Tip for a successful date : Just be your shitty self. No matter how hard you'll try to impress people, in a long run they will figure out your truly self. Eventually, doesn't matter how good or bad you are, you will find your lost piece of heart.
Tip for a successful date : Just be your shitty self. No matter how hard you'll try to impress people, in a long run they will figure out your truly self. Eventually, doesn't matter how good or bad you are, you will find your lost piece of heart.
Are simple rules of etiquette, being courteous to a woman. Thank you for comment. You have a good weekend, greetings from Argentina. The land of good meat, good wine and good football.
oh, Argentina. I have relatives in Argentina. Super. Greetings from other side of the world - Lithuania :)
Lithuania :) really good basket and really good food. And brave warriors. Have a nice day.
I have relatives in Italy and Spain. My family came from there before the Civil war of Spain and the 2WW in Italy.