How to react to someone moody

in #life9 years ago

We all face some adversity and daily events we have a little more moody and even aggressive moments. However, there are people whose standard of living is this ... a constant irritation, the act of always being on defense because they think they are always being 'attacked', among others.

Verbal aggression arises when there is a conflict in which one feels the need to protect their own interests or to gain something else. Nevertheless, there are also bad situations resolved that a stronger temperament, do trigger some irritation and aggression.
The reasons for someone to be aggressive with others may be several ... someone extremely proud that feel better than others, someone provided with a more explosive temperament and have not yet learned to control and moderate way of expressing emotions there are those who like to always be right and prove that they are good at everything, insecure people who often do not know they are, etc ... I will leave some tips to learn to deal with people with this temperament gender so that also avoid entering a stress and strain situation. Nothing like a wise approach to the aggressive feel understood and encouraged to discuss something with calm and reason.

  • Do not put more fuel on the fire! If the idea is to try to calm the person and not to proceed with the situation, do not argue or counter attack. Argument is to refute weaknesses other speech and counter the same, so refrain;
  • Never say the phrase 'Be quiet!' in the heat of an argument;
    Keep a direct gaze and a firm expression showing that you are aware of what is being said.
  • Not evert eyes or show that is getting uninterested and impatient. Should express verbally and hand movement that is attentive. In the path, you should keep your calm voice and lower than usual. This tends to the other begin to lowering its tone;
  • You can question the person and try to clarify the matter, but comprehensively. For example, ask what happened, trying to understand why the aggression, etc ... be aware that demonstrate that it is interested in hearing this can calm the other party. Nevertheless, you must paraphrase and summarize what he was told;
  • Try to scrutinize the discourse and try to find things that the person may even be right. Discuss these and try to empathize with the feelings of others, it simply says that realize why certain behavior and you can imagine how the person must have felt.
  • Take a broader view of the issue, that is, ask if the person wants to hear what you have to say. Often there are facts that may not have come to the surface;
  • Question and piece of advice about what the person thinks would help improve the situation in question;
  • If the situation is unmanageable, unsustainable and exhausting for you put limits or gender range, for example "You better continue tomorrow when you are calmer," "If you continue to speak up I'm out of here", "I am willing to talk when you calm down and you want to talk calmly and rationally "and quit.