A yellow bike 捡了一辆车

in #life8 years ago

Internet technology is more and more developed, and many applications have been popular in the city a large area, a taxi, car rental, WeChat, etc. I go out with No wallet, Brush micro letter, refueling can also be WeChat payment, the same highway to support WeChat payment, running in the morning next to the road, casually visible these small yellow car, from the Apple store to download an APP, pay 1 yuan Can ride away, the next ten year there is any innovation, creativity can change our lives, of course, is BTC, 1 BTC = 1 Villa House :)

互联网的技术是越来越发达了,许多应用已经在城市大面积普及了,打车,租车,微信等等,让中国人一下子消费提升了一个等级,我现在出门身上不带钱包,餐馆吃饭可以刷微信,加油同样可以微信支付,高速公路同样支持微信支付, 早上跑步在道路旁,随便可见这些小黄车,从苹果商店下载一个APP,支付1元钱就可以把车骑走了,未来十年还有什么创新,创意能改变我们的生活, 当然是BTC了, 一币换一套别墅呀


good post. but i didn't understand the last part. still upvoted and following you do the same if you want to see some good article.

I heard about the emergence of ride-sharing startups in China, it's interesting to see someone actually use them and their perspective on them from within the country. Have they become really popular around where you are?


There are nine-million bicycles in Beijing :)