. I shall remember that for the next time ;O)
I will try to laugh extra hard in future knowing that it is all I have left, LOL!
Those cups left a pointed impression stain in my brain, lol.
Performance of a jig with a fee paid for thee, but a tequila for a Scot?
Be glad you're a guy and the zips are only in strange places. Women's clothes these days, with or without zip, it would be lucky to get to the first joint of a finger. I thought I had that solved until you stated the zip with fake pocket has migrated to men's clothing.
LOL, your mom is half Irish, you know the experience! That explains the word weaving story telling gift 😉, or am I giving the Irish too much credit?
Add story telling also, laughter isn't all you have left. Since I haven't known you long, can't add other aspects, but I have a cat whisker inkling there's a lot more layered in there. 😸
Aren't cat whiskers the most amazing things? I used to collect them when I was a lad. Between the cats we had, I amassed a great collection much to my mammy's dismay! :OD
I think that might be a good explanation of where the storytelling comes from.
And the exasperation on the zips! I hadn't known they had started out on the lady attire but now I come to think on it I have seen some odd zippery which didn't look as if it was ever meant to ho anywhere on some girls clothes! Now I know! haha
Yes, they are, what a good story, lol! I didn't know they shed whiskers until I found one, then more. I saved them. Here's where I admit that I recently fanned them out and sealed the ends together in a strip of folded black leather (being placed into the sheepskin tunic I'm finishing off for an extra special memory. Post to arrive some point, sadly I will have to model for the pics, paper bag time).
Decrease cost of production, increase revenue, voila! I've sewn forever, my lucky ex had custom whatever he wanted made, including buttons. Yes, I spoiled him. He's never forgotten, LOL.
A sheepskin tunic? That sounds blummin magic. He was a lucky man to have someone wise in the ways of the sewing! My family rely on me and I can barely sew two bits together.
I am sure you will boss level that tunic modelling :OD
In days of yonder
I could not falter
Young and tender fingered
With needle well threaded
I sewed up a storm
Nimble not forlorn
Taught well and true
Learned and patience grew.
I couldn't resist. I daresay you're quite finely talented in areas I'm not aware of, nor will I enquire, best I read instead.
I'll wait upon your assessment once I get the durn thing done and visually presented. The modelling, ugh, ugh, and triple ugh. That says it all, lol.
I have a tendency to spoil those I care about. Never a waste of time. 😁
My talents are of course boundless... Well, it would be churlish to say less of myself!
I shall keep an eye out for this presenting and mentally prepare for some poetry to accompany it! :0D