Abysses ... they apart worlds forever, it's already such an abyss, a crack that you should not even stand next to, it's dangerous, you can get lost in it, people get such abysses because they just became different and not useful to each other for as much as they can cause each other only harm ... and standing on such different coasts, waiting for someone to think of one way to cross to the other coast, you can lose a lot of time, you need some kind of action, and it only remains to go forward on your coast, who knows where the border of this abyss ... It can be there, in front and there is a bridge ... a bridge across the chasm ...
Sometimes there is no choice, you just need to open yourself up to a person or to this world, and let it be, it can not be worse. To believe or not is the person's choise only, but if the person is strong and in harmony with his opinion, he is not torn to pieces from doubts, then opening and trusting means to believe in yourself ... Open people are primarily honest with themselves, they do not falsify neither with people nor with themselves ... Or if they are eaten by doubt, this is some kind of discordance of the internal state, they can not listen to their desires, they do not understand and do not allow to themselves, which means that to others too ...

you are a awesome photographer📷👍
Спасибо, приятно слышать :)
in life we must have a unified principle and determination in determining direction@nearbid
Your pictures are great, so aslo is that beautiful writeup of abysses because i can relate to it . been there before
@nearbird your thoughts are good to promote a good life style
Wonderful pictures for such weather as now!
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