June bullet journal, reflections on 2022. so far and rainy days at home

in #life3 years ago

Goodbye May, hello June! I actually had to think twice before writing this as it's so surreal to me that June is already here! Today I want to share my bullet journal setup for the upcoming month. We are having rainy days here since Saturday so I have spent a lot of time inside, waiting for the sunshine to show up again.


To be honest, I feel like I've lost my motivation during the past two weeks or so. I have fell off my routine, my sleep is messed up and I haven't been doing any of the important tasks I need to do. Beginning of the new month always gives me that "fresh start feeling" so I'll take advantage of that to get back on track since some of the deadlines I have are coming closer and I can already feel the anxiety and stress kicking in.


Here's my calendar for June together with a section I titled important where I'll write down some of the dates, deadlines and important things I need to do. I have a few of those and I guess I'll just try to organize my time and obligations as best as I can. On the next page I just have my expenses/savings section as well as favorite songs which is always fun to look back at.


Next I have a habit tracker that wasn't completed when I took these pictures which was yesterday but today I finished setting up all of the pages for June so I have everything ready! Last month I also made a morning routine tracker and I found it very helpful but as I mentioned, I fell off the track lately including my morning routine. I was very good at keeping up with it as it was simple and it gave me a feeling of accomplishment first thing in the morning, especially when I tick off all the boxes. I really want to get back to that simple morning routine and that good feeling it gives me so I am bringing back this morning routine tracker.


To keep me more organized and on track, I always have a page for Hive post ideas where I write down ideas in pencil and then go back with a pen for each post I have published. Sometimes I get the ideas for posts or anything in life really but if I don't write it down somewhere, I often forget it. Having a designated place for post ideas and publications works great for me so I include it every month. I decided to try the same layout for my University tasks where I'll plan out what I have to do each day just to make sure I am on top of everything before the deadline comes.

Since Saturday we are having rainy and gloomy days with a little bit of a temperature drop and once again the weather changes made me feel even more 'blah'. It just added up on my unproductive, lazy and time wasting days which I am trying to turn around now. With the new month I want to start fresh and step by step get to doing things I know make me feel better and productive and cut down on time wasting things/distractions. I have been also reflecting on this year so far as I still cannot believe we are entering June now so I am just going over the goals, plans and expectations I have for 2022. just to see where I'm at and I can still relate to everything. Sometimes goals and priorities change even in the short period of time so I think it's important to check in with yourself and your goals every now and then. Journaling always helps me in situations like this and I will definitely do some journaling right after I finish this post. :)

Let me know in the comments how you're doing, do you also feel June came around too fast and/or how your plans for 2022. are going so far? Thank you so much for reading and I wish you all amazing and successful month of June! :)
