Urgent massage from your body

in #life8 years ago

Imagine you known a million-dollars race horse ,a horse worth one million dollar ,would you that horse stay up all night?Work all day, drink alcohol,smoke cigarette and eat junk food?No?Okay......would you treat a twenty dollar dog like that? How about a two dollar cat like that?No?

Well why do you treat me like that?oh,Hi!!! its your body here!.let me reintroduce myself . I am the home that you've lived in. surely you remember we grew up together so i am writing this letter because i feel neglected in this relationship very disappointed what i have been seeing with your ambition to make money you sacrifice my well being which make no sense in the least because when i get sick you sacrifice that same money to recuperate me...whats even more ironic is with all your interest in profit you cant even see the truth that i am worth over a billion dollars dont believe me ? Okay i will prove it ..... if someone came to you with million dollar check and said "here- all i want in return your eye sight " you will never be able to see another sun set for rest of your life would take that deal.Okay lets up the bid spouse have check for ten million dollars instead and if you accept it you will no longer have use of your arms or legs would you take that deal ?

I can answer that for you NO....

those are silly option that you know that as your body, I am worth over a billion dollars and dont get me started with the heart
i mean....if i am company,right?This heart wouldnt get "employee of the month"it would get the employee life.Through out your entire existence as person,your never stops working ! even if you are sleeping it dont stop beating every second! And come to thing of it i cant even recall you ever saying thanks. Anyway,i dont want this come out rude. Just ask little attention here dude i know you are try me to look perfect when you are instagarmming but we both know that you been taking me for granted :(

After reading this passage take some time by yourself just you and me place your hand on your chest and say "thank you" to your heart beat ,to your eys,legs,arms,to your lungs that bring you breath without you even trying.


This one of the longest and beautiful posts I have ever read.

Thanks you for sharing. @muiz