I agree and disagree with this article. I agree that machines will make jobs that once needed human operators obsolete. However, i think human beings will evolve with that and simply move to the area of jobs where they are needed. LIke the shoemaker. No one makes shoes by hand like that anymore. However, they now move their skills to where demand is needed and focus there.
Also, machine technology will be integrated with human biology. So it's not so much we'll be replaced by machines. We'll be the machines at some point. As this integration will become cheaper and able to be used by everybody. If we think of it like a comic book story like iron man. We may be some merge of the machine with the ai applying it and being part of the task.
Exoskeletons now use a combination of the machine processor and human mind together. So a type of merger of two minds if you will. So i dont think it will lead to destruction of the ability of man to make a living or the breakdown of modern society. I believe we'll have a symbiotic relationship with machines both literal and not.