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RE: Dealing With Offense

in #life6 years ago

If you are offended, it says more about you that it does
the person who offended you. If I say something to you,
something that you find offensive, it is not my words
that offend you. My words are nothing more than
vibrations travelling through the air. It is absurd that
a vibration could offend you. I do not know anybody
who is offended by the vibrations that come from the
sun (light). It is not the words that offend you, it is the meaning
you derive from those words. I produce the vibrations,
and you decide what the vibrations mean, and if you decide
that the vibrations mean you should be offended, then it
is your fault that you are offended. If I say something
deeply offensive to you in a language you cannot understand,
you cannot be offended, because you cannot derive a meaning
that causes you to feel offended.
(that my two cents anyway)


That's a really interesting perspective! Thank you for sharing!