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RE: Jealousy - Wasted emotions

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Ahh, i have been talking this to many and you are very few of those who has come in agreement ... most of them didnt even tried to understand it ... and the biggest problem is there are 95 % of them ...

Yeah Nature vs Nurture ...

Like animals we were thought to survive ... but its supposed to be Thrive ...

I tired thinking rationally but we have a system which is screwed to a limit that it cannot be repaired ... A radical solution which is a total redesign of our civilization is the only solution .

try checking @thevenusproject

all my life i tried thinking and providing solutions for the problems i have faced and by the people around me ...

Thevenusproject striked me as the best solution ever given to mankind ...


Yeah, it is a topic so deep that many people might not understand the full extent of it. Anyways, we can only hope to create awareness for the same.

As far as change, I believe that we human can bring about a massive change if we truly want it and if we truly work together for it.


Very true ... There are straight solutions ... but humans are always afraid of change and can't accept it till they are forced or manipulated most of the times ... Advertising is one thing which worked big time ... by repetition humans believe anything as thinking is little difficult for us than believing ...