I'm very sorry about your dad and that your friend responded so coldly to your phone call :(
I've just come to the conclusion over the years that many, maybe most, friendships are situational. Break whatever common bond holds you together and with that glue gone, the friendship dissolves. I learned that lesson young due to being a "military child"...we'd move, and I'd write and write, and not get responses. Once I was gone I was forgotten. I have a very few friends now that are the type that I can go years without speaking to, but if we were to get together we'd pick right back up. Those are few and far between though.
Thanks for the vote of sympathy. It really was quite shocking, although it did give me an even more rugged attitude towards calling someone for help. Although I have never since been tempted to call someone in a situation like that, if I ever was, I suspect a little "Clint Eastwood" voice would pop in.
"You want some daisies too, buttercup?!! How about some nicely scented candles??!"