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RE: Life In North Korea Vs South Korea: My Visual Comparison After Visiting Them Both

in #life6 years ago

I don't think people realize how amazing N. Korea is given the fact that the US and other countries have imposed crippling sanctions on them for over 50 years. What they have managed to build is nothing short of astounding.

Now, before people start talking trash about "dictator" this and "tyrant" that. Remember the countries the US supports and allies with. None of them are much better. In fact, I could ramble off a few that are far worse. I could also mention the fact that the US has more people jail, per capita, than N. Korea does. Stew on that for a bit. To be blunt, these sanctions have nothing to do with "helping" N. Korea's people or "spreading democracy". They are in place to enrich a select few and keep their power structures in tact.

What you have shown, is what the N. Koreans have been able to achieve despite all of this. I think they deserve far more credit than most folks give them. I think N. Korea looks amazing and wish to visit some day.