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RE: What It Feels Like Having A Porn Addiction As A Woman PT.2

in #life8 years ago

Haha.. yea not knowing is not so bad. No conflict.. you're free. no battle in your head. I just wanted to say to something you mentioned that i thought was important. If a person has a nonjudgmental attitude towards you or vice versa.

That doesn't mean you should be in a physical or romantic relationship with them. I think some people confuse both. I've had male friends go well i did everything right. I've treated this person well in this particular manner. They aren't interested. Not everyone fits or works well together in sexual expression.

It doesn't mean anything negative about you or them just because you dont fit. If there is no sexual chemistry then it won't be an enjoyable sexual experience. So i just think its important we understand that just because we can have good sex with someone that maybe even is a jerk ,lol... That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with us.

You just have good sexual energy with the person. I want to have sex with alot of jerks lol. That doesn't mean that's bad just because you fit someone sexually in that type of relationship. Some people just have sex with people and have relationships almost soley based on that. I dont think that's wrong unless the people involved believe there is a problem. So no i can have a nonjudgmental attitude towards everyone without being in a relationship with them lol.


hahah I love that, having a nonjudgmental attitude towards everyone without being in a relationship with them. Some people have different needs and especially through sexual energy. Its one of the biggest things in a relationship that I feel like must connect. Sexual energy and communication. Without those, I feel like there is a huge lack of understanding the person and the person will go somewhere else. And like you said, some people just don't fit and that is okay!