alanajoy39 · 3 hours ago Outright plagiarism.
This was your post minus the link. I would think someone that wants to talk about hate. May want to rethink their communications to people and take a kinder approach. I would think you would come off a lot more kind after reading something like your post now. It's interesting when you start to see a persons "persona" and their " true character".
How is this plagiarism? Can you prove it? If not you shouldn't be making allegations. Not cool.
How about proof I didn't plagiarize... I first posted this on my blog in August:
See that domain? That's my name. That's my post. Cross-posting is not plagiarizm. I don't even know who this person is!
Boom! I'd upvote you but my steem is gone. I was too enthusiastic this week. I'm learning.....
I didn't realize that's how it works. So once your steam is gone it doesn't let you upvote anymore?
Ooh I gave you a penny! Yeah, I was upvoting and while the arrow turned blue, the amount was zero.
Haha well thank you for the penny! I honestly like the upvote more than the penny. "Penny for your thoughts" is literal, now! ;)
And the accusation comes from someone who doesn't have a single original thought on his blog. FFS.
lmao, you people! alanajoy doesn't even remember her own comments. So to upvote her is to show support for ignorance at its finest, and a complete hypocrite when it comes she tries to portray herself. I'm happy see feels the need to lie to her "audience" to gain follows and upvotes. this article is not the one I was even talking about. But renoDakota upvote on pure lack of understanding and what's going on shows the audience and minnows you try and attract. Lead your lemmings. The origin was a post that was resubmitted by someone not resteemed ( the person was less than 24 hr on steemit). let's drive people away because of your shitty attitude. Great Idea! I felt it was rude. who the hell flips someone off on social here lmao. sad when someone feels the need. but hey its what you support. Then to create a second account to help upvote your own posts, lame!. I will be looking into that. I think it's criminal if you have to creat an account just to upvote your own posts. your only devaluing steemit
I do not have a second account. You are truly crazy and I wish I could block you.
Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by alanajoy.
how is this not a second account?
#minnowsupportproject is a community of over 1900 minnows helping minnows to grow on this platform with the help and support of several whales and dolphins. One benefit of membership is an upvote bot and that is what has been used here.
Please get your facts straight before throwing around accusations
something i just seen about minnow
People used to register with #minnowsupportproject and authorize to upvote on their behalf. The voting percentages used to be at least 20 % and mostly beyond 50 or even 75 %. However, due to negligible vote value of minnows ($0.00-0.02 for a 100 % vote) before the Hard Fork 19, the monetary gains were also not much considerable.
You are truly stupid. It is a community for new people, I did not make it. Do you READ? If you spent half as much time bothering to create content as you are monitoring everything I do, you might have more than 10 followers or a ranking more than 27. Go scratch!
by alanajoy sound to me like you. does it not? when it says BY ALANAJOY.
As for Followers, a 72 hr profile woo hoo and 9 followers. I'm not out searching and offering free steem and follows. I for one don't care how many followers I have because I don't base my knowledge and popularity off a social site. I don't need followers to reassure me that I'm doing a good job or any job for that matter.
This is 100% MY writing. This is NOT plagiarized. And nothing I said here is at all unkind, yet your comment is. I've never interacted with you before for you to accuse me of persona vs. character. I am me, and these are MY words.
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
You can't plagiarize yourself. Go troll elsewhere.
much hate in this one yes?