I come back here with this very interesting challenge, I love it. Today I have to talk about my favorite quote.
It was very easy to identify what it was, in fact I have it on my hive wall.
Discipline is remembering what you want.
David Campbell
I believe that with discipline we can achieve many things. But sometimes it's hard to be disciplined, we start giving ourselves silly excuses for not being consistent and we stop being disciplined.
But if we are clear that we have a goal, something that we are passionate about, that we love and constantly remember that goal, no matter how difficult it is, we are going to achieve it.
That's why I love that phrase, because remembering what we want, It makes us act. As we begin to visualize our dreams come true, to fantasize that it is possible, we will get excited again and this will give us the necessary energy to continue.
I do not know what goals you currently have, if it is to learn a language, travel to a place, lose weight... With discipline you can do it.
What is it to be disciplined?
Being disciplined for me means not giving up no matter how tired you are, it means being constant, for example if you are exercising, take it seriously and do it at least five times a week.
A disciplined person does not postpone what he has to do, he does it at once. It is doing everything we have to do to carry out our goals, meet the schedule, make an effort and not only that, do it in the best possible way.
It is not worth doing things reluctantly, being mediocre is not being disciplined, we must seek excellence.
Is it difficult to be disciplined? Yes, but it's worth it.
Vuelvo aquí con este desafío tan interesante, me encanta. Hoy me toca hablar sobre mi cita favorita. Fue muy fácil identificar cual era, de hecho la tengo en mi muro de hive. Es la siguiente:
Disciplina es recordar lo que quieres..
David Campbell
Creo que con la disciplina podemos lograr muchas cosas. Pero a veces es difícil ser disciplinado, comenzamos a darnos excusas tontas para no ser constantes y dejamos de ser disciplinado.
Pero si tenemos claro que tenemos un objetivo, algo que nos apasiona, que amamos y recordamos esa meta constantemente no importa que tan difícil sea vamos a lograrla. Por eso me encanta esa frase, porque es recordar lo que queremos lo que nos hace actuar.
Al comenzar a visualizar nuestros sueños hechos realidad, a fantasear con que sea posible, nos emocionaremos de nuevo y esto nos dará el impulso necesario para seguir.
No sé qué metas tengas actualmente, si es aprender un idioma, viajar a un lugar, perder peso. Con disciplina puedes lograrlo.
¿Qué es ser disciplinado?
Ser disciplinado para mí significa no rendirse sin importar que cansado estés, significa ser constantes, por ejemplo si estás haciendo ejercicio tomártelo en serio y hacerlo al menos cinco veces a la semana.
Una persona disciplinada no posterga lo que tiene que hacer, lo hace de una vez.
Es hacer todo lo que tenemos que hacer para llevar a cabo nuestros objetivos, cumplir con el horario, esforzarse y no solo eso, hacerlo de la mejor manera posible.
No vale hacer las cosas de mala gana, ser mediocre no es ser disciplinado, debemos buscar la excelencia.
¿Es difícil ser disciplinado? Sí, pero vale la pena.
This challenge has been very interesting, I invite you to participate..
Thanks for reading me. The first and second picture were created on canvas.