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RE: Should Hand Guns Be Legal In the UK?

in #life8 years ago

I think you've misunderstood my position. Let me give you some thoughts:

I regard the politics of the regressive left as holding almost total control of western governments. This has been engineered simply because their interests temporarily serve the interests of the establishment. (The EU, the migrant 'crisis' and the diversity agenda are bigger than any one political block. They all seems to have unlimited funding which can all be traced back to globalist financiers) Once society, the family and any sense of identity for most Europeans is broken down to nothing this sham ideology will be discarded and we will enter a banking controlled oligarchy. You might think this is paranoid. I've done enough research to know what's in the pipeline. Jo Cox, whether aware of it or not, was very much a part of this.

I never used to think about being a white person. To even ponder it seemed somehow distasteful. In the recent years I was forced to think about my identity by ever increasing levels of ridicule, blame and shaming for things I had no connection with. Now my whole family, including my baby son are supposed to share some collective guilt for murky areas of world history. Again, Jo Cox was very much a part of this thinking.

The idea that 'we' meaning the whole world, should all think collectively is perhaps the heart of the single most evil ideology created. We're taught to fear Fascism, despite the fact that the greatest slaughter in the history of mankind was carried out by the left. The Bolsheviks murdered 30 million ethnic Russians brutally in the name of peace and love and togetherness....and most importantly, collectivism.

I'm very careful when I think about that what 'we' should and shouldn't do because if history is to be taken as an example, any attempt to include the entire world in any way of thinking ALWAYS foreshadows violence on an appalling scale against those who refuse to take part.

And then we're told violence isn't the answer. Sadly, history shows that once discussion has failed, violence is always the answer. Whoever wins with violence wins totally. The British establishment is currently gearing up to treat its own people like the enemy. Jo Cox was part of this establishment and any respect they had for her means nothing to me.

In short, with her politics Jo Cox made herself an enemy of myself, of my family, of most of my friends and of any people who share my values. Passively, and in the name of collectivism, she was prepared to do violence against all of us. I don't care that she's dead. I don't care about the feelings of her husband who shared her values. It is a tragedy for her children but to mourn for two children I have never met in a world of tragedy would be hypocritical. It would be publicly signalling my virtue.

These issues are not always as simple as a flat, monotone 'Me' or 'We'....
