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RE: The Last Cut

in #life6 years ago

lol yeah I prefer the hot dry climate to cold and moody. hehe, I grew up in San Jose California, and we had a lot of rainy days from November thru March. Nowhere near as bad as like Seattle, or of course the UK. Drought conditions in the past have given the Cali folks more sun too, but in general they have amazing weather there in the Bay Area where I grew up. It is so darn expensive, I won't ever move back. lol My parents still live in the ole Taylor homestead I grew up in. Now it is worth a fortune. haha


It's funny how that can happen. My friends parents stay in the same old house he grew up in. It was quite rundown in a rundown area. Then about fifteen years ago the are started becoming hip. Now the house is worth a ridiculous amount of money!

Yes it is way funny how that can happen. One thing my parents has going for it, although it was built in the mid-60s, it sits on a quarter acre lot in the suburbs of San Jose. I think they bought it for like 24k, then built a few additions, a family room and master bedroom, each addition cost nearly that amount. They then redid their kitchen in 1998 and it cost nearly that amount. haha but they could sell it for 1.7 million now.....crazy right?

That is nuts, smashing nuts though!

lol tell me about it! lol