My Simple, Perfect Mother's Day

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It started when my sweetheart came home with this:

The reason this is so special is because whatever is wrong with me causes my muscles to spasm and ache like crazy. You can put your hand on my lower back and feel it twitch all over. (For more details, please read my post about my life changing diagnosis.) My left leg and back are in constant pain and I have trouble sleeping as a result. Also because of how I'm feeling, I wasn't comfortable going out in public because I have to limp when I walk and I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

While I pitifully moaned and groaned on the couch, John turned the first picture into this:

After my bath I got some much needed sleep from about 9 in the morning until 4 in the evening.

When I woke up, I still wasn't feeling well enough to go to a restaurant, so we went to Papa Murphy's and brought home a couple pizzas to bake. They were soo yummy - especially the stuffed pizza!

The Chicago stuffed pizza:

Papa's Favorite:

Then we took our baby to the mini playground downstairs at our apartment complex. She had so much fun!
I know I should have been in these, but the way I felt was reflecting my appearance so I let John have the spotlight. Oh and please excuse our apartment complex - I'm still trying to figure out what dumb ass thought red and green were a good idea.

The night ended with me cuddling my kitty and watching "Why Him?" with James Franco and Bryan Cranston. It was pretty funny if you like innappropriate comedies. 😊

After the movie I took a muscle relaxer and slept great; I felt so much joy this morning while my little Ruby slept in my lap:

I'm probably the easiest woman to please on the planet, but John goes out of his way for me for every holiday even when we've got very little money, which is the case pretty often. He understands that I don't feel good, that I don't want to see strangers and have to pretend to feel good, and instead of accepting it and letting me lie around all day he still did what he could to make me smile.

I love my family so much! I'm hoping to be in higher spirits when we reach a diagnosis so I can be the mother and spouse I dream of being. My family is so great to me and so deserving of enless love.


I love everything about our simple celebrations. ❤


That does sound like a perfect day! I love what he did with the bath. Nice work, John! Thanks for sharing your story and the lovely pics!

Thank you soo much!

thank u for ur family story.

wow Really should be perfect day for you and your family :)

It absolutely was!!! Thank you!!