It is the eighth child at 72 years old! A 29 years old lover becomes pregnant

in #life8 years ago

When Melanie ham Rick (29) of former ballerina became pregnant in a vocal of British rock band "rolling stone", lovers of Mick Jagger (72), the plural media such as U.S. entertainment magazine "people" reported it. I become the eighth child for "the legend of the rock world" becoming 73 years old on this month 26. A girl becoming a great-grandchild is born in 2014 and I make a great-grandfather and am the rare case called the daddy.
Mick gained daughter Jade with the girl Kay squirrel which the Marsha hunting of the singer delivered in 70 as a start between first official wife, Bianca jaguar (71) in 71. There are seven children from 45 years old including four born between "ancestor supermodel" Jerry Hall (60) who was the partner for more than 20 years to 17 years old afterwards.
In May, Ron Wood of the guitarist gets twin girls at 68 years old in co-workers of Stones and called for a topic, but is the appearance that showed off further "dignified presence". (Sports Nippon)