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RE: Decisions! Trying to Make Things Happen or Embracing Faith in the Process

in #life7 years ago

english version below

J'ai heureusement pu lire ton post grâce à @fun-along-theway. Dans ton post, les mots et les idées coulent doucement en moi et font résonner tout un tas de pensées, de souvenirs et de défis actuels. Je me reconnaît dans tes paroles. Mon père dit toujours que les synchronicités et la chance ne sont que la rencontre d'une opportunité et d'une décision. Qu'il faut connaître nos besoin réel, nos valeurs, nos rêves mais qu'il ne faut jamais faire de suppositions sur la façon dont ils se manifesteront dans nos vies. Nous comprendrons en temps et lieu, rien n'arrive pour rien. Merci pour ce beau partage. Tu as été entendu! <3

Thankfully, I was able to read your post thanks to @fun-along-theway. In your post, words and ideas flow gently through me and make a whole bunch of thoughts, memories and challenges resonate in me. I recognize myself in your words. My father always says that synchronicity and luck are only the encounter of an opportunity and a decision. That we need to know our real needs, our values, our dreams but that we must never make assumptions about how they will manifest themselves in our lives. We will understand in time and place, nothing happens for nothing. Thank you for this beautiful sharing. You have been heard! <3


Oooohhhhh...I love your comment @nature.sauvage. Your father is a wise man and I agree with what he shares. You are both blessed to have each other to share such great introspection and to toss around these important matters. Thank you @fun-along-theway for connecting me with @nature.sauvage. It seems we have much to share. Blessings to you @nature-sauvage.

Blessings to you too!