Two months ago I went to a motivational lecture. You can never have enough motivational stuff. The lecturer was a Slovene Aleksander Šinigoj, who not only has lectures in Slovenia but also in other countries as well. He spoke about The law of attraction, that in his opinion has a major role in our lives, and the masters of manifestation.
I will mention the main things that Dr. Šinigoj told and described.
The law of attraction in practice
faith, thoughts => vibration (=feeling) => action => results => faith, thoughts ...
everything we see was first a thought; everybody has some thoughts
for example the chair: someone has first visualized it and then made ithow are you feeling, when you think about a thought you have?
if you feel happy and excited about the thought and your vibration is good you should =>go into action and realize it and =>
the results will come
if you have negative thoughts you fall into a negative spiral
if you have good vibrations and the results are not in the sight yet you fall into a negative spiral as well
if you are depressed, you will attract depressed people and
if you are happy, you will attract happy people
=> and that is how the law of attraction works
Invest time, money and energy in yourself. Go on Podcast and search it, you can learn many new things there and also on YouTube. Go into libraries, where you can find many great ideas for free and put them into practice. Every day read or listen at least half an our.
What would you like to create? You have to have the result(s) in front of you. => Visionboard
If you have questions about something, ask the people who master their matter and do their stuff very good. Watch and observe them.
How can I be (even) better?
2 key ingredients of the law of attraction
-positive psychology
-excellent strategy
=> it's better to have only one project at once than to have many
Where are we now? | Where are we going? |
blockades | freedom |
fears | peace |
uncleaned relationships | inspiring relationship |
unwanted career | wanted career |
not enough money | more than enough money |
bad health | good health, full of life energy |
feeling without real will | life with meaning or purpose |
He spoke also about the masters of manifestation. Who are they? They are people, that on a very quick, easy and excellent way manifest the things they want. We think here about money, career, relationships, health, family, children, achievements, happiness, love, magical moments, …
S1: they know how to deliberately use their thoughts
- all my passwords are my goals => you have to program your mind
- you can't skip some things
- you want a child but you don't even have a partner
- enjoy your life to the end of your life
- be grateful
- you can change your decisions
S2: they know how to deliberately change their emotional state
- from the negative state to the positive
- you have to listen to your body, your instinct-intuition and yourself
- teach the children how to be happy; you can also show them, how things go bad for you
S3: they constantly care about the food of thoughts and excellent strategies
- when you get a negative comment, you should think about it
- write down the things that you want to accomplish
- write down the things that you want to improve
- where will you be in 2023 (after five years-a typical question)?
S4: they have a mentor
- Who is a mentor?
- Somebody who started from the bottom and has something to show today
- They go over the border
- you can have virtual mentors
- ask the entrepreneurs, if you don't have money, how they succeeded
- the people want to tell their stories, how they succeeded, but others don't want to listen
- go into action
S5: Big WHY which keeps them to the end
- practice is the biggest teacher
Some great things he also said among others (I already know most of them but still don't follow them like I should):
Today we should do something different, that we haven't done before.
You have to be sincerely grateful for the things from other people.
- Someone is very successful or somebody has done a task very fast => Don't envy them. Instead of that you should congratulate them and ask them, how did they manage to be so successful or to do that so quickly.
Good emotional state: If you MAKE DECISIONS in that state, they can be the best ones.
Bad emotional state: DO NOT MAKE DECISIONS, because they will very likely be the bad ones and you don't want that.
You are your worst enemy. If you have bad thoughts, then you are f**ked.
Give space to new ideas.
Change yourself to change the world.
Every morning when we wake up we have a new opportunity to start something new or again.
Life says no, therefore you have to pick up new paths and keep walking forward.
Nothing can stop you, except your thoughts.
You have to have a new way of thinking =>

Einstein's thought about solving the problems
- do something for yourself (read, listen, watch)
- do 1 step further => go to action!
- each day write down daily goals and try to accomplish at least 10 of them => test that for 30 days and see the difference

There is always the first step