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RE: On Not Becoming a Mother

in #life7 years ago

I understand what a difficult and painful process this must have been for you. My aunt (who is more like a big sister, she's only 4 yrs older than me) and her husband went through three rounds of IVF. It didn't work. I offered to be an egg donor, and that's when I found out I wouldn't be able to conceive naturally either. Their doctor had a terrible bedside manner too. He let me know in front of my husband, aunt, and uncle that if I ever decided to have children I would need to use donated eggs. My husband and I didn't plan on having children, but to know that I no longer had a choice in the matter was heartbreaking.


Three rounds.... jeez. It is hard to know when to stop. If we’d had insurance for it we probably would have tried again, but sadly only a few tech companies seem to provide that kind of insurance.

That is incredibly generous of you to have offered to be a donor. What a terrible way to find out about your own fertility though!

Doctor’s are so intellectually intelligent, but the emotional intelligence isn’t always there. It’s a shame.

Thank you for sharing your story. So many people don’t. I think it can be so isolating to keep it all bottled inside.
