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RE: Kerosene and Coffee

in #life7 years ago

I grew up in southeastern PA and have been through several blizzards in my life - the worst I can remember was in early 1996 I believe. Shut down everything for 3 days, including the steel mill where I worked. THAT was a big deal as they never wanted to shut down melting and annealing furnaces due to the high cost of restarting them. Anyway, we made it through unscathed and with a bit more respect for Mother Nature.

I'm in Texas now, and despite sub-freezing weather for the past three days, there's no snow. Instead we had a hurricane a few months back.

In Thailand (where I lived for 6 years) it was yearly rainy season flooding, and one year (2012 I believe) the flooding was so severe that areas of the country were covered in several feet of water for months. They even considered evacuating Bangkok because of the risk of it getting inundated.

Yes, Mother Nature must be respected.

Stay safe, but enjoy the beauty as well.


My wife's father worked at Bethlehem Steel, Baltimore.

They also have a location in Pennsylvania, they shut down in 96' I know they will do anything to stay open. Sometimes at the cost to their employees. Most of my side of the family is from Western PA. It still amazes me how a few hundred miles away they can get feet of snow and we sit in 50° weather.

Sounds like you have been through a ton of the beauty Mother Nature can produce and respect it as I do. That is a great thing that can save a life.

Yeah, I'm familiar with Bethlehem Steel. I've driven through the remaining shell. I worked for a company call Carpenter Technology in Reading, PA. Still a big player in the world of specialty steels (medical, aerospace, high temp, etc).

Here's what Thailand looked like in 2012 - for months.

I haven't made it much to Western PA, but I am a Steelers fan :)

WOW! That's crazy to see pictures of. Sucks to think people had to live like that for an extended period of time as well.

Glad to see a new Texan keep his Steelers roots. I'm a Titans fan so I hope to see you once more on the field this year. Playoff's look the best they have been in years.

Funny thing is no one (Thais) complained about it much. I mean it floods there every year, just usually not that bad. They simply went on with their lives. Buddhist mindset and human adaptability I suppose.

Playoffs are looking awesome, and I haven't really been able to watch for the past six years so I'm pretty stoked. Titans gotta get past the Chiefs at home first.

That show's the best of the human condition. They just work with what they have. Doesn't change the fact that it sucks looking at the pictures but gives me a deeper respect for those who do that.

I am glad it is the Chief's 1st, lol

Chief's down, knock out Pat's next beat me to the punch. It was a close one though. And yes, I do hope they knock out the Pats.

Ahhhh...fucking Pat's. Maybe next year.

Isn't that what everyone who isn't a Pat's fan says, lol