in #life4 years ago

A little reminder about fitting in.
You may feel out of place at times because you aren’t on the same track of life that others are as per their age or year.
It is an overwhelming feeling and one that I’ve faced too many times myself in the past.
But there’s one thing I can honestly say. I don’t feel that way anymore. Haven’t felt it for a long time. And the only reason this has been possible is because of a singular belief in my mind. And that is, “If you want an unconventional life, you have to do things different from the ordinary”. If you follow the path that everyone is on, you can’t expect yourself to be outstanding in what you achieve.

Hold this belief close to your heart. The belief that you are born to do extraordinary things. And for that you must take the road less traveled. It may be paved with a few more bumps and thorns for never having been travelled on before, but once you reach the end of the road, the view will be breathtaking! I promise.” -Nikita Sharma

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