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RE: Beaver Patrol

in #lifelast year

I was most impressed by, may I say, restraint and almost subtlety of the use of the word 'beaver', an animal put on earth by god to provide mirth and merriment to men of a certain age. This could have easily turned into a Chubby Brown fest, but no, humour that even the most wyke, left wing, right-on comedian would have enjoyed!

Did you go on this trip simply to write a post, I wonder? Lol

That tree though, was it a set up? It looked like someone had borrowed the MiL's favourite machete and hacked around it! How big teeth do these buggers have?

If I were the Scottish forestry commission I wouldn't know whether to flog off the machinery or employ the Mil!


Did you go on this trip simply to write a post, I wonder? Lol

Hahaha, you know when I saw the sign the first thing I thought was, this will be magic for a post!

You should have seen some of the other trees, they were mental. From the looks of the gnawing you would think that beavers were like sabre tooth tigers!

It was so close to being a Chubby Brown fest, had to hold it all in desperately. Iwonder if he is still alive?