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in #life6 years ago


We travelling maximum time outside of our office. Now i want to share a story with you guyz.

One day a new employee went to the HR and said .. I'm not interested in coming to the office anymore.”
The HR responded, "But why?”

Boy: There are people who do a lot of politics and talk all negative all the time. Few do gossip all the time.

The HR replied "OK, but before you go, can you do one last thing sincerely: take a full glass of water and walk three times around the office area without spilling a drop on the floor. Afterwards, leave the Office if you wish for.”

The boy thought: It's a matter of minutes for him. And he walked three times around the office floor.
Then he reached HR saying that he is done with it.

And the HR asked "When you were walking around the Office floor did you see any employee speaking badly about another Employee? Any Gossips? Any disturbances?
The Employee replied “No."*
HR: "Did you see any Employee looking at other employees in the wrong way?"
The boy said "No”
HR: "You know why?”
Boy: "No”
HR: "You were focused on the glass, to make sure you didn't tip it and spill any water. The same goes for our life. When our focus is on our priorities, our work, our targets, we don't have time to see the mistakes of others.”

Moral of the story: "Concentrate on your priorities and not on other's mistakes.”
