That’s an amazing rainbow photo. Did you take it?
And, I agree women “don’t need a man to complete” them. However, we humans do need the soul deep connections of loving relationships between equals.
Personally, I think when we realize our completeness, when we are fully actualized in ourselves, that it’s a natural outreach to want someone with whom to share our lives. That’s when we are ready for that deeper connection in a loving relationship, when we are ready together to complement and answer the emotional needs of one another, and to build that long-lasting, forever relationship between equals which all humans so crave and romanticize.
That sounds like the ideal. I think though that the loving relationships between equals can be enjoyed in so many ways that are not about another half completing you. Friendships are beautiful when they are that.
Oh sorry, yes I did take the shot. It dropped right in the field across the road from where I was staying and in my frantic rush to get my camera all that was left by the time I was ready was this end of it in the field.