@enchantedspirit - you've given considerable thought to your reply, and that I appreciate very much. I apologise if it has seemed that I've ignored your reply, but in fact I've committed considerable time contemplating the possible benefits and ramifications of this approach, in fact I've spent the last several days debating my action based on it, and that has turned out for the very best, which reason you will read shortly;
Your approach is innately very closely aligned with my own: I cherish the openly transparent and self evident. However, I know this particular individual to be quite proud and highly reactive, as such a frontal approach, no mater how well intentioned, would result in the opposite outcome to that which is desired (least harm, maximum benefit).
As you can imagine, this has presented a very complicated and nuanced scenario;
- I know something I should not
- I am possessed of the means to positively influence the outcome
- Doing so would cause unwanted offense, and malign any agency of positive influence
This is precisely why I reached out to members of the steemit community - those with no vested interest, those who may respond without concern of offending me, the completely raw and impartial point o view.
And I'm glad I did.
The replies I received not only reinforced my ethics, they gave me the pause for consideration necessary to delay intervention until... well;
As it turns out, I received info just a few hours ago that this individual has now regained a modicum of independent mobility, enough that they are able to dress themselves (albeit with some labor) and have been provided with an electrically powered mobility aid. As anyone with experience in Independent Living can attest, independent locomotion and execution of will play a massive role in self determination. These in turn play a cyclical psycho-somatic role in in decision making.
To which end: I believe this individual will soon reach out to others, at the least verbally, to express their current condition, at which point others are able to step in a-la "the grape vine", and as such shall I.
I'm very grateful for your considered response, thank you for thinking so sincerely of someone you don't know, have never met, but caring about the fate of who you may never encounter.
It speaks volumes of your character.
"A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.""
I AM SO GLAD to read that this situation seems to be improving, as least insofar as it can for now. I appreciate that dealing with proud and volatile personalities can be its own "tough situation." (I grew up with people like that!!!) I also know about delays in responding because of real life concerns. However much it would be convenient sometimes, we can't be in 8 places at once. (If we could be, I would be.)
I appreciate, too, how much this matter has affected you. I can truthfully say I have thought about you and this issue several times a day since I read it. I hope life continues to move in a better, more empowering direction for your friend. Sometimes, too, accepting the reality of the situation -- especially such a life-changing one ... takes time. Your friend is also dealing with a lot of stress and struggle, psychological as well as physical.
Both of you remain in my thoughts. Thank you so much for letting me know. Prayers may not help, but neither can they hurt ... and you have mine.
I hope you never have to write another post like this, but I must say, it was one of the most engaging experiences I've had on Steemit. Maybe one of the most thought-provoking ever -- because, as you said at the start, this was not hypothetical.
Sending <3 your way tonight. Use it wherever it's needed!
“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” ~ Mary Oliver
- Mary Oliver
I have little repose or response for such candid and heartfelt disclosure, other than the words of Friedrich Nietzsche:
Thank you for such honesty, it meant a lot, and gave pause for thought, an act there is oft less time for with every passing day in these times, and more's the pity;
Asking the question here another the wonderfully supportive and encouraging community of Steemit helped extend the time- and helped you focus on other things beside the dilemma.
This is very good news. Thank you for updating us :)