There are a few things I would like to add if you let me. I agree that happiness is the choice, but why can not be happy in every circumstance? So if this is a choice why do not we make this choice? I think the answer to this problem lies in the meaning that we give to happiness. In other words, we give more importance to happiness and satisfaction than necessary. I believe that sadness is as perfect as hapiness. I think fear is also a perfect mechanism. Actually, I believe that correct and wise behavior is not always being happy, but always balanced. I resteemed this post. Thanks for the lore full of wisdom.
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I believe that we all should be in touch with our feelings and that include sadness as well. But after being sad, we need to move on. Happiness to me is the attitude which even if something bad happens, but I am able to see something good out of it, I am able to move on, instead of being stuck in a rut.