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RE: Taking a break for 24 hours.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Man! Nice to read your post!

Its so stressful, tech- especially if you dislike it, but need it (just for now to learn on crypto , and invest ) for future financial freedoms and financial backup.

This post is great because of the example of the woman you speak of, and I see it just in the general public how sad everyones looking compared to 15 years back.
But hey, someone took a decade to design smart phones, so I guess they are perfectly designed exactly how the government wants them as a tool. Distraction from the corruption, and self hypnosia from pixels lol. That dam film, Idiocracy is on its way to be a reality. Imagine then when everyones jobless, there will be whole nations of people who were once ALIVE and living moments of life, but who know are stuck on a screen.

24 hours is a bit short, but better than nothing lol :P


Yes, it is the general public now. I do mindfulness exercises where I just walk around and observe my surroundings while leaving the devices turned off.

It's astounding what I witness.

I believe as well, this is all by design. The pleasure center of the brain is being bombarded by many aspects of the tech, and this sets the perfect foundation for addiction.

I read your comment right after you posted it, but decided not to answer until I was done with my break. I also watched Idiocracy the same night as part of my relaxation/disconnect. It's funny as all hell, and totally feasible as a theory. I really enjoyed it, thanks for piquing my interest!

Yeah, 24 hours isn't very long. I ended up breaking for a couple days though, only creating one short post yesterday. So, I cheated a little, but compared to my normal volume, it was a break lol.

I believe as well, this is all by design. The pleasure center of the brain is being bombarded by many aspects of the tech, and this sets the perfect foundation for addiction.

We are on the same thinking page I guess :) Mindfullness exercises are just paradise. I take the bus to the city for 30 mins each way most days and find whilst on the bus, I could either do what everyone else does, look at a device or think - and both are causing stress the stress in life - or I can let the mind go blank and feel so fresh after and grounded :)

Using social media also strengthens the ego which is devastating and then we have physical injury's from the neck from looking at the screens, or back whilst slouching at the PC.. It must be all completely orchestrated because the multiple negative things that lets say a smartphone alone can create.. physical injury, addictions, anxiety, eventually depression.. the list goes on as I'm sure your aware!

I got my first smartphone two years back or not even when I came to Norway, and for one reason only- for dating apps as this country is just sociably retarded hahahha.. And then since falling in love with Crypto I find myself with a Binance app addiction! Its great not to have to hold it all the dam time like I see people do in the streets or on the bus, they have a moment of no thought and the mind is instant, the eye brows perk up and they whip the phone out to message someone.

Constant mind stimulation.

Anyway.. Good on you for not replying even straight away, I did think about that lol. Meditation even open eyed mindfulness activity's are what keeps people sane- keep it up man!

Will keep an eye out for your future posts :) waiting for the esteem upgrade to happen and ill download the app again!